Core Keeper Wiki

Creature displays are storage items that display the insects or fish placed inside.



Terrarium Tooltip Paintable Sell
Terrarium TerrariumA simple enclosure for all kinds of crawling and fluttering critters.✔ YesAncient Coin symbol
Wilderness Terrarium Wilderness TerrariumA temperate enclosure full of bright budding flowers.N/A11 Ancient Coin symbol
Beach Terrarium Beach TerrariumA humid enclosure with sandy terrain.N/A11 Ancient Coin symbol
Desert Terrarium Desert TerrariumA warm enclosure with dry, rocky terrain.N/AAncient Coin symbol
Crystal Terrarium Crystal TerrariumA cool enclosure full of glistening crystals.N/A10 Ancient Coin symbol
Passage Terrarium Passage TerrariumA cold enclosure for the creepiest of critters.N/A34 Ancient Coin symbol


Aquarium Tooltip Paintable Sell
Aquarium AquariumA simple tank for all kinds of aquatic creatures.✔ YesAncient Coin symbol
Wilderness Aquarium Wilderness AquariumA lush tank full of vibrant plant life.N/A12 Ancient Coin symbol
Sunken Aquarium Sunken AquariumA sandy tank with the familiar furnishings of the sea.N/A11 Ancient Coin symbol
Rocky Aquarium Rocky AquariumA rocky tank with plenty of nooks to hide in.N/AAncient Coin symbol
Crystal Aquarium Crystal AquariumA glimmering tank full of crystal formations.N/A11 Ancient Coin symbol
Passage Aquarium Passage AquariumA gloomy tank full of strange fossils.N/A28 Ancient Coin symbol


