The chat box.
Chat is a system primarily used to communicate with other players in multiplayer .
Chat messages received are shown on the left side of the screen. Players can press Open chat to open the chat box, type a message, and then press Open chat again to send it.
Status messages [ ]
New item: <item>
Picking up an item for the first time.
Caught: <item>
Catching an item while fishing .
Gained <item>!
Crafting an item using a recipe .
Received <amount> <item>
Salvaging items.
Gained <amount> extra <item>!
Gaining extra items from crafting or fishing.
Pet reached level <level>!
Pet level up.
New talent point available in <skill>!
Unlocking a new talent point in a skill .
Gained soul of <titan name>!
Interacting with a titan's soul for the first time.
Some durability on equipment was lost.
Dying outside of hardcore .
You died. Character has been lost.
Dying in hardcore.
History [ ] : Added a status message for when a player gains a titan soul.
0.4.0-3f9c :
Added a border to the chat box.
Fixed an issue where chat text would sometimes overlap with the crafting UI.
0.1.91e2cab : Introduced.