Core Keeper Wiki
Core Keeper Wiki
Advertisement introduces the Valentine seasonal event, many quality-of-life changes, and a new rendering pipeline.


New features[]

Valentine specific[]

New items[]

  • Magic Mirror. Can be crafted at the Carpenter's Table and allows the player to change the appearance and the name of their character.
  • Mannequin. Can be crafted at the Carpenter's Table and allows the player to showcase equipment.
  • Equipment presets. Three tabs have been added to the character window allowing players to quickly swap between different equipment setups.
  • Music Workbench. Can be crafted at the Tin Workbench and allows the player to craft the following:
  • Loom. Can be crafted at the Carpenter's Table and allows the player to craft different sets of clothes. These are intended to allow more customisation using the vanity slots in the Dresser but can be equipped directly as well:
    • Wedding dress.
    • Suit.
    • Archeology clothes.
    • Cooking clothes.

New mechanics[]

  • The Ocarina has been changed into an instrument instead of a valuable and it can now also be commonly found in digging spots found in the Azeos' Wilderness Biome. The drop chance of the Dry Butterfly from digging spots has been reduced to compensate for this.
  • Workbenches now have the option to select earlier tier Workbenches in their UI to allow crafting items from those Workbenches.
  • Objects can now be rotated before placing them down instead of doing it through interaction after they have been placed down. The long-term plan is to support rotation of more objects in the game and this change is a first step towards that. The current objects that are affected by this change are: Drill, Robot Arm, Conveyor Belt, Galaxite Turret, Stone Turret, Delay Circuit, and Logic Circuit.
  • Quick trash. Added a key binding that allows players to quickly move items to the trash can. Any item already in the trash can will be destroyed. The default key binding on the keyboard is the Delete key but this can be changed in the controls menu under the “Trash selected item” binding.
  • Toggle UI keybinding. Added a keybinding (Ctrl+U) that allows players to toggle the in-game UI on or off. This is the same as changing the “Show in-game UI” setting found under the UI Settings.
  • Added an option under Gameplay Settings to activate specific seasons or turn them off completely. This can only be changed while in the title menu and not while playing in a world. To avoid confusion, it is no longer possible to set a season through the launch options in Steam. Changing the date on the computer still works to activate specific seasons but it's recommended to use this new option.
  • Caveling Miners will sometimes lie down and sleep. They also have some new emotes they do while idling and while in combat.
  • Caveling Hunters now need to reload their gun before shooting, giving players more time to avoid their shots.

Gameplay changes[]


  • Adjusted overall enemy damage so that enemies, especially in the beginning of the game, deal a bit less damage.
  • Slightly reduced health and damage dealt by Infected Cavelings.
  • Reduced damage dealt by Mold Tentacles.
  • Reduced damage dealt by Bubble Crabs.
  • The condition which gives a chance to catch higher rarity fish now uses the correct chance for each fish. Previously, the chance was equal for all fish when this condition triggered, including for the Starlight Nautilus. Increased the chance of catching Starlight Nautilus to compensate for this change.
  • Reduced cost of Keys crafted at the Key Casting Table. Keys now also have a small chance to drop from all types of Slime enemies, the Miner Cavelings, and from fishing.
  • Locked Chests have a small chance to be caught when fishing.
  • Reduced the health of Omoroth and the tentacles that spawn during the boss fight.
  • Changed so the small racing track scenery only appears once in the world.
  • Turrets now put enemies into combat. This makes them more useful for mob farms and also more consistent with how Spike Traps work.

Quality of life[]

  • Circuits can now be placed under other blocking objects and walls can be built on top of Circuits.
  • Gokarts can now be moved by Conveyor Belts, and they can also be placed on top of Conveyor Belts.
  • Hitting objects now takes the mouse position / right joystick direction more into account to give more precise control when defining which object to hit around the player.
  • Fences adapt towards adjacent walls now. This means there are no longer small gaps between fences and walls.
  • Ores from boulders now spawn in a random position inside the boulder, so having multiple drills on the same boulder will not always yield ore from the same drill.
  • Clicking the recipes in autocrafting objects such as the Furnace and Table Saw will automatically move the required materials to the input slots from the player inventory or any adjacent chest.
  • Holding down the modifier key to pick up 10 of a stack (Ctrl) can now also be done when crafting to craft 10 times the amount of the item at once. This only works for stackable items. Clicking recipes in autocrafting objects such as the Cooking Pot and the Furnace can also be done to move 10 of the required materials to the input slots.
  • Rails can now be built on top of Conveyor Belts. Note that Conveyor Belts do not affect Minecarts on Rails but this feature is intended to allow moving items through Rails.
  • Any electronic object can now be built on top of Wires. Note that, in most cases, this will override the behavior of the Wire, such as when placing a Logic Circuit on top of a Wire.
  • Added in-game UI navigation keybindings. This will mainly be useful for players using controllers to change the D-pad buttons to do something else than navigating in the UI, as the joystick can already be used for that.
  • GoKarts and Boats can now be rotated before being placed down.
  • The Robot Arm can now place objects into the Fishing Net Rack, Decorative Pot, and Planter Box.
  • Golden Glow Tulips now emit gold light instead of blue.
  • Gravestones take 3 hits to destroy to avoid destroying other players' gravestones as easily. The player's own gravestone is still destroyed in one hit like before.
  • The Furnace, Smelter Kiln, Fury Forge, and Table Saw now only accept the resources they can process in their input slots.
  • Creatures no longer try to damage objects that they can't break in a few hits.
  • Hoes that cover multiple tiles will now prioritize hoeing other tiles such as Moss or Slime before hoeing any ground tiles.
  • Enemies no longer block players from mining walls while holding a mining pick.
  • Add a cap to how many Jelly Fishes can spawn in an area.
  • Add a cap to how many Tentacles can spawn in an area.
  • Add a cap to how many Fish Shoals can spawn in an area with sea water.
  • Add a cap to how many Water Lilies spawn in an area.
  • Add a cap to how many Water Kelps spawn in an area.

