Core Keeper Wiki
Core Keeper Wiki

This page lists some of the different types of data IDs used internally to index game elements.


Object IDs[]

  • IDVariationNameInternal name
    10Copper ShovelCopperShovel
    20Ancient PickaxeAncientMiningPick
    30Copper PickaxeCopperMiningPick
    40Watering CanWaterCan
    1Watering Can (pre-filled)
    50Large Watering CanLargeWaterCan
    60Roofing GadgetRoofingTool
    80Cattle Transport BoxCattleCage
    100Wood PickaxeWoodMiningPick
    110Wood ShovelWoodShovel
    120Copper HoeCopperHoe
    130Wooden HoeWoodHoe
    150Tin PickaxeTinMiningPick
    160Tin ShovelTinShovel
    170Tin HoeTinHoe
    180Bug NetBugNet
    200Iron PickaxeIronMiningPick
    210Iron ShovelIronShovel
    220Iron HoeIronHoe
    300Scarlet PickaxeScarletMiningPick
    310Scarlet HoeScarletHoe
    320Scarlet ShovelScarletShovel
    350Octarine PickaxeOctarineMiningPick
    360Octarine ShovelOctarineShovel
    370Galaxite PickaxeGalaxiteMiningPick
    380Galaxite ShovelGalaxiteShovel
    1Bucket (normal water)
    4Bucket (lava)
    7Bucket (acid water)
    10Bucket (mold water)
    11Bucket (sea water)
    56Bucket (shimmering water)
    61Bucket (grimy water)
    410Solarite PickaxeSolariteMiningPick
    450Soul SeekerLegendaryMiningPick
    500Wood Fishing RodWoodFishingRod
    510Tin Fishing RodTinFishingRod
    520Iron Fishing RodIronFishingRod
    530Scarlet Fishing RodScarletFishingRod
    540Octarine Fishing RodOctarineFishingRod
    550Galaxite Fishing RodGalaxiteFishingRod
    560Solarite Fishing RodSolariteFishingRod
    600Copper Sledge HammerCopperSledge
    610Tin Sledge HammerTinSledge
    620Iron Sledge HammerIronSledge
    630Scarlet Sledge HammerScarletSledge
    640Octarine Sledge HammerOctarineSledge
    650Galaxite Sledge HammerGalaxiteSledge
    700Red Paint BrushPaintBrushRed
    710Yellow Paint BrushPaintBrushYellow
    720Green Paint BrushPaintBrushGreen
    730Purple Paint BrushPaintBrushPurple
    740Blue Paint BrushPaintBrushBlue
    750Brown Paint BrushPaintBrushBrown
    760White Paint BrushPaintBrushWhite
    770Black Paint BrushPaintBrushBlack
    780Orange Paint BrushPaintBrushOrange
    790Cyan Paint BrushPaintBrushCyan
    800Pink Paint BrushPaintBrushPink
    810Grey Paint BrushPaintBrushGrey
    820Peach Paint BrushPaintBrushPeach
    830Teal Paint BrushPaintBrushTeal
    900Hand DrillDrillTool
    910Obliteration RayLaserDrillTool
    920Scarlet Hand DrillDrillToolScarlet
    1010Larva Hive ChestInventoryLarvaHiveChest
    1020Mold Covered ChestInventoryMoldDungeonChest
    1030Ancient ChestInventoryAncientChest
    1Ancient Chest (natural)
    1040Seashell ChestInventorySeaBiomeChest
    1050Golden Ancient ChestInventoryDesertBiomeChest
    1060Smoldering ChestInventoryLavaChest
    1070Gingerbread House ChestGingerbreadChest
    1080Valentine's ChestValentineChest
    1090Alien Tech ChestAlienChest
    1Alien Tech Chest (natural)
    1100Torch (standing)Torch
    1Torch (down)
    2Torch (up)
    3Torch (left)
    4Torch (right)
    1120Decorative Torch (standing)DecorativeTorch1
    1Decorative Torch (down)
    2Decorative Torch (up)
    3Decorative Torch (left)
    4Decorative Torch (right)
    1150Crystal LampCrystalLamp
    1200Decorative PotDecorativePot
    1210Planter BoxPlanterBox
    1260Stone PedestalStonePedestal
    1270Blue Glass PedestalRuinsPedestal
    1280Deceased ExplorerSkeletonPedestal
    1290Skeleton DecorSkeletonPedestal2
    1350Wood StoolWoodStool
    1360Wood TableWoodTable
    1370Painting (down)Painting
    1Painting (up)
    2Painting (left)
    3Painting (right)
    1380Wooden PillarWoodPillar
    1390Floor PillowFloorPillow
    1500Large Shiny Glimmering ObjectLargeShinyGlimmeringObject
    1520Bait PillarBaitOnAPole
    1530Wind Organ of WildernessHydraBossNatureBait
    1540Wind Organ of IceHydraBossSeaBait
    1550Wind Organ of FireHydraBossDesertBait
    1700Titan's ChestBossChest
    1Titan's Chest (natural)
    1710Glurch ChestGlurchChest
    1Glurch Chest (natural)
    1720Ghorm ChestGhormChest
    1Ghorm Chest (natural)
    1730Hive Mother ChestHivemotherChest
    1Hive Mother Chest (natural)
    1740Ivy's ChestIvyChest
    1Ivy's Chest (natural)
    1750Golden Titan's ChestEasterChest
    1Golden Titan's Chest (natural)
    1760Morpha's ChestMorphaChest
    1Morpha's Chest (natural)
    1770Floating Titan's ChestOctopusBossChest
    1Floating Titan's Chest (natural)
    1780King Slime's ChestKingSlimeChest
    1King Slime's Chest (natural)
    1790Igneous' ChestLavaSlimeBossChest
    1Igneous' Chest (natural)
    1800Haunted Hive Mother ChestHivemotherHalloweenChest
    1Haunted Hive Mother Chest (natural)
    1810Locked Desert Prince ChestLockedPrinceChest
    1820Locked Desert Queen ChestLockedQueenChest
    1830Locked Desert King ChestLockedKingChest
    1840Desert Prince ChestUnlockedPrinceChest
    1850Desert Queen ChestUnlockedQueenChest
    1860Desert King ChestUnlockedKingChest
    1870Music Sheet StandMusicSheetStand
    1880Wash BasinWashBasin
    1890Atlantean Worm ChestAtlantianWormChest
    1Atlantean Worm Chest (natural)
    1900Druidra ChestHydraBossNatureChest
    1Druidra Chest (natural)
    1910Crydra ChestHydraBossSeaChest
    1Crydra Chest (natural)
    1920Pyrdra ChestHydraBossDesertChest
    1Pyrdra Chest (natural)
    1930Core Tech ChestCoreCommanderChest
    1Core Tech Chest (natural)
    1940Urschleims ChestWallBossChest
    1Urschleims Chest (natural)
    1970Beach TerrariumTerrariumBeach
    1980Desert TerrariumTerrariumDesert
    1990Wilderness TerrariumTerrariumNature
    2000Crystal TerrariumTerrariumCrystal
    2010Passage TerrariumTerrariumPassage
    2020Sunken AquariumAquariumBeach
    2030Rocky AquariumAquariumDesert
    2040Wilderness AquariumAquariumNature
    2050Crystal AquariumAquariumCrystal
    2060Passage AquariumAquariumPassage
    2070Malugaz ChestMalugazChest
    1Malugaz Chest
    2100Locked Copper ChestLockedCopperChest
    2110Copper ChestCopperChest
    2120Copper KeyCopperKey
    2130Locked Iron ChestLockedIronChest
    2140Iron ChestIronChest
    2150Iron KeyIronKey
    2160Locked Scarlet ChestLockedScarletChest
    2170Scarlet ChestScarletChest
    2180Scarlet KeyScarletKey
    2190Locked Octarine ChestLockedOctarineChest
    2200Octarine ChestOctarineChest
    2210Octarine KeyOctarineKey
    2220Locked Galaxite ChestLockedGalaxiteChest
    2230Galaxite ChestGalaxiteChest
    2240Galaxite KeyGalaxiteKey
    2250Locked Solarite ChestLockedSolariteChest
    2260Solarite ChestSolariteChest
    2270Solarite KeySolariteKey
    2280Cultist ChestPassageChest
    2310Roof lightRoofHole
    2320Normal waterWater
    1Acid water
    2Mold water
    3Sea water
    4Shimmering water
    5Grimy water
    3000Dirt BlockWallDirtBlock
    3010Stone BlockWallStoneBlock
    3020Stone Bricks WallWallStoneBricksBlock
    3030Clay BlockWallClayBlock
    3200Wood WallWallWoodBlock
    3210Larva Hive BlockWallHiveBlock
    3250Grass BlockWallGrassBlock
    3260Mold BlockWallMoldBlock
    3270Beach BlockWallLimestoneBlock
    3280Sand BlockWallSandBlock
    3290Turf BlockWallTurfBlock
