Core Keeper Wiki

Chairs are furniture items that can be sat on by the player.


Chair Tooltip Dimensions Sell
Wood Stool Wood StoolA simple, workable stool made from wood. A true hobbyist might turn this into something more beautiful.1 × 1Ancient Coin symbol
Floor Pillow Floor PillowA soft pillow that can be placed on the ground to sit down on it.1 × 1Ancient Coin symbol
Caveling Chair Caveling ChairA stool made from stone.1 × 1Ancient Coin symbol
Caveling Toilet Caveling ToiletBetween mining there must be time for serious business.2 × 1Ancient Coin symbol
Caveling throne Caveling throneThis unusual seat is proof of an empire fallen to ruin.2 × 1Ancient Coin symbol
Driftwood Stool Driftwood StoolA simple stool made with beach materials.1 × 1Ancient Coin symbol
Caveling Stool Caveling StoolThis stool is made from solid stone but has a comfortable cushion embedded.1 × 1Ancient Coin symbol
Temple Throne Temple ThroneA golden throne reserved only for the buttocks of ancient royalty.1 × 1Ancient Coin symbol
Easter Meadow Stool Easter Meadow StoolSitting on this stool feels as if sitting on a freshly cut meadow. There is no better spot to place ones bottoms.1 × 1Ancient Coin symbol
Eerie Stool Eerie StoolA seating opportunity made from cursed wood, ready to scare your buttocks off.1 × 1Ancient Coin symbol
Festive Stool Festive StoolA nice little stool that goes well with a richly decorated table. It's hard to sit still on it when opening presents is due.1 × 1Ancient Coin symbol

