The improved home page is so much nicer than it was previously, but I think it could include a bit more information. I've been working towards expanding the home page by filling out certain item categories and creating new parent pages; I still have a ways to go but I figured I'd share my plans to see if the rest of the editors agree with the changes, or have an input.
Currently, the home page has 4 main categories: Items, Mechanics, Biomes, Bosses and NPCs. (excluding "The Game" section at the top). In my opinion, this should be adjusted to the following: Items, Placements, Ecosystem, Biomes, Skills, Mechanics, Bosses. These Categories would each include the following:
Placements (or Environment?)
Material type
Workbenches/Crafting Stations
Light sources
Natural (plants, rocks, pit decoration, garden plants)
Melee Combat
Range Combat
Dedicated server
Permanent upgrades (Health, souls, etc.)
Seasonal Events
Technical (world generation, mob spawning, etc.)
With these changes, many more topics could be easily included, making the wiki more intuitive to search through.
I think using the Terraria Wiki as something of a guide would be helpful: that game already deals with many MANY different items and categories, and I think the wiki does a fairly good job of making the pages easy to navigate.
Several notes -
Not all of these pages even exist yet. Many of them do exist but not yet in a complete or satisfying way. I'm working on these pages now.
Many of these uncreated page names could be changed, for example, pit objects and water objects should probably be categorized together, but I've still not decided on a great unifying page name yet, as the game itself doesn't really provide one.
Several existing pages should have their named change. Farming is called "gardening" in game, but this wiki page calls it farming.
Several pages need to either be expanded, or split. For example, the existing "World" page only describes the world modes, but it should either be expanded to talk about more world features, such as generation, unique scenes and biomes, or it should be renamed to "world creation" or something similar to allow for a world page dedicated to the actual world generation... at least, that's what makes sense to me. Same thing for the character page, but I've already begun to expand that one.
It sounds like Walls and grounds will possibly either become a single item in the future, or will be easily exchangeable, so maybe having separate main page in the Placement section is not wise... I guess it doesn't matter right now. I did include a "Material Type" item, which could be used for lumping different material applications together (dirt wall and dirt ground under "dirt", Sand walls, Sand ground and maybe even glass under "sand", iron armor, weapons and tools under "iron" etc.) This would include more than placement items like walls and grounds however.
Expanding on other thoughts-
The "Natural" page, which does not yet exist, (though I'm actively working towards this one) could, in my opinion, be categorized either in the Placements section or Ecosystem section. some of the items would lean more towards decoration even though they are plants (such as trees) as they don't really have any effect on the world around the; however, others, such as pit objects and gardening plants, naturally generate over time, or are interacted with by cattle. I could go either way on this one; the game sort of suggests these go into more of a placements category, but the human side of me look at a tree or bush in -game and thinks ecosystem.
The Technical page could be a parent page to topics like spawning mechanics/summoning, in addition to other things, however Spawning mechanics is probably a large enough topic to be on its own, and could easily go into the general "mechanics" category or even the Ecosystem category.
Factions could probably go in either Ecosystem or Mechanics.
Due to the existence of certain vendors (think Vending Machine) in the game that are not technically NPCs, I think a separate page for Vendors, or at least Economy, in addition to NPCs would be helpful, even if there is a large amount of overlap. Also, I, and I think a lot of people, consider the Spirit Merchant to be an NPC, even if it technically is not. We also have the Little Helperling crafting station that appears to be NPCs, but really is not, as well. Should function be prioritized over appearance, or would it be helpful if we categorized these together? I guess this is a similar thought to my "are plants decoration or part of the ecosystem" pondering...
Both the Accessories and Consumables pages could probably be broken up a bit more at this point. Potions and Explosives, for example, are so different I don't think they should be lumped together. Off-hand has enough subcategories of its own without being lumped together with Rings and such, I think that page could get broken up a bit more too. Some of the "Casting Items" could probably just be put into the Material section as well (Thread of Fate and Crystal Skull Shard for example.) These are essentially just materials that have a slightly higher function.
What this wiki currently lacks the most are pages in-between large categories (like the Placements page) and individual items. (like the Wood Table) Pages that list only 'tables' or 'offhands' etc. would make navigation easier I think.
Thoughts? I talked about a lot here, but this is sort of my intended direction moving forward. I certainly don't have seniority here, so let me know if any of these changes are undesirable. Input would be appreciated. (as would help!) I'll be making an image request post at some point: there are several images that I need that would be of better quality if they are taken directly from the game files, which I am currently unable to do.