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Core Keeper Wiki

The Crystal Snail is a common enemy native to the Shimmering Frontier. A snail with a hard shell, the shell cannot be broken without some mining damage. When the Crystal Snail moves, it destroys the Crystal Block walls and Gleam Wood Roots. It does not attack the player.

Mining the shell has 3 stages, each stage dropping 1-3 Solarite Ore, which completely regenerates after being left alone for about 2 minutes.


Crystal Snails rarely spawn on Crystal Block ground during the initial generation of an area; they do not respawn.


Initial generation
Spawnable tilesChance
Crystal Block Crystal Block ground0.2%


ItemAmountChance per rollChance for one
1–2 rolls of the following 4 items
Marbled Meat Marbled Meat1–275%87.5%
Shiny Larva Meat Shiny Larva Meat15%7.41%
Gem Snail Gem Snail110%14.62%
Solarite Ore Solarite Ore110%14.62%



    • Crystal Snails will no longer destroy any other tiles than Crystal Walls and Gleam Wood Roots and they will also no longer traverse water or pits by spawning Crystal Ground in their path.
      • Prior to this update, nothing could be used to prevent Crystal Snails from travelling around. Any wall could be destroyed, and any pit or liquid could be crossed, replacing the unsolid surface with crystal ground. (Only objects of importance were either unbreakable, or could still be pick up in item form after destroyed: walls however would be removed similarly to how bosses destroy them without dropping the item.) Long trails of crystal ground would be formed jutting out from the Shimmering Frontier found within the the Sunken Sea, while deep tunnels through walls could be found in other biomes.
  • Fixed a bug where tiles with bridges would behave in an unexpected way after a Crystal Snail would move over them.
  • Introduced.