Art and animation[]

  • Implemented a brand-new rendering pipeline. This should result in an upgrade in terms of lighting and GPU performance.
  • Completely reworked indirect (bounce) lighting. Light now spreads further and takes surface color into account, resulting in softer, more saturated dynamic lighting.
  • Added a new system for calculating advanced object shadows. This causes most objects and enemies to cast per-light shadows.
  • Emissive surfaces can now generate light.
  • Improved resolution upscaling, making the game appear sharper on window resolutions higher than 1920x1080.
  • Split the graphics settings menu into two: Display and Graphics.
  • Added a screen-space ambient occlusion effect and a Graphics setting for it (Low / Medium / High).
  • Added an Object Shadows Graphics setting (Off / Simple / Advanced). Simple makes the shadows behave like they did before this update and Advanced uses the new system.
  • Improved bloom and added a Display setting for it (Normal / Reduced / Off).
  • Hitting objects now takes the mouse position / right joystick direction more into account to give more precise control when defining which object to hit around the player.
  • Improved the shine effect on ore in walls.
  • Improved graphics for the snare effects for Snare Plants.
  • Improved animations for the Caveling Miners.
  • Improved lighting from emissive plants such as Glow Tulips.
  • Improved lighting from emissive objects such as Furnaces and Smelter Kilns.
  • Added shadows for Fences and Roots.


  • Adjustment to Larva's hurt & death sound effects.
  • Swords now have a unique swing & impact sound effects.
  • Adjustment to Rune Song sound effects.
  • Adjustment to Slime Sword sound effects.
  • Adjustment to Throwing Daggers sound effects.


  • Updated Unity to version 2021.3.14f1.
  • Added configuration files for loot tables that can be easily modified by users.
  • Added configuration files for fishing loot and struggle behaviour that can be easily modified by users.
  • Added configuration files for environment and mob spawns that can be easily modified by users.
  • Added configuration files for changing friend or foe for factions that can be easily modified by users.
  • This is to help mod creators to be able to find and modify files easier.
  • For further instructions/information check out the README which can be found from the game install folder called: CoreKeeper_Data/StreamingAssets/Conf/README.txt
  • Added a color lookup texture that the user can alter to change the color grading used in the game
  • Improve initial loading time when joining a game.
  • Equipment and consumables like the Glow Tulip that emit a blue glow now states “blue glow” in its stats instead of just “glow”.
  • The Painter's Table has been moved to the Carpenter's Table.
  • Credits auto scrolling can be paused by holding down the interact button.
  • Crystal Lamp has a working collider now.
  • Fixed so offhands can still be used while hovering any UI element with the mouse.
  • Added Blue Glass Kalimba valuable that drops from Large Destructibles in the Ancient City Ruins in the Sunken Sea. This item was added as the reward for winning the "Creepy Caves" competition by our community member Woopsiee.
  • Azeos now screeches when flying over the player as a shadow.
  • Changed Larvaskin Rugs and Temple Decor Rugs to appear above Rug tiles.
  • Delay time before fade in on world load to avoid having objects pop in.
  • The souls tab is now unlocked when a player is nearby a Soul Orb without the need to talk to the Core first.

Bug fixes[]

  • Fixed a bug where keyboard navigation in menus would be overridden by mouse selection when not moving or using the mouse.
  • Fixed a bug where Shroomans would collide with seeds when charging.
  • Fixed a bug where objects that have a random visual appearance based on their world position would not be so random but instead follow a pattern in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug where no Slime bosses could be summoned if King Slime was already summoned anywhere in the world.
  • Fixed an issue with the Kelp Tree showing duplicate sprites.
  • Critters will no longer spawn inside The Core or the Boss Statues.
  • Grass and Bushes no longer drop seeds sometimes.
  • Roots of different types no longer grow into each other.
  • Fixed a bug where the walls around the Hive Mother could be dug up using a Hoe in specific cases.
  • Fixed an issue where Ra-Akar the Sand Titan would spawn even if the Thumper was removed.
  • Fixed an issue where some merchants would always restock their items when restarting the game if some statues had been activated.
  • Adjusted small icons for Glowing Tulip and Puffungi to be centered.
  • Fixed a bug where projectiles would visually look like they were affected by ground effects such as mold or slime.
  • Fixed a bug where roots could start to spread before the Root Plant was fully grown.
  • Fixed a bug where Ghost Scholars were not immune to debuffs such as burning.
  • Fixed a bug where Poison Traps would take damage and be destroyed from players having thorns damage.
  • Fixed a bug where the set bonus from the Ivy equipment would give crit chance from any debuff applied and not just poison.
  • Fixed a bug where Doors could not be placed adjacent to walls that contained any ore.
  • Fixed an issue where light sources would stop following their object when fading out.

