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The Atlantean Worm is an optional boss found within the Sunken Sea.


The Atlantean Worm cannot be summoned manually. It is found traveling in a circular path around the Sunken Sea, similar to Ghorm the Devourer. Its location can be revealed on the map using an Atlantean Worm Scanner.

A Bait Pillar must be placed near the Atlantean Worm to bring it to the water's surface, allowing for it to be damaged.

Once defeated the Atlantean Worm will respawn immediately at a random point on its path.


The Atlantean Worm will not attack, nor can it be attacked by, the player until it is properly summoned using a Bait Pillar.

When it surfaces after a player uses Bait Pillar, it will try to attack them with its mouth and spikes. Occasionally it charges an energetic attack that breaks into lots of little balls in a circle pattern. After its weakpoint is destroyed, it splits out a shorter Atlantean Worm, depending on the place the weakpoint was located.

Similar to Ghorm the Devourer, the Atlantean Worm will instantly destroy any object in its path (including the normally indestructible Obsidian Blocks). Any ground tiles will be replaced with sea water.


ItemAmountChance per rollChance for one
Atlantean Worm Chest Atlantean Worm Chest1100%
Atlantean Worm Heart Atlantean Worm Heart1100%
1 roll of the following 4 items
Atlantean Worm Sword Atlantean Worm Sword125%
Atlantean Worm Ring Atlantean Worm Ring125%
Atlantean Worm Necklace Atlantean Worm Necklace125%
Atlantean Worm Helmet Atlantean Worm Helmet125%
6 rolls of the following 16 items
Ancient Gemstone Ancient Gemstone2–318.31%70.28%
Bottom Tracer Bottom Tracer2–510.56%48.82%
Silver Dart Silver Dart2–57.04%35.48%
White Coralotl White Coralotl2–57.04%35.48%
Beryll Angle Fish Beryll Angle Fish2–510.56%48.82%
Jasper Angle Fish Jasper Angle Fish2–37.04%35.48%
Cosmic Form Cosmic Form14.23%22.82%
Atlantean Worm Figurine Atlantean Worm Figurine12.82%15.75%
Atlantean Worm Sword Atlantean Worm Sword12.82%15.75%
Solarite Ore Solarite Ore4–516.9%67.07%
Atlantean Worm Ring Atlantean Worm Ring12.82%15.75%
Atlantean Worm Necklace Atlantean Worm Necklace12.82%15.75%
Atlantean Worm Helmet Atlantean Worm Helmet12.82%15.75%
Atlantean Worm Heart Atlantean Worm Heart11.41%8.16%
Scholar Satchel Scholar Satchel11.41%8.16%
Sun Caller Sun Caller11.41%8.16%


  • If all players die or leave the area while fighting the Atlantean Worm, it will submerge and must be brought to the surface again with a new Bait Pillar.
  • In multiplayer, the Atlantean Worm gains additional health depending on the amount of players in the world. It will automatically adjust whenever a player joins or leaves the world.
Players Max health (per segment)
Casual Standard Hard
1 4820 9641 14462
2 7499 15000 22500
3 9911 19824 29736
4 12164 24330 36496
5 14305 28614 42922
6 16363 32729 49094
7 18352 36708 55063
8 20285 40574 60864


Achievement Thalassophobia  
Thalassophobia"Defeat an Atlantean Worm"
(Silver • 50 G • 50 XP)
Defeat the Atlantean Worm for the first time.



  • Fixed a bug where the Atlantean Worm would sometimes just keep moving north.
    • Fixed an issue with the Atlantean Worm getting an undefined position.
    • Fixed an issue with the Atlantean Worm boss causing only the head to deal damage on impact and not any of the other segments.
    • Fixed a crash and unpredictable behavior when dying to the Atlantean Worm after killing at least one segment.
  • Fixed a bug where the Atlantean Worm would not have any segments except the head moving around.
  • Introduced.

