Core Keeper Wiki
Advertisement fixes a few issues and improves performance.


Bug fixes[]

  • Fixed fish movement.
  • Fixed aquariums being blue.
  • Fixed several networking issues that would happen when the internet connection was lost and reacquired while the game was running.
  • Fixed some trees missing their leaves.
  • Using the Rift Lens in front of pillars no longer causes clipping with the player sprite.
  • Removing a map marker should no longer cause flickering for a moment.
  • The Phantom Spark should no longer mispredict causing multiple Ghost Scholars to be spawned on the client's side.
  • The Obliteration Ray and Stormbringer should now be able to damage walls from any angle.
  • Fixed an issue where the animation for players getting damaged would sometimes play even when no damage was being taken.
  • Colossal Amoebae no longer get unloaded while they are still in view.
  • Fixed digging damage stat not being applied when digging blocks out of the ground.
  • Worm enemies and Ghorm should now be targetable by pets and minions.
  • Structures that occupy multiple tiles should no longer allow placement when a player is standing between two tiles.


  • Updated descriptions of a few items.
  • Fixed a few text and translation issues.
  • Vibration has now intensity slider instead of toggle.


  • Decreased CPU usage on machines with lots of threads by capping the number of worker threads used by default. Each thread has some overhead cost which impacts the main thread that easily becomes a bottleneck.
  • Improved memory usage.

Platform-specific changes[]


Nintendo Switch[]

  • Improved memory usage.