Core Keeper Wiki

Anvils are a group of crafting stations used to craft armor, weapons and accessories out of metal bars.

Starting with the Tin Anvil, all recipes from previous tiers are included and can be cycled through on the left side of the crafting menu.


Anvil Tooltip Obtaining Sell
Copper Anvil Copper AnvilGet started with creating armor for looks and combat.Ancient Coin symbol
Tin Anvil Tin AnvilA better anvil for creating gear and weapons more suited for survival.Ancient Coin symbol
Iron Anvil Iron AnvilGreat for creating high tier equipment.63 Ancient Coin symbol
Scarlet Anvil Scarlet AnvilA very advanced anvil for creating supreme equipment.172 Ancient Coin symbol
Octarine Anvil Octarine AnvilA strange anvil for creating extraordinary equipment.160 Ancient Coin symbol
Galaxite Anvil Galaxite AnvilA special anvil for creating otherworldly equipment.266 Ancient Coin symbol
Solarite Anvil Solarite AnvilA superior anvil for creating magnificent equipment.287 Ancient Coin symbol


  • The Blacksmith talent reduces the cost of crafting items in an anvil by 5–25%.