    3300Metropolis BlockWallCityBlock
    3310Desert BlockWallDesertBlock
    3320Lava Rock BlockWallLavaBlock
    3330Desert Temple BlockWallDesertTempleBlock
    3340Maze BlockWallDesertTempleBlock2
    3350Snow BlockWallSnowBlock
    3490Great WallGreatWallBlock
    3500Obsidian BlockWallObsidianBlock
    3510Paintable Wall (unpainted)WallPaintableBlock
    1Paintable Wall (yellow)
    2Paintable Wall (green)
    3Paintable Wall (red)
    4Paintable Wall (purple)
    5Paintable Wall (blue)
    6Paintable Wall (brown)
    7Paintable Wall (white)
    8Paintable Wall (black)
    9Paintable Wall (orange)
    10Paintable Wall (cyan)
    11Paintable Wall (pink)
    12Paintable Wall (gray)
    13Paintable Wall (peach)
    14Paintable Wall (teal)
    3520Scarlet WallWallScarletBlock
    3530Coral WallWallCoralBlock
    3540Galaxite WallWallGalaxiteBlock
    3550Explosives DepositWallExplosiveBlock
    3560Glass Wall (unpainted)WallGlassBlock
    1Glass Wall (yellow)
    2Glass Wall (green)
    3Glass Wall (red)
    4Glass Wall (purple)
    5Glass Wall (blue)
    6Glass Wall (brown)
    7Glass Wall (white)
    8Glass Wall (black)
    9Glass Wall (orange)
    10Glass Wall (cyan)
    11Glass Wall (pink)
    12Glass Wall (gray)
    13Glass Wall (peach)
    14Glass Wall (teal)
    3570Meadow BlockWallMeadowBlock
    3580Straw-bale WallWallStrawBlock
    3590Crystal BlockWallCrystalBlock
    3600Alien Tech BlockWallAlienBlock
    3610Gleam Wood WallWallGleamWoodBlock
    3620Thermite WallWallNaturalExplosiveBlock
    3630Dark Stone BlockWallDarkStoneBlock
    3640Fossil BlockWallPassageBlock
    3980Watered Dirt BlockWateredGround
    3990Tilled Dirt BlockDugUpGround
    4000Dirt GroundGroundDirtBlock
    4010Stone GroundGroundStoneBlock
    4020Larva Hive GroundGroundHiveBlock
    4030Grass GroundGroundGrassBlock
    4040Mold GroundGroundMoldBlock
    4050Beach Sand GroundGroundBeachSandBlock
    4060Clay GroundGroundClayBlock
    4070Sand GroundGroundSandBlock
    4080Turf GroundGroundTurfBlock
    4090City FloorGroundCityBlock
    4100Desert Sand GroundGroundDesertSandBlock
    4110Lava Rock GroundGroundLavaBlock
    4120Temple FloorGroundDesertTempleBlock
    4130Maze FloorGroundDesertTempleBlock2
    4140Snow GroundGroundSnowBlock
    4150Meadow GroundGroundMeadowBlock
    4160Dark Stone GroundGroundDarkStoneBlock
    4170Crystal GroundGroundCrystalBlock
    4180Alien Tech FloorGroundAlienBlock
    4200Watered Stone BlockWateredStoneGround
    4210Tilled Stone BlockDugUpStoneGround
    4220Watered Mold BlockWateredMoldGround
    4230Tilled Mold BlockDugUpMoldGround
    4250Tilled Beach BlockDugUpSeaGround
    4260Watered Beach BlockWateredSeaGround
    4270Tilled Turf BlockDugUpTurfGround
    4280Watered Turf BlockWateredTurfGround
    4290Tilled Grass BlockDugUpNatureGround
    4300Watered Grass BlockWateredNatureGround
    4310Tilled Clay BlockDugUpClayGround
    4320Watered Clay BlockWateredClayGround
    4330Tilled Crystal BlockDugUpCrystalGround
    4340Watered Crystal BlockWateredCrystalGround
    4350Tilled Meadow BlockDugUpMeadowGround
    4360Watered Meadow BlockWateredMeadowGround
    4500Obsidian GroundGroundObsidianBlock
    10010Copper BarCopperBar
    10020Iron BarIronBar
    10030Gold BarGoldBar
    10040Scarlet BarScarletBar
    10050Tin BarTinBar
    10060Octarine BarOctarineBar
    10070Galaxite BarGalaxiteBar
    10080Solarite BarSolariteBar
    10090Pandorium BarPandoriumBar
    10250Glass PieceGlass
    10310Coral Wood PlankCoralPlank
    10320Gleam Wood PlankGleamWoodPlank
    12000Egg IncubatorEggIncubator
    12010Pet PelletPetCandy
    12020Rare CandyPetCandyRare
    12030Beast BoosterPetCandyEpic
    12200Loyal EggPetDogEgg
    12210Cracked Loyal EggPetDogEggCracked
    12230Curious EggPetCatEgg
    12240Cracked Curious EggPetCatEggCracked
    12260Lively EggPetBirdEgg
    12270Cracked Lively EggPetBirdEggCracked
    12290Oozy EggPetSlimeBlobEgg
    12300Cracked Oozy EggPetSlimeBlobEggCracked
    12310Jr. Orange SlimePetSlimeBlob
    12320Nimble EggPetBunnyEgg
    12330Cracked Nimble EggPetBunnyEggCracked
    12350Oozy Slippery EggPetSlipperySlimeBlobEgg
    12360Cracked Oozy Slippery EggPetSlipperySlimeBlobEggCracked
    12370Jr. Blue SlimePetSlipperySlimeBlob
    12380Oozy Poison EggPetPoisonSlimeBlobEgg
    12390Cracked Oozy Poison EggPetPoisonSlimeBlobEggCracked
    12400Jr. Purple SlimePetPoisonSlimeBlob
    12410Oozy Lava EggPetLavaSlimeBlobEgg
    12420Cracked Oozy Lava EggPetLavaSlimeBlobEggCracked
    12430Jr. Lava SlimePetLavaSlimeBlob
    12440Oozy Royal EggPetPrinceSlimeBlobEgg
    12450Cracked Oozy Royal EggPetPrinceSlimeBlobEggCracked
    12460Prince SlimePetPrinceSlimeBlob
    12480Fuzzy EggPetMothEgg
    12490Cracked Fuzzy EggPetMothEggCracked
    12500Squishy EggPetTardigradeEgg
    12510Cracked Squishy EggPetTardigradeEggCracked
    13010Feeding TrayCattleFeedTray
    13030Strolly PolyRolyPoly
    13040Moolin CalfCowBaby
    13050Bambuck KidGoatBaby
    13060Strolly Poly NymphRolyPolyBaby
    13080Kelple HatchlingTurtleBaby
    13100Dodo ChickDodoBaby
    13500Skeleton MinionMeleeMinion
    13510Bat MinionBatMinion
    13520Jellyfish MinionOrbitingMinion
    13530Fire Mite MinionFireMiteMinion
    13540Plant MinionPoisonMinion
    13550Radioactive MinionRadiatingMinion
    14000Owlboy - Main TitleMusicSheetOwlBoyMainTheme
    14010Core Keeper - Base ThemeMusicSheetCoreKeeperBaseTheme
    14020CSD!3!? – It's Dangerous To Go AloneMusicSheetCookServeDelicious3ItsDangerousToGoAlone
    14030Happy Birthday To YouMusicSheetHappyBirthday
    14040Terraria - Journey's BeginningMusicSheetTerrariaJourneysBeginning
    14050Stardew Valley - Spring (It's a Big World Outside)MusicSheetStardewValleyItsABigWorldOutside
    14060Valheim - MeadowsMusicSheetValheimMeadows
    15000Copper OreCopperOre
    15050Tin OreTinOre
    15100Iron OreIronOre
    15200Gold OreGoldOre
    15210Scarlet OreScarletOre
    15220Octarine OreOctarineOre
    15230Galaxite OreGalaxiteOre
    15240Solarite OreSolariteOre
    15250Pandorium OrePandoriumOre
    16000Ancient GemstoneAncientGemstone
    16010Jungle EmeraldNatureGemstone
    16020Ocean SapphireSeaGemstone
    16030Desert RubyDesertGemstone
    16100Wood (unpainted)Wood
    16110Thorn WoodThornWood
    16120Coral WoodCoralWood
    16130Gleam WoodGleamWood
    16310Poison SlimePoisonSlime
    16320Slippery SlimeSlipperySlime
    16330Magma SlimeLavaSlime
    16420Strolly Poly PlateRolyPolyPlate
    16450Larva MeatLarvaMeat
    16460Shiny Larva MeatGoldenLarvaMeat
    16470Mechanical PartMechanicalPart
    16480Scrap PartsScrapPart
    16500Calcified ShellCalcifiedBone
    20210Ancient CoinAncientCoin
    20500Soul of AzeosAzeosSoulOrb
    20510Rune (Glurch)SummonArea
    1Rune (Ghorm)
    2Rune (Hive Mother)
    3Rune (Ivy)
    4Rune (Malugaz)
    5Rune (Morpha)
    6Rune (Igneous)
    20520Soul of OmorothOmorothSoulOrb
    20530Soul of Ra-AkarScarabBossSoulOrb
    20540Soul of DruidraHydraBossNatureSoulOrb
    20550Soul of CrydraHydraBossSeaSoulOrb
    20560Soul of PyrdraHydraBossDesertSoulOrb
    20600Fish shoalFishShoal
    22000Copper Ore BoulderCopperOreBoulder
    22010Tin Ore BoulderTinOreBoulder
    22020Iron Ore BoulderIronOreBoulder
    22030Gold Ore BoulderGoldOreBoulder
    22040Scarlet Ore BoulderScarletOreBoulder
    22050Octarine Ore BoulderOctarineOreBoulder
    22060Galaxite Ore BoulderGalaxiteOreBoulder
    22070Solarite Ore BoulderSolariteOreBoulder
    22090Pandorium Ore BoulderPandoriumOreBoulder
    6N/A(Hive Mother)
    14N/A(Atlantean Worm)
    25000Ghorm's HornLarvaBossCrystal
    25010Glurch EyeSlimeBossCrystal
    25020Stolen Crystal HeartHiveBossCrystal
    25030Giant Slime Summoning IdolSlimeBossSummoningItem
    25040Ghorm Summoning IdolLarvaBossSummoningItem
    25050Hive Mother Summoning IdolHiveBossSummoningItem
    25060Skull of the Corrupted ShamanShamanBossSummoningItem
    25080Crown Summoning IdolKingSlimeSummoningItem
    25090Haunted Hive Mother Summoning IdolHiveHalloweenBossSummoningItem
    25100Core Commander Summoning IdolCoreBossSummoningItem
    25110Primeval Slime CellWallBossSummoningItem
    30000Orange SlimeSlimeBlob
    1Hive Larva
    2Hive Larva (Hive Egg variant)
    30020Big LarvaBigLarva
    1Big Hive Larva
    2Big Hive Larva (Hive Egg variant)
    30030Ghorm the DevourerBossLarva
    30040Acid LarvaAcidLarva
    1Acid Larva (Hive Egg variant)
    30050The Hive MotherLarvaHiveBoss
    30060Larva Hive EggLarvaHiveEgg
    30080Red SlimeAggressiveSlimeBlob
    30100Haunted Hive MotherLarvaHiveHalloweenBoss
    30200Glurch the Abominous MassSlimeBoss
    30210Purple SlimePoisonSlimeBlob
    1Purple Slime (Ivy variant)
    30220Blue SlimeSlipperySlimeBlob
    30230Ivy the Poisonous MassPoisonSlimeBoss
    30240Morpha the Aquatic MassSlipperySlimeBoss
    30250King SlimeKingSlime
    30260Royal SlimeRoyalSlimeBlob
    30270Lava SlimeLavaSlimeBlob
    30280Igneous the Molten MassLavaSlimeBoss
    30510Caveling ShamanCavelingShaman
    30520Caveling GardenerCavelingGardener
    30530Caveling HunterCavelingHunter
    30540Infected CavelingInfectedCaveling
    30550Caveling BruteCavelingBrute
    30560Caveling ScholarCavelingScholar
    30570Core SentryAncientGolem
    30580Malugaz the CorruptedShamanBoss
    30590Caveling AssassinCavelingAssassin
    30600Caveling MummyCavelingMummy
    30610Caveling SkirmisherCavelingSkirmisher
    30620Caveling SpearmanCavelingSpearman
    30800Snare PlantSnarePlant
    30900Azeos the Sky TitanBirdBoss
    1Awakened Azeos
    30920Thunder BeamBirdBossBeam
    30930Blue CrystalBirdBossStone
    31010Mold TentacleMoldTentacle
    31050Bubble CrabCrabEnemy
    31100Omoroth the Sea TitanOctopusBoss
    31110Omoroth's TentacleOctopusTentacle
    31300Bomb ScarabBombScarab
    1Bomb Scarab (Ra-Akar variant)
    31310Ra-Akar the Sand TitanScarabBoss
    31330Lava ButterflyLavaButterfly
    31450Druidra the Wild TitanHydraBossNature
    31460Crydra the Ice TitanHydraBossSea
    31470Pyrdra the Fire TitanHydraBossDesert
    31480Atlantean WormSnakeBossSegment
    31500Crystal SnailCrystalBigSnail
    31510Orbital TurretOrbitalTurret
    31550Clay BurrowerClayWormSegment
    31570Core CommanderCoreBoss
    31580Core Thunder BeamCoreBossBeam
    31590Core SphereCoreBossOrb
    31600Nature WormNatureWormSegment
    31630Sulfur WormAmoebaWormSegment
    31650Colossal AmoebaAmoebaGiantSegment
    31800Shrooman BruteMushroomBrute
    34010Ghost ScholarGhostScholar
    35000Yellow GlowbugYellowFirefly
    1Yellow Glowbug (persistent)
    35010Blue GlowbugBlueFireFly
    1Blue Glowbug (persistent)
    35020Green GlowbugGreenFireFly
    1Green Glowbug (persistent)
    35030Red GlowbugRedFireFly
    1Red Glowbug (persistent)
    39000Cloaked MerchantCavelingMerchant
    39010Ancient Hologram PodAncientHologramPod
    39020Bearded MerchantSlimeMerchant
    39030Fishing MerchantFishingMerchant
    39040Seasonal MerchantSeasonalMerchant
    39050Little HelperlingSantasLittleHelper
    39060Brave MerchantCrystalMerchant
    39300Mysterious IdolMysteriousIdol
    39310Slime OilSlimeOil
    39320Pile of chumPileOfChum
    39330Cookies & MilkCookiesAndMilk
    39340Seasonal Calendar (down)Calendar
    1Seasonal Calendar (up)
    2Seasonal Calendar (left)
    3Seasonal Calendar (right)
    39350Nuclear BatteryCrystalMerchantSpawnItem
    40010Ancient FountainAncientFountain
    40020The CoreTheCore
    40030Basic WorkbenchWoodenWorkBench
    40050Electronics TableElectronicsTable
    40060Greenery PodGreeneryPod
    40070Carpenter's TableCarpenter
    40080Alchemist's TableAlchemyTable
    40090Table SawTableSaw
    40100Iron WorkbenchIronWorkBench
    40110Copper AnvilCopperAnvil
    40120Jewelry WorkbenchJewelryWorkBench
    40130Cooking PotCookingPot
    40140Iron AnvilIronAnvil
    40150Smelter KilnSmelterKiln
    40160Scarlet WorkbenchScarletWorkBench
    40170Railway ForgeRailwayForge
    40180Painter's TablePaintersTable
    40190Tin WorkbenchTinWorkbench
    40200Tin AnvilTinAnvil
    40210Scarlet AnvilScarletAnvil
    40220Automation TableAutomationTable
    40230Cartography TableCartographyTable
    40240Octarine AnvilOctarineAnvil
    40250Salvage and Repair StationSalvageAndRepairStation
    40260Distillery TableDistilleryTable
    40270Octarine WorkbenchOctarineWorkbench
    40280Bait WorkbenchFishingWorkBench
    40300Proficient Jewelry WorkbenchAdvancedJewelryWorkBench
    40310Boat WorkbenchBoatWorkbench
    40320Fury ForgeFuryForge
    40330Galaxite WorkbenchGalaxiteWorkbench
    40340Galaxite AnvilGalaxiteAnvil
    40350Key Casting TableKeyCraftingTable
    40360Go-Kart WorkbenchGoKartWorkbench
    40370Festive WorkbenchChristmasWorkbench
    40380Magic MirrorMagicMirror
    40400Valentine Crafting TableValentineWorkbench
    40420Music WorkbenchMusicWorkbench
    40430Copper WorkbenchCopperWorkbench
    40440Glass SmelterGlassSmelter
    40450Glass WorkbenchGlassWorkbench
    40460Upgrade StationUpgradeForge
    40470Solarite AnvilSolariteAnvil
    40480Livestock WorkbenchCattleWorkbench
    40490Solarite WorkbenchSolariteWorkbench
    40500Samhain WorkbenchHalloweenWorkbench
    40510Hydra AltarHydraWorkbench
    41000Electricity GeneratorElectricityGenerator
    41010Ghorm StatueLarvaBossStatue
    41020Glurch StatueSlimeBossStatue
    41030Malugaz StatueLarvaHiveBossStatue
    41510Arrow SignSignArrow
    41520Skull EffigySignSkull
    41530Brute SignSignBrute
    41550Metropolis SignSignTextMetropolis
    47000Wood FloorWoodFloor
    47010Wood Fence Gate (down)WoodFenceGate
    1Wood Fence Gate (up)
    2Wood Fence Gate (left)
    3Wood Fence Gate (right)
    47020Wood FenceWoodFence
    1Wood Fence
    2Wood Fence
    3Wood Fence
    4Wood Fence
    5Wood Fence
    6Wood Fence
    7Wood Fence
    8Wood Fence
    9Wood Fence
    10Wood Fence
    11Wood Fence
    12Wood Fence
    13Wood Fence
    14Wood Fence
    47030Wood BridgeWoodBridge
    47040Stone FloorStoneFloor
    47050Stone Fence Gate (down)StoneFenceGate
    1Stone Fence Gate (up)
    2Stone Fence Gate (left)
    3Stone Fence Gate (right)
    47060Stone FenceStoneFence
    47070Stone BridgeStoneBridge
    47080Paintable Floor (unpainted)PaintableFloor
    1Paintable Floor (yellow)
    2Paintable Floor (green)
    3Paintable Floor (red)
    4Paintable Floor (purple)
    5Paintable Floor (blue)
    6Paintable Floor (brown)
    7Paintable Floor (white)
    8Paintable Floor (black)
    9Paintable Floor (orange)
    10Paintable Floor (cyan)
    11Paintable Floor (pink)
    12Paintable Floor (gray)
    13Paintable Floor (peach)
    14Paintable Floor (teal)
    47090Scarlet FloorScarletFloor
    47100Scarlet Fence Gate (down)ScarletFenceGate
    1Scarlet Fence Gate (up)
    2Scarlet Fence Gate (left)
    3Scarlet Fence Gate (right)
    47110Scarlet FenceScarletFence
    47120Scarlet BridgeScarletBridge
    47130Lit Floor (unpainted)PaintableLitFloor
    1Lit Floor (yellow)
    2Lit Floor (green)
    3Lit Floor (red)
    4Lit Floor (purple)
    5Lit Floor (blue)
    6Lit Floor (brown)
    7Lit Floor (white)
    8Lit Floor (black)
    9Lit Floor (orange)
    10Lit Floor (cyan)
    11Lit Floor (pink)
    12Lit Floor (gray)
    13Lit Floor (peach)
    14Lit Floor (teal)
    47140Coral FloorCoralFloor
    47150Coral Fence Gate (down)CoralFenceGate
    1Coral Fence Gate (up)
    2Coral Fence Gate (left)
    3Coral Fence Gate (right)
    47160Coral FenceCoralFence
    47170Coral BridgeCoralBridge
    47180Galaxite FloorGalaxiteFloor
    47190Galaxite Fence Gate (down)GalaxiteFenceGate
    1Galaxite Fence Gate (up)
    2Galaxite Fence Gate (left)
    3Galaxite Fence Gate (right)
    47200Galaxite FenceGalaxiteFence
    47210Galaxite BridgeGalaxiteBridge
    47220Glass Floor (unpainted)GlassFloor
    1Glass Floor (yellow)
    2Glass Floor (green)
    3Glass Floor (red)
    4Glass Floor (purple)
    5Glass Floor (blue)
    6Glass Floor (brown)
    7Glass Floor (white)
    8Glass Floor (black)
    9Glass Floor (orange)
    10Glass Floor (cyan)
    11Glass Floor (pink)
    12Glass Floor (gray)
    13Glass Floor (peach)
    14Glass Floor (teal)
    47230Thin Glass Wall (unpainted)ThinWallGlass
    1Thin Glass Wall (yellow)
    2Thin Glass Wall (green)
    3Thin Glass Wall (red)
    4Thin Glass Wall (purple)
    5Thin Glass Wall (blue)
    6Thin Glass Wall (brown)
    7Thin Glass Wall (white)
    8Thin Glass Wall (black)
    9Thin Glass Wall (orange)
    10Thin Glass Wall (cyan)
    11Thin Glass Wall (pink)
    12Thin Glass Wall (gray)
    13Thin Glass Wall (peach)
    14Thin Glass Wall (teal)
    47240Glass Bridge (unpainted)GlassBridge
    1Glass Bridge (yellow)
    2Glass Bridge (green)
    3Glass Bridge (red)
    4Glass Bridge (purple)
    5Glass Bridge (blue)
    6Glass Bridge (brown)
    7Glass Bridge (white)
    8Glass Bridge (black)
    9Glass Bridge (orange)
    10Glass Bridge (cyan)
    11Glass Bridge (pink)
    12Glass Bridge (gray)
    13Glass Bridge (peach)
    14Glass Bridge (teal)
    47250Woven Straw FloorWovenStrawFloor
    47260Gleam Wood FloorGleamWoodFloor
    47270Gleam Wood Fence Gate (down)GleamWoodFenceGate
    1Gleam Wood Fence Gate (up)
    2Gleam Wood Fence Gate (left)
    3Gleam Wood Fence Gate (right)
    47280Gleam Wood FenceGleamWoodFence
    47290Gleam Wood BridgeGleamWoodBridge
    47500Rug (unpainted)Rug
    1Rug (yellow)
    2Rug (green)
    3Rug (red)
    4Rug (purple)
    5Rug (blue)
    6Rug (brown)
    7Rug (white)
    8Rug (black)
    9Rug (orange)
    10Rug (cyan)
    11Rug (pink)
    12Rug (gray)
    13Rug (peach)
    14Rug (teal)
    47510Woven MatWovenMat
    47520Loose Flooring (unpainted)LooseFlooring
    1Loose Flooring (yellow)
    2Loose Flooring (green)
    3Loose Flooring (red)
    4Loose Flooring (purple)
    5Loose Flooring (blue)
    6Loose Flooring (brown)
    7Loose Flooring (white)
    8Loose Flooring (black)
    9Loose Flooring (orange)
    10Loose Flooring (cyan)
    11Loose Flooring (pink)
    12Loose Flooring (gray)
    13Loose Flooring (peach)
    14Loose Flooring (teal)
    47530Rose Petal FlooringValentineFloorPetals
    47700Wood Door (down)WoodDoor
    1Wood Door (up)
    2Wood Door (left)
    3Wood Door (right)
    47710Stone Door (down)StoneDoor
    1Stone Door (up)
    2Stone Door (left)
    3Stone Door (right)
    47720Scarlet Door (down)ScarletDoor
    1Scarlet Door (up)
    2Scarlet Door (left)
    3Scarlet Door (right)
    47730Metal GrateMetalGrateBridge
    47740Gleam Wood Door (down)GleamWoodDoor
    1Gleam Wood Door (up)
    2Gleam Wood Door (left)
    3Gleam Wood Door (right)
    47750Coral Door (down)CoralDoor
    1Coral Door (up)
    2Coral Door (left)
    3Coral Door (right)
    47760Galaxite Door (down)GalaxiteDoor
    1Galaxite Door (up)
    2Galaxite Door (left)
    3Galaxite Door (right)
    50100Caveling SkullCavelingSkull
    50110Leaf FossilLeafFossil
    50140Broken Core IdolBrokenCoreIdol
    50160Old AmuletOldAmulet
    50170Ear PlateEarPlate
    50180Bone CreoleBoneCreole
    50190Triangle TrinketTriangleTrinket
    50200Twisted AgateTwistedAgate
    50210Blood SkullBloodSkull
    50220Grub KnotGrubKnot
    50230Petrified EggPetrifiedEgg
    50240Old Spore MaskOldSporeMask
    50250Hard ThornHardThorn
    50260Balloon SporeBalloonSpore
    50270Caveling DollCavelingDoll
    50280Small Caveling SkullSmallCavelingSkull
    50290Golden FeatherGoldenFeather
    50300Mechanical ArmMechanicalArm
    50310Dry ButterflyDryButterfly
    50320Precious UrnPreciousUrn
    50330Amber ChunkAmberChunk
    50340Petrified CoralPetrifiedCoral
    50350Mold DewMoldDew
    50360Fungal BoneFungalBone
    50370Mildew LeafMildewLeaf
    50380Chipped PlateChippedPlate
    50390Stone CapStoneCap
    50400Giant MiteGiantMite
    50410Rusty SpoonRustySpoon
    50420Green KelpGreenKelp
    50430Golden StarfishGoldenStarfish
    50440Amber Fish EggAmberFishEgg
    50450Soft SpongeSoftSponge
    50460Adder StoneAdderStone
    50470Caveling PerfumeCavelingPerfume
    50480Enhydro CrystalEnhydroCrystal
    50490Mucus AmoebaMucusAmoeba
    50500Parasite FossilParasiteFossil
    50510Golden CocoonGoldenCocoon
    50520Grub PearlGrubPearl
    50530Giant GermGiantGerm
    50540Mold ShellMoldShell
    50550Ceremonial FluteCeremonialFlute
    50560Data SlateDataSlate
    50570Lost PaddleLostPaddle
    50580Feather Fish ScaleFeatherFishScale
    50590Caveling MedalCavelingMedal
    50600Rainbow KelpRainbowKelp
    50610Bubble PearlBubblePearl
    50620Black Bubble PearlBlackBubblePearl
    50630Sealed BeverageSealedBeverage
    50640Shark ToothSharkTooth
    50650Forked CoralForkedCoral
    50660Petrified TrilobitePetrifiedTrilobite
    50670Rusty Fishing HookRustyFishingHook
    50680Fish FossilFishFossil
    50690Fizzy CrystalFizzyCrystal
    50700Grey KelpGreyKelp
    50710Yellow KelpYellowKelp
    50720Pale KelpPaleKelp
    50730Red KelpRedKelp
    50740Early Human SkullEarlyHumanSkull
    50750Golden Caveling MaskGoldenCavelingMask
    50760Ancient Gem PlateAncientGemPlate
    50770Antique Board GameAntiqueBoardGame
    50780Music BowlMusicBowl
    50790Seismic ClockSeismicClock
    50800Old JournalOldJournal
    50810Mysterious Doll SetParsecPalsDolls
    50820Ritual GobletRitualGoblet
    50830Oracle Card "Entity"OracleCardCore
    50840Glurch FigurineGlurchTrophy
    50850Ivy FigurineIvyTrophy
    50860Ghorm FigurineGhormTrophy
    50870Hive Mother FigurineHivemotherTrophy
    50880Slime FigurineSlimeTrophy
    50890Purple Slime FigurinePurpleSlimeTrophy
    50900Red Slime FigurineRedSlimeTrophy
    50910Acid Larva FigurineAcidLarvaTrophy
    50920Larva FigurineLarvaTrophy
    50930Big Larva FigurineBigLarvaTrophy
    50940Hive Larva FigurineHiveLarvaTrophy
    50950Big Hive Larva FigurineHiveBigLarvaTrophy
    50960Caveling FigurineCavelingTrophy
    50970Caveling Gardener FigurineCavelingFarmerTrophy
    50980Caveling Hunter FigurineCavelingHunterTrophy
    50990Caveling Shaman FigurineCavelingShamanTrophy
    51000Infected Caveling FigurineCavelingInfectedTrophy
    51010Caveling Brute FigurineCavelingBruteTrophy
    51020Azeos FigurineAzeosTrophy
    51030Malugaz FigurineMalugazTrophy
    51040Tentacle FigurineTentacleTrophy
    51050Mold Tentacle FigurineMoldTentacleTrophy
    51060Snare Plant FigurineSnarePlantTrophy
    51070Blue Slime FigurineBlueSlimeTrophy
    51080Oracle Card "Aura"OracleCardGem
    51090Oracle Card "Brilliance"OracleCardFlower
    51100Awakened Azeos FigurineEasterAzeosTrophy
    51110Screen DeviceScreenDevice
    51120Caveling EffigyCavelingEffigy
    51130Crystal SphereCrystalSphere
    51140Luxurious HandmirrorLuxuriousHandmirror
    51150Processor ChipProcessorChip
    51160Timeless HourglassTimelessHourglass
    51170Playing DicePlayingDice
    51180Golden WhistleGoldenWhistle
    51190Bent ForkBentFork
    51200Caveling CupCavelingCup
    51210Oracle Card "Wisdom"OracleCardScholar
    51220Oracle Card "Metropolis"OracleCardCity
    51230Oracle Card "Inspiration"OracleCardLeader
    51240Core FigurineCoreTrophy
    51250Morpha FigurineMorphaTrophy
    51260Cocoon FigurineCocoonTrophy
    51270Omoroth FigurineOmorothTrophy
    51280Bubble Crab FigurineCrabTrophy
    51290Core Sentry FigurineGolemTrophy
    51300Caveling Scholar FigurineScholarTrophy
    51310Giant Squid EyeGiantSquidEye
    51320Golden NeedleGoldenNeedle
    51330Polished ShellPolishedShell
    51340Opabinia FossilOpabiniaFossil
    51350Blue KelpBlueKelp
    51360Shrooman FigurineMushroomEnemyTrophy
    51370King Slime FigurineKingSlimeTrophy
    51380Oracle Card "Radiance"OracleCardAzeos
    51390Oracle Card "Temperance"OracleCardOmoroth
    51400Oracle Card "Endurance"OracleCardRaAkar
    51410Blue Glass ShardBlueGlassShard
    51420Charred Caveling SkullCharredCavelingSkull
    51430Caveling SandalCavelingSandal
    51440Worker HandcuffWorkerHandcuff
    51450Crystal SpearheadCrystalSpearhead
    51460Melting Lava WingMoltenButterflyWing
    51470Plume BallPlumeBall
    51480Pickaxe HeadPickaxeHead
    51490Desert DiamondDesertDiamond
    51500Black Desert DiamondBlackDesertDiamond
    51510Bag of MarblesBagOfMarbles
    51520Ancient Golden CoinAncientGoldenCoin
    51530Incense BowlIncenseBowl
    51540Ancient Makeup SetAncientMakeupSet
    51550Caveling Prophet MaskCavelingProphetMask
    51560Frozen FlameFrozenFlame
    51600Igneous FigurineIgneousTrophy
    51610Ra-Akar FigurineRaAkarTrophy
    51620Bomb Scarab FigurineBombScarabTrophy
    51630Lava Butterfly FigurineLavaButterflyTrophy
    51640Caveling Assassin FigurineCavelingAssassinTrophy
    51650Lava Slime FigurineLavaSlimeTrophy
    51660Broken GourdBrokenGourd
    51670Kingfish ScaleKingfishScale
    51680Broken Toy ShipBrokenToyShip
    51690Flesh KelpFleshKelp
    51700Ancient Fishing HookAncientFishingHook
    51710Fusion AlloyFusionAlloy
    51720Starlight ShardsStarlightShards
    51730Dark Blue KelpDarkBlueKelp
    51740White WhistleWhiteWhistle
    51750Haunted Hive Mother FigurineHiveHalloweenBossTrophy
    51760Frankenbrute FigurineFrankensteinCavelingBruteTrophy
    51770Pumpking Caveling FigurinePumpkinHeadCavelingShamanTrophy
    51780Spookaveling FigurineGhostBlanketCavelingTrophy
    51790Big Dracularva FigurineBigLarvaVampireTrophy
    51800Caveling Skirmisher FigurineCavelingSkirmisherTrophy
    51810Caveling Spearman FigurineCavelingSpearmanTrophy
    51820Crystal StarCrystalStar
    51830Snow GlobeSnowGlobe
    51840Sentry NutcrackerSentryNutcracker
    51850Winter BellWinterBell
    51860Starwand Shaman FigurineChristmasShamanTrophy
    51870Snowhead Slime FigurineChristmasSlimeTrophy
    51880Carrot Slime FigurineChristmasSpikedSlimeTrophy
    51890Bakery Brute FigurineChristmasBruteTrophy
    51900Gingerbreadling FigurineChristmasCavelingTrophy
    51910Santa Shrooman FigurineChristmasShroomanTrophy
    51920Lump of CoalLumpOfCoal
    51930Pink Rose BouquetPinkRoseBouquet
    51940White Rose BouquetWhiteRoseBouquet
    51950Golden Rose BouquetGoldenRoseBouquet
    51960Enchanted RoseEnchantedRose
    51970Rose WaterRoseWater
    51980Heart of GoldHeartOfGold
    51990Blue Glass KalimbaBlueGlassKalimba
    52000Offspring CapsuleOffspringCapsule
    52010Homeworld ReminiscenceHomeworldReminiscence
    52020Catalyst GemstoneCatalystGemstone
    52030Chemical RationChemicalRation
    52040Deepspace LogDeepspaceLog
    52050Triops FossilTriopsFossil
    52060Suspended ButterflySuspendedButterfly
    52070Crystal BoneCrystalBone
    52080Agartha ReportAgarthaReport
    52090Sparkle OpalSparkleOpal
    52100Atlantean Worm FigurineAtlantianWormTrophy
    52120Mimite FigurineMimiteTrophy
    52130Orbital Turret FigurineOrbitalTurretTrophy
    52140Nilipede FigurineNilipedeTrophy
    52150Clay Burrower FigurineClayWormTrophy
    52160Druidra FigurineHydraBossNatureTrophy
    52170Pyrdra FigurineHydraBossDesertTrophy
    52180Crydra FigurineHydraBossSeaTrophy
    52190Core Commander FigurineCoreCommanderTrophy
    52200Unleashed Core Commander FigurineUnleashedCoreCommanderTrophy
    52210Colossal Amoeba FigurineColossalAmoebaTrophy
    52220Sulfur Worm FigurineSulfurWormTrophy
    52230Urschleim FigurineWallBossTrophy
    52240Caveling Mummy FigurineCavelingMummyTrophy
    52250Shrooman Brute FigurineShroomanBruteTrophy
    55010Giant Mushroom (old)GiantMushroom
    55020Giant MushroomGiantMushroom2
    55030Amber LarvaAmberLarva2
    55050Stone MossStoneCavelingMoss
    55060Lush MossNatureCavelingMoss
    55070Urban MossCityCavelingMoss
    55080Fungal SoilFungalGrowth
    55090Valley MossDesertCavelingMoss
    55100Clay MossClayCavelingMoss
    55120Ground SlimeGroundSlime
    55130Ground Acid SlimeGroundAcidSlime
    55140Ground Poison SlimeGroundPoisonSlime
    55150Ground Slippery SlimeGroundSlipperySlime
    55160Ground Magma SlimeGroundLavaSlime
    55170Crystal CrustCrystalCrust
    55200Ancient CrateAncientDestructible
    55250Large Ancient CrateLargeAncientDestructible
    1Large Ancient Crate
    2Large Ancient Crate
    3Large Ancient Crate
    4Large Ancient Crate
    5Large Ancient Crate
    6Large Ancient Crate
    7Large Ancient Crate
    8Large Ancient Crate
    9Large Ancient Crate
    55260Fallen RockFallingRockDestructible
    55300Digging SpotDiggingSpot
    55320Grass Digging SpotDiggingSpotNature
    55330Beach Digging SpotDiggingSpotSea
    55340Desert Digging SpotDiggingSpotDesert
    55350Lava Rock Digging SpotDiggingSpotLava
    55700Ruins ArcRuinsPiece1
    55710Ruins GateRuinsPiece2
    55720Ruins TileRuinsPiece3
