Core Keeper Wiki

Cards are rare collectible crafting materials used to craft the Oracle Deck. They are obtained through various sources.


Card Tooltip Sell
Oracle Card "Aura" Oracle Card "Aura" A ripped card with golden borders and an image of an ancient gemstone. Looks like it's part of a set. 150 Ancient Coin symbol
Oracle Card "Brilliance" Oracle Card "Brilliance" A charred card with golden borders and an image of a Glow Tulip. Looks like it's part of a set. 150 Ancient Coin symbol
Oracle Card "Entity" Oracle Card "Entity" A bent card with golden borders and an image of the core. Looks like it's part of a set. 150 Ancient Coin symbol
Oracle Card "Inspiration" Oracle Card "Inspiration" Half of a card with golden borders and an image of a golden mask. Looks like it's part of a set. 150 Ancient Coin symbol
Oracle Card "Metropolis" Oracle Card "Metropolis" A card in mint condition with golden borders and an image of an ancient city. Looks like it's part of a set. 250 Ancient Coin symbol
Oracle Card "Wisdom" Oracle Card "Wisdom" A soaked card with golden borders and an image of a caveling scholar. Looks like it's part of a set. 150 Ancient Coin symbol
Oracle Card "Radiance" Oracle Card "Radiance" A scratched card with golden borders and an image of the sky titan. Looks like it's part of a set. 150 Ancient Coin symbol
Oracle Card "Temperance" Oracle Card "Temperance" A faded card with golden borders and an image of the sea titan. Looks like it's part of a set. 150 Ancient Coin symbol
Oracle Card "Endurance" Oracle Card "Endurance" A crumbling card with golden borders and an image of the sand titan. Looks like it's part of a set. 150 Ancient Coin symbol


Crafting material[]

Oracle Deck Oracle DeckOracle Card "Aura" Oracle Card "Aura"
Oracle Card "Brilliance" Oracle Card "Brilliance"
Oracle Card "Entity" Oracle Card "Entity"
Oracle Card "Inspiration" Oracle Card "Inspiration"
Oracle Card "Metropolis" Oracle Card "Metropolis"
Oracle Card "Wisdom" Oracle Card "Wisdom"
Oracle Card "Radiance" Oracle Card "Radiance"
Oracle Card "Temperance" Oracle Card "Temperance"
Oracle Card "Endurance" Oracle Card "Endurance"
Thread of Fate Thread of Fate


    • Now used to craft the Oracle Deck. As a result, they are no longer considered valuables.
    • Added 3 new cards: Radiance, Temperance and Endurance.
  • 0.4.0-3f9c: Added 3 new cards: Inspiration, Metropolis and Wisdom.
  • 0.3.0-297a: Introduced.