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Core Keeper Wiki

The Chest is a common single-wide chest.



MaterialsCrafting station
Wood Wood (5)Player Player


Bridge areaVaries
Wood houseVaries
Abandoned Camp1
Abandoned Hive Hut1
Abyss Home1
Caveling Farmhouse (style 5)1
Dirt Camp1
Dirt Fishing Lake1
Hidden Clay Chest1
Hidden Turf Chest1
Large Larva Territory1
Meadow Spiral1
Medium Maze1
Mysterious Doll Set House1
Nature Oasis1
Nature Path1
Sand Ruins1
Scarlet Camp1
Small Islands1
Small Maze1
Turf Ruins1


Undergrounds, Clay Caves and Forgotten Ruins[]

  • ItemAmountChance per rollChance for one
    4–5 rolls of the following 48 items
    Fiber Fiber4–87.22%28.61%
    Ancient Gemstone Ancient Gemstone2–47.22%28.61%
    Mechanical Part Mechanical Part3–67.22%28.61%
    Copper Bar Copper Bar4–87.22%28.61%
    Tin Bar Tin Bar4–87.22%28.61%
    Iron Bar Iron Bar4–85.05%20.8%
    Gold Bar Gold Bar3–63.61%15.24%
    Healing Potion Healing Potion3–53.61%15.24%
    Stoneskin Potion Stoneskin Potion3–53.61%15.24%
    Enrage Potion Enrage Potion3–53.61%15.24%
    Crude Bomb Crude Bomb4–87.22%28.61%
    Bomb Bomb4–82.16%9.38%
    Copper Shovel Copper Shovel13.61%15.24%
    Copper Pickaxe Copper Pickaxe13.61%15.24%
    Flintlock Musket Flintlock Musket12.16%9.38%
    Copper Sword Copper Sword13.61%15.24%
    Old Amulet Old Amulet12.89%12.35%
    Ocarina Ocarina10.72%3.21%
    Ring of Rock Ring of Rock10.72%3.21%
    Cave Pouch Cave Pouch10.36%1.61%
    Broken Handle Broken Handle10.36%1.61%
    Hand Mortar Hand Mortar10.25%1.13%
    Battle Axe Battle Axe10.25%1.13%
    Heart Berry Necklace Heart Berry Necklace10.14%0.65%
    Recall Idol Recall Idol10.72%3.21%
    Swift Feather Swift Feather10.51%2.25%
    Lantern Lantern12.89%12.35%
    Copper Key Copper Key11.44%6.33%
    Pet Pellet Pet Pellet12.89%12.35%
    Rare Candy Rare Candy11.44%6.33%
    Copper Sledge Hammer Copper Sledge Hammer10.72%3.21%
    Rusty Dagger Rusty Dagger10.29%1.29%
    Wood Crossbow Wood Crossbow10.29%1.29%
    Wildwarden Pauldrons Wildwarden Pauldrons10.29%1.29%
    Apprentice Robe Apprentice Robe10.29%1.29%
    Apprentice Hat Apprentice Hat10.29%1.29%
    Apprentice Pants Apprentice Pants10.29%1.29%
    Witch Doctor Vest Witch Doctor Vest10.29%1.29%
    Witch Doctor Hat Witch Doctor Hat10.29%1.29%
    Witch Doctor Jeans Witch Doctor Jeans10.29%1.29%
    Simple Staff Simple Staff10.72%3.21%
    Tome of the Dark Tome of the Dark10.72%3.21%
    Soaring Pants Soaring Pants10.29%1.29%
    Soaring Headgear Soaring Headgear10.29%1.29%
    Soaring Poncho Soaring Poncho10.29%1.29%
    Chieftain Shorts Chieftain Shorts10.29%1.29%
    Chieftain Headdress Chieftain Headdress10.29%1.29%
    Chieftain Tunic Chieftain Tunic10.29%1.29%
  • Azeos' Wilderness[]

  • ItemAmountChance per rollChance for one
    3–6 rolls of the following 36 items
    Torch Torch4–821.72%66.77%
    Wool Wool3–610.34%38.81%
    Wood Wood4–85.17%21.25%
    Mechanical Part Mechanical Part3–65.17%21.25%
    Scarlet Bar Scarlet Bar4–810.34%38.81%
    Tin Bar Tin Bar4–85.17%21.25%
    Iron Bar Iron Bar4–83.62%15.29%
    Gold Bar Gold Bar3–62.59%11.12%
    Greater Healing Potion Greater Healing Potion3–62.59%11.12%
    Guardian's Potion Guardian's Potion3–62.59%11.12%
    Keen Potion Keen Potion3–62.59%11.12%
    Poison Aid Potion Poison Aid Potion3–62.59%11.12%
    Bomb Bomb4–85.17%21.25%
    Large Bomb Large Bomb4–81.55%6.79%
    Scarlet Pickaxe Scarlet Pickaxe11.03%4.57%
    Blowpipe Blowpipe11.55%6.79%
    Scarlet Sword Scarlet Sword11.55%6.79%
    Precious Urn Precious Urn11.55%6.79%
    Hard Thorn Hard Thorn10.52%2.31%
    Petal Ring Petal Ring10.26%1.16%
    Scarlet Fishing Rod Scarlet Fishing Rod10.26%1.16%
    Broken Handle Broken Handle10.26%1.16%
    Hand Mortar Hand Mortar10.18%0.81%
    Battle Axe Battle Axe10.18%0.81%
    Heart Berry Necklace Heart Berry Necklace10.1%0.46%
    Recall Idol Recall Idol10.52%2.31%
    Scarlet Dagger Scarlet Dagger10.52%2.31%
    Scarlet Key Scarlet Key10.52%2.31%
    Rare Candy Rare Candy11.55%6.79%
    Wildwarden Mask Wildwarden Mask11.03%4.57%
    Scarlet Hand Drill Scarlet Hand Drill11.03%4.57%
    Corrupt Warden Tunic Corrupt Warden Tunic11.03%4.57%
    Corrupt Warden Mask Corrupt Warden Mask11.03%4.57%
    Corrupt Warden Shorts Corrupt Warden Shorts11.03%4.57%
    Tome of the Dead Tome of the Dead11.55%6.79%
    Tome of Pestilence Tome of Pestilence11.55%6.79%
  • Gallery[]

    Placed sprites[]