    55730Ruins PillarsRuinsPiece4
    55800Potted Land AlgaePottedLandKelp
    55810Potted Bloom TreePottedFlowerTree
    55820Potted Plume TreePottedPlumeTree
    55830Potted Cherry TreePottedCherryTree
    55840Potted Lush TreePottedLushTree
    55850Potted Mold PompomPottedPuffSticks
    55860Potted Abyss TreePottedLushBush
    55870Potted Magma TulipPottedMagmaTulip
    55880Potted Moonbell TreePottedGlowberryTree
    55890Potted Meadow TreePottedGoldenOrbBush
    55900Potted Lucent OakPottedLucentTree
    55910Potted Alien FlowerPottedAlienFlower
    56000Giant AmmoniteLargeShell
    56010Colossal Cicada HuskColossCicada
    56020Small Slime VesselSlimeDestructSmall
    56030Medium Slime VesselSlimeDestructMedium
    56040Large Slime VesselSlimeDestructLarge
    56050Hive VeinHiveVein
    1Hive Vein
    2Hive Vein
    3Hive Vein
    4Hive Vein
    5Hive Vein
    56060Amber BoulderAmberBoulder
    56070Amber Larva (old)AmberLarva
    56080Hive BonesHiveBone
    1Hive Bones
    56090Hive GrowthHiveDestructible
    1Hive Growth
    1Stone Stalagmite
    2Abyss Tree
    3Metropolis Pit Pillar
    4Temple Pit Pillar
    5Lava Stalagmite
    6Crystal Stalagmite
    7High Tech Pillar
    8Fossil Stalagmite
    56110Wooden CrateWoodenDestructible
    1Large Wooden Crate
    2Large Wooden Crate
    3Large Wooden Crate
    56120Flower VesselNatureDestructible
    1Large Flower Vessel
    56130Sun KelpWaterKelp
    56140Azeos LilyWaterLily
    56150Wilderness BonesNatureBones
    1Wilderness Bones
    56160Ancient FeatherAncientFeather
    56170Bird PoopBirdPoop
    1Bird Poop
    2Bird Poop
    56180Abyss TreeAbyssTree
    1Abyss Tree
    2Abyss Tree
    56200Tall GrassTallGrass
    56210Ancient GuardianAncientGiant
    56220Lush TreeGraveTree
    56240Camp TentAbandonedCampTent
    56250Camp MatressAbandonedCampMatress
    56260Old RebreatherOldRebreather
    56280Abandoned CampfireAbandonedCampfire
    56290Worship MuralWorshipMural
    1Worship Mural (activated)
    56300Mold VesselMoldDestructible
    1Mold Vessel
    56310Large Mold VesselLargeMoldDestructible
    56320Mold VeinMoldVein
    1Mold Vein
    2Mold Vein
    3Mold Vein
    4Mold Vein
    5Mold Vein
    56330Small Poison Slime VesselPoisonSlimeDestructSmall
    56340Medium Poison Slime VesselPoisonSlimeDestructMedium
    56350Large Poison Slime VesselPoisonSlimeDestructLarge
    56360Overgrown Wooden CrateNatureWoodenDestructible
    1Large Overgrown Wooden Crate
    2Large Overgrown Wooden Crate
    3Large Overgrown Wooden Crate
    56370Falling StalactiteHydraBossStalactite
    56390Paradise TreeBigJungleTree
    57000Caveling Floor TileCavelingFloorTile
    57010Broken Stone PillarBrokenStonePillar
    57020Caveling PotCavelingPot
    57030Caveling TableCavelingTable
    57040Caveling ChairCavelingChair
    57050Caveling ToiletCavelingToilet
    57060Caveling BedCavelingBed
    57070Caveling Wall (horizontal damaged)CavelingWall
    1Caveling Wall (horizontal damaged)
    2Caveling Wall (horizontal)
    3Caveling Wall (horizontal)
    4Caveling Wall (bottom-left corner)
    5Caveling Wall (bottom-right corner)
    6Caveling Wall (top-left corner)
    7Caveling Wall (top-right corner)
    57080Short Caveling Wall (bottom)CavelingShortWall
    1Short Caveling Wall (top)
    2Short Caveling Wall (left)
    3Short Caveling Wall (right)
    4Short Caveling Wall (bottom-left corner)
    5Short Caveling Wall (bottom-right corner)
    6Short Caveling Wall (top-left corner)
    7Short Caveling Wall (top-right corner)
    57090Water WellWaterWell
    57100Dark Caveling Floor TileCavelingFloorTileDark
    57110Caveling throneCavelingThrone
    57120Roast FirepitLarvaBBQ
    57130Larva SkewerLarvaSkewer
    57140Larvaskin TentLarvaskinTent
    57150Spear RackSpearRack
    57160Broken Clay KilnKiln1
    57170Clay Firing BucketKiln2
    57180Larvaskin RugLarvaskinRug
    57190Hive Larvaskin RugLarvaskinRugRed
    57200Small Clamping FrameLeatherFrameSmall
    57210Clamping FrameLeatherFrame
    57220Clay PotClayPot
    57500Mold TreeMoldTree
    57510Mold WellMoldWell
    57520Mold PillarMoldPillar
    57530Mold Cicada (Sickle)MoldCicada
    57540Mold Worship MuralMoldWorshipMural
    1Mold Worship Mural (activated)
    57550Floaty MoldFloatyMold
    57560Mold CicadaMoldCicadaWithoutSickle
    58000Beached JellyJellyfishDestructable
    58010Large Beached JellyLargeJellyfishDestructable
    58020Lumen CoralGlowingCoral
    58030Land AlgaeLandKelp
    58040Tall Land AlgaeTallLandKelp
    58050Kelp TreeKelpTree
    58060Fishing Net RackFishingNetRack
    58070Driftwood TableDriftwoodTable
    58080Driftwood StoolDriftwoodStool
    58090Wooden Sign "Core"WoodenSign1
    58100Wooden Sign "Tulip"WoodenSign2
    58110Giant Conch ShellConchShell
    58120Ocean King FossilOceanKingFossil
    58130Turtle StatueTurtleRock
    58140Caveling MonumentCavelingMonument
    58150Broken Caveling MonumentCavelingMonumentBroken
    58160Caveling ShipCavelingShip
    58170Chronicle GalleryChronicleGallery
    58180Broken CoreBrokenCore
    58190Metropolis GateRuinsGate
    58200Core Relief TileRuinsCoreRelief
    58210Stone tile "Gemstone"BigFloorTileGemstone
    58220Stone tile "Cavelings"BigFloorTileCaveling
    58230Stone tile "Scholar"BigFloorTileScholar
    58240Small HoloboardInfoBoardSmall
    58250Large HoloboardInfoBoardLarge
    58260Broken HoloboardInfoBoardBroken
    58270Big Gold-edged TableRuinsTable
    58280Gold-edged TableRuinsTableSmall
    58290Caveling StoolRuinsStool
    58300Stone ShelfRuinsShelfSmall
    58310Large Stone ShelfRuinsShelfLarge
    58320Caveling FireplaceRuinsFireplace
    58330Caveling PillarRuinsCavelingPillar
    58340Vending MachineVendingMachine
    58350Broken Vending MachineVendingMachineBroken
    58360Beached Caveling ShipCavelingShipBeached
    58370Sea ShellSeaShell
    58380Broken Core SentryBrokenCoreSentry1
    58390Damaged Core SentryBrokenCoreSentry2
    58400Metropolis CrateCityDestructible
    58410Large Metropolis CrateLargeCityDestructible
    1Large Metropolis Crate
    2Large Metropolis Crate
    3Large Metropolis Crate
    4Large Metropolis Crate
    58420Driftwood Wooden CrateSeaWoodenDestructible
    1Large Driftwood Wooden Crate
    2Large Driftwood Wooden Crate
    3Large Driftwood Wooden Crate
    58430Shrine MuralShrineMural
    1Shrine Mural (activated)
    58440Large Bicolor CoralSurfaceCoral1Large
    58450Bicolor CoralSurfaceCoral1Medium
    58460Small Bicolor CoralSurfaceCoral1Small
    58470Large Crimson CoralSurfaceCoral2Large
    58480Crimson CoralSurfaceCoral2Small
    58490Large Dish CoralSurfaceCoral3Large
    58500Dish CoralSurfaceCoral3Small
    58510Ice CrystalHydraBossIceShard
    58600Desert Flower VesselDesertDestructible
    58610Large Desert Flower VesselLargeDesertDestructible
    58620Small Desert GrassSmallDesertGrass
    58630Charred CrateLavaWoodenDestructible
    1Large Charred Crate
    2Large Charred Crate
    3Large Charred Crate
    58640Temple CrateDesertTempleDestructible
    58650Large Temple CrateLargeDesertTempleDestructible
    1Large Temple Crate
    2Large Temple Crate
