Core Keeper Wiki
Player near the Core

A character near The Core.

The term character refers to the figure controlled by the player. All of Core Keeper's gameplay revolves around actions performed by the character, and the camera is nearly always locked to place the character in the middle of the screen.

The term player is often used as a synonym with character, but may also refer to the person accessing the game if the topic is unrelated to character mechanics.



There are currently two character types:

  • Standard, where characters respawn after dying.
  • Hardcore, where characters are permanently lost when they die and cannot be revived.

While the same character types are available in Standard/Hard mode worlds and Creative mode worlds, characters created for Standard or Hard worlds are not accessible in Creative worlds, and vice versa, meaning there are ultimately four different character types that can be created.


A character's body type, skin color, hair style, hair color, eye color, shirt color and pants color can all be customized.


A character's background provides them with some starting perks. It has no other effect on gameplay.

Perks Description
Explorer An experienced traveller who always brings a few torches.
Miner A veteran miner knowledgeable about breaking down walls effectively.
Fighter A fighter with great self-defence and the power to defend their allies.
Chef A culinary expert preparing food for anyone in need.
Gardener A seasoned farmer with green fingers eager to turn some soil.
Fisherman A patient fisherman with a fishing rod at hand and an eye on the lure.
Ranger A swift fighter with a keen eye that's trained to hit enemies from far away.
Mage An apprentice mage who manipulates magical energies to overcome enemies.
Warlock An adept warlock who conjures dark minions to besiege and bewilder foes.
Nomad N/A An ordinary person without starting equipment but all the possibilities.

Starting stats[]

In addition any of the starting bonuses the player might have chosen to receive, the character will begin their journey with the following:

Permanent upgrades[]

  • Leveling up skills will increase the character's base states in those area.
  • Certain consumables will buff the character's health permanently.
  • Souls give the player special permanent abilities.

Hand crafting[]

The player is able to craft a few basic items from the crafting interface located in their inventory.

Basic Workbench Basic WorkbenchWood Wood (8)
Chest ChestWood Wood (5)
Torch Torch (3)Wood Wood
Wood Bridge Wood BridgeWood Wood
Wood Pickaxe Wood PickaxeWood Wood (4)
Wood Shovel Wood ShovelWood Wood (4)


Achievement Impersonator Syndrome  
Impersonator Syndrome"Dress like a character from the official illustrations"
(Silver • 25 G • 15 XP)
Customize the player to match one of 6 character designs seen in official artwork.


  • A third party character editor tool can be found here. This tool, while possibly outdated, can be used to adjust character levels and give them items. Backing up character files is advised before using.


Official character designs[]