    3Large Temple Crate
    4Large Temple Crate
    58660Oasis Flower VesselGreenDesertDestructible
    58670Large Oasis Flower VesselGreenLargeDesertDestructible
    58680Desert ShrubDesertBush
    58690Sandstone RockDesertRock1
    58700Large Left-Facing Rock ArcDesertRock2Left
    58710Giant Right-Facing Rock ArcDesertRock3Right
    58730Mammoth FossilMammothFossil
    58740Plume TreePlumeTree
    58750Crystal MeteoriteCrystalMeteor
    58760Hunting RockHuntingSceneRock
    58770Small Sandstone RockDesertRockSmall
    58780Scarab WingcoverScarabWingcover
    58790Crystal Meteorite BoulderCrystalMeteorBoulder
    58800Ancient ForgeAncientForge
    58810Temple PillarTemplePillar
    58820Angled Glyph WallTempleGlyphWall1
    58830Glyph WallTempleGlyphWall2
    58840Temple Decor RugSmallTempleRug
    58850Large Temple Decor RugLargeTempleRug
    58860Temple Guardian StatueTempleGuardianStatue
    58870Raided Temple Guardian StatueTempleGuardianStatueRaided
    58880Glyph SteleTempleGlyphBlock
    58890Broken Glyph SteleTempleGlyphBlockBroken
    59000Temple ThroneTempleThrone
    59010Temple PedestalTemplePedestal
    59020Azeos UrnTempleAzeosUrn
    59030Ra-Akar UrnTempleRaAkarUrn
    59040Omoroth UrnTempleOmorothUrn
    59050Desert Queen GraveQueenGrave
    59060Desert King GraveKingGrave
    59070Desert Prince GravePrinceGrave
    59080Raided GraveEmptyGrave
    59090Damaged GraveBrokenGrave
    59100Servant GraveIntactGrave
    59110Tilted GraveTiltedGrave
    59120Meteor RockMeteorRock
    59130Temple Mural (Azeos)TempleMuralAzeos
    59140Temple Mural (Omoroth)TempleMuralOmoroth
    59150Temple Mural (Ra-Akar)TempleMuralRaAkar
    59160Lava RockLavaRock
    59170Coal PitEmberPit
    59180Old Smithing BellowSmithingBellow
    59190Broken Quarry TimberLavaPost1
    59200Large Quarry TimberLavaPost2
    59210Old WheelbarrowWheelbarrow
    59220Large Right-Facing Rock ArcDesertRock2Right
    59230Giant Left-Facing Rock ArcDesertRock3Left
    59250Amalgam BasinLiquidMetalBasin
    59260Amalgam VentLiquidMetalVent
    1Large Amalgam Vent
    59400Alien Tech CrateAlienTechDestructible
    59410Large Alien Tech DestructibleLargeAlienTechDestructible
    1Large Alien Tech Destructible
    2Large Alien Tech Destructible
    59420Cryo PodCryoPod1
    59430Damaged Cryo PodCryoPod2
    59440Broken Cryo PodCryoPod3
    59450Sun CrystalCrystalDestructible
    59460Large Sun CrystalLargeCrystalDestructible
    59470Failed TitanCrystalCicada
    59480Tower ShellTowerShell
    59490Lucent OakLucentOakTree
    59500Tall Crystal GrassTallCrystalGrass
    59510Crystal GrassSmallCrystalGrass
    59520Crystal TentCrystalTent
    59530Radiation CrystalRadiationCrystal
    59540Geode Wall Display (down)GeodeWallDisplay
    1Geode Wall Display (up)
    2Geode Wall Display (left)
    3Geode Wall Display (right)
    59550Small ObeliskObeliskSmall
    59560Tall ObeliskObeliskTall
    59570Singing CrystalSingingCrystal
    59580Dysfunctional CoilAlienTechSpire
    59590Alien Crystal LightAlienTechCrystalLight
    59600Alien Floor VentAlienFloorVent
    59610Small Alien ObeliskAlienObeliskSmall
    59620Tall Alien ObeliskAlienObeliskTall
    59700Sulfur TreeSulfurTree
    59710Sulfur BudSulfurBud
    59720Purple Feather TreeFeatherTree
    59730Small Purple Feather TreeSmallFeatherTree
    59740Cyan Feather TreeFeatherTreeCyan
    59750Small Cyan Feather TreeSmallFeatherTreeCyan
    59760Tall Barnacle GrassTallBarnacleGrass
    59770Barnacle GrassSmallBarnacleGrass
    59790Pandorium CrystalPandoriumCrystal
    59800Small Pandorium CrystalSmallPandoriumCrystal
    59810Fossil ClusterPassageDestructible
    59820Large Fossil ClusterLargePassageDestructible
    59830Rift StatuePassageCraftingStatue
    59840Amoeba BombAmoebaBomb
    59850Grimy Stone PillarGrimyStonePillar
    59860Grimy Stone FloorGrimyStoneFloor
    59870Stone LanternStoneLantern
    1Lever (activated)
    65010Electrical WireElectricalWire
    65020Ancient WireAncientWire
    65030Indestructible Ancient WireIndestructibleAncientWire
    65040Electrical Door (down)ElectricalDoor
    1Electrical Door (up)
    65050Logic Circuit (down)LogicCircuit
    1Logic Circuit (up)
    2Logic Circuit (left)
    3Logic Circuit (right)
    65060Pulse CircuitPulseCircuit
    1Pulse Circuit
    2Pulse Circuit
    3Pulse Circuit
    65070Delay Circuit (down)DelayCircuit
    1Delay Circuit (up)
    2Delay Circuit (left)
    3Delay Circuit (right)
    65080Electricity StickElectricityStick
    65090Dynamite PackDynamitePack
    65100Pressure PlatePressurePlate
    1Pressure Plate (activated)
    65110Cross Circuit (crossed)CrossCircuit
    1Cross Circuit (left-down, right-up)
    2Cross Circuit (left-up, right-down)
    1Materializer (Orbital Turret)
    2Materializer (Mimite)
    3Materializer (Shrooman)
    65130Event TerminalEventTerminal
    1Event Terminal
    2Event Terminal
    3Event Terminal
    4Event Terminal
    5Event Terminal
    6Event Terminal
    65140Ancient WaypointWayPoint
    1Ancient Waypoint
    65520Wonky MinecartWonkyMinecart
    65900Speeder Go-kartSpeederGoKart
    65910Renegade Go-kartRenegadeGoKart
    65920Primitive Go-kartPrimitiveGoKart
    66000Hive Spike TrapHiveSpikeTrap
    66010Spike TrapSpikeTrap
    66040Poison Spike TrapPoisonTrap
    66090Galaxite TrapGalaxiteTrap
    66100Wooden Spike TrapWoodSpikeTrap
    66500Drill (down)Drill
    1Drill (up)
    2Drill (left)
    3Drill (right)
    66510Conveyor Belt (down)ConveyorBelt
    1Conveyor Belt (up)
    2Conveyor Belt (left)
    3Conveyor Belt (right)
    66520Robot Arm (down)RobotArm
    1Robot Arm (up)
    2Robot Arm (left)
    3Robot Arm (right)
    66540Stone Turret (down)TempleTurret
    1Stone Turret (up)
    2Stone Turret (left)
    3Stone Turret (right)
    66550Galaxite Turret (down)GalaxiteTurret
    1Galaxite Turret (up)
    2Galaxite Turret (left)
    3Galaxite Turret (right)
    66560Crude Drill (down)CrudeDrill
    1Crude Drill (up)
    2Crude Drill (left)
    3Crude Drill (right)
    71000Azeos Feather FanAzeosFeatherFan
    72000Omoroth CompassOmorothCompass
    73000Ra-Akar AutomatonRaAkarAutomaton
    74040Pocket PianoInstrumentPiano
    74530Melody MuralMelodyListenerMural
    1Melody Mural (activated)
    74540Dirt Melody MuralMelodyListenerMuralDirt
    1Dirt Melody Mural (activated)
    74550Clay Melody MuralMelodyListenerMuralClay
    1Clay Melody Mural (activated)
    74560Stone Melody MuralMelodyListenerMuralStone
    1Stone Melody Mural (activated)
    74570Nature Melody MuralMelodyListenerMuralNature
    1Nature Melody Mural (activated)
    74580Sea Melody MuralMelodyListenerMuralSea
    1Sea Melody Mural (activated)
    74590Desert Melody MuralMelodyListenerMuralDesert
    1Desert Melody Mural (activated)
    79000Meadow MilkMilk
    79010Marbled MeatMeat
    79020Dodo EggEgg
    80010Heart Berry SeedHeartBerrySeed
    1Heart Berry Seed
    80020Heart Berry PlantHeartBerryPlant
    1Heart Berry Plant
    2Heart Berry Plant
    80030Heart BerryHeartBerry
    80040Glow Tulip SeedGlowingTulipSeed
    1Glow Tulip Seed
    80050Glow Tulip PlantGlowingTulipPlant
    1Glow Tulip Plant
    2Glow Tulip Plant
    80060Glow TulipGlowingTulipFlower
    80070Bomb Pepper SeedBombPepperSeed
    1Bomb Pepper Seed
    80080Bomb Pepper PlantBombPepperPlant
    1Bomb Pepper Plant
    2Bomb Pepper Plant
    80090Bomb PepperBombPepper
    80100Carrock SeedCarrockSeed
    1Carrock Seed
    80110Carrock PlantCarrockPlant
    1Carrock Plant
    2Carrock Plant
    80130Puffungi SeedPuffungiSeed
    1Puffungi Seed
    80140Puffungi PlantPuffungiPlant
    1Puffungi Plant
    2Puffungi Plant
    80160Root SeedRootSeed
    80170Root PlantRootPlant
    80180Grub Kapok SeedGrubKapokSeed
    80190Grub Kapok PlantGrubKapokPlant
    1Grub Kapok Plant
    80200Coral Wood SeedCoralRootSeed
    80210Coral Root PlantCoralRootPlant
    80220Bloat Oat SeedBloatOatSeed
    1Bloat Oat Seed
    80230Bloat Oat PlantBloatOatPlant
    1Bloat Oat Plant
    2Bloat Oat Plant
    80240Bloat OatBloatOat
    80250Pewpaya SeedPewpayaSeed
    1Pewpaya Seed
    80260Pewpaya PlantPewpayaPlant
    1Pewpaya Plant
    2Pewpaya Plant
    80280Pinegrapple SeedPinegrappleSeed
    1Pinegrapple Seed
    80290Pinegrapple PlantPinegrapplePlant
    1Pinegrapple Plant
    2Pinegrapple Plant
    80310Grumpkin SeedGrumpkinSeed
    1Grumpkin Seed
    80320Grumpkin PlantGrumpkinPlant
    1Grumpkin Plant
    2Grumpkin Plant
    80340Sunrice SeedSunriceSeed
    1Sunrice Seed
    80350Sunrice PlantSunricePlant
    1Sunrice Plant
    2Sunrice Plant
    80370Lunacorn SeedLunacornSeed
    1Lunacorn Seed
    80380Lunacorn PlantLunacornPlant
    1Lunacorn Plant
    2Lunacorn Plant
    80400Gleam Wood SeedGleamRootSeed
    80410Gleam Root PlantGleamRootPlant
    81000Golden Heart BerryHeartBerryRare
    81010Golden Glow TulipGlowingTulipFlowerRare
    81020Golden Bomb PepperBombPepperRare
    81030Golden CarrockCarrockRare
    81040Golden PuffungiPuffungiRare
    81050Golden Bloat OatBloatOatRare
    81060Golden PewpayaPewpayaRare
    81070Golden PinegrapplePinegrappleRare
    81080Golden GrumpkinGrumpkinRare
    81090Golden SunriceSunriceRare
    81100Golden LunacornLunacornRare
    82000Recall IdolRecallIdol
    82100Hive Mother ScannerHiveMotherScanner
    82110Ghorm the Devourer ScannerLarvaBossScanner
    82120Malugaz the Corrupted ScannerShamanBossScanner
    82200Azeos the Sky Titan ScannerBirdBossScanner
    82210Ivy the Poisonous Mass ScannerPoisonSlimeBossScanner
    82250Omoroth the Sea Titan ScannerOctopusBossScanner
    82260Morpha the Aquatic Mass ScannerSlipperySlimeBossScanner
    82270Ra-Akar the Sand Titan ScannerScarabBossScanner
    82280Igneous the Molten Mass ScannerLavaSlimeBossScanner
    82290Atlantean Worm ScannerSnakeBossScanner
    82310Druidra the Wild Titan ScannerHydraBossNatureScanner
    82320Crydra the Ice Titan ScannerHydraBossSeaScanner
    82330Pyrdra the Fire Titan ScannerHydraBossDesertScanner
    82340Urschleim ScannerWallBossScanner
    82500Rune ParchmentLegendarySwordParchment
    82510Glyph ParchmentLegendaryBowParchment
    82520Empty CrystalProtocolSlate
    82530Admin KeyProtocolSlateKey
    82540Cipher ParchmentLegendaryMiningPickParchment
    82550Thread of FateBindingString
    83010Orb LanternOrbLantern
    83020Small LanternSmallLantern
    83030Pumpkin LanternPumpkinLantern
    83040Pearl LanternPearlLantern
    83050Soul LanternSoulLantern
    83200Wooden ShieldWoodShield
    83210Toxic DefenderPoisonousShield
    83220Octarine ShieldOctarineShield
    83230Iron ShieldIronShield
    83400Swift FeatherSwiftFeather
    83410Azeos' Dash FeatherAzeosSwiftFeather
    83500Blue Leather TomeCavelingSkinTome
    83510Golden JellyfishGoldenJellyfish
    83520Caveling IDCavelingID
    83530Turtle ShellTurtleShell
    83540Omoroth's BeakOmorothBeak
    83550Sentry ShieldGolemShield
    83560Royal GelRoyalGel
    83570Crystal Meteor ChunkCrystalMeteorShardOffhand
    83580Scorching AegisLavaShield
    83590Concealed BladeConceiledBlade
    83600Smithing GloveSmithingGlove
    83610Oracle DeckOracleDeck
    83620Core IrisCoreEye
    83630Pet RockPetRock
    83640Hydra Bone ShieldHydraBoneShield
    83650Hydra ToothHydraBoneTooth
    83660Trinity HeartTrinityHeartOrbOffhand
    83680Rift LensRiftLensOffhand
    83800Spicy BaitBaitFishBitesFaster
    83810Sweet BaitBaitIncreasedChanceToGetFish
    83820Glowing BaitBaitIncreasedChanceToGetFishLoot
    83830Sticky BaitBaitFishStartsCloserToBeReeledIn
    83840Expert LureBaitOctopusBoss
    83850Purple BaitBaitIncreaseChanceOfHigherRarityFish
    83860Green BaitBaitFishBitesFasterAndIncreasedChanceToGetFish
    83870Red BaitBaitFishBitesFasterAndStartsCloserToBeReeledIn
    84000Cave PouchCavePouch
    84010Ghorm's Stomach BagGhormsStomachBag
    84020Scarlet Shell BackpackScarletShellBackpack
    84030Explorer BackpackExplorerBackpack
    84040Octarine BagOctarineBackpack
    84050Morpha's Bubble BagMorphaBag
    84060Belt PocketJuteBag
    84070Scholar SatchelScholarBag
    85000Copper HelmCopperHelm
    85010Wood HelmWoodHelm
    85020Peasant HatPeasantHelm
    85030Caveling HoodCavelingHelm
    85040Iron HelmIronHelm
    85050Bronze HelmBronzeHelm
    85090Carapace HelmCarapaceHelm
    85100Larva HelmLarvaHelm
    85110Scarlet HelmScarletHelm
    85120Hunter HoodHunterHelm
    85130Farmer's HatFarmerHelm
    85140Octarine HelmOctarineHelm
    85150Radical Rabbit EarsRadicalRabbitEars
    85160Scholar's HoodScholarHelm
    85170Diving HelmDiverHelm
    85180Slime HelmSlimeHelm
    85190Sentry HelmGolemHelm
    85210Omoroth's HelmOctopusHelm
    85220King Slime CrownKingSlimeCrown
    85230Galaxite HelmGalaxiteHelm
    85240Assassin HoodAssassinHelm
    85250Magma Horn ArmorLavaHelm
    85260Scarab VisorScarabHelm
    85270Miner's Protective HelmMinerHelm
    85280Paladin MaskDesertHelm
    85290Pumpkin HeadPumpkinHelm
    85300Spooky Blanket HoodGhostBlanketHelm
    85310Frankenbrute HeadFrankensteinHelm
    85320Godsent King MaskGodsentHelm
    85330Skirmisher CapSkirmisherHelm
    85340Festive HatSantaHelm
    85350Gingerbreadman HeadGingerbreadManHelm
    85360Gingerbread HoodGingerbreadHoodHelm
    85370Snowman HatSnowmanHelm
    85380Flower CrownWeddingHelm
    85390Top HatSuitHelm
    85400Explorer's HatArcheologyHelm
    85410Chef's HatCookHelm
    85420Radical Rabbit HeadbandRadicalRabbitEarsDiadem
    85430Adventurer's HatExplorerHelm
    85440Wildwarden MaskTamerHelm
    85450Ranger HoodRangerHelm
    85460Shrooman CapMushroomHelm
    85470Pot LidPotHelm
    85480Shaman SkullShamanHelm
    85490Hivebone HelmHiveBoneHelm
    85500Mercenary HeadbandRamboHelm
    85510Moldweb HelmMoldwebHelm
    85520Plague MaskPlagueDoctorHelm
    85530Solarite BarbuteCrystalHelm
    85540Atlantean Worm HelmetAtlantianWormHelm
    85550Cooking Pot LidCookingPotHelm
    85560Ninja CowlNinjaHelm
    85570Cosmos Visor HelmAlienTechHelm
    85580Hazmat HelmRadiationHelm
    85590Hydra Bone HelmHydraBoneHelm
    85600Core Commander HelmCoreCommanderHelm
    85610Corrupt Warden MaskCorruptWardenHelm
    85620Witch Doctor HatWitchDoctorHelm
    85630Grim HoodGrimHelm
    85640Apprentice HatApprenticeHelm
    85650Sorcerer HoodSorcererHelm
    85660Arcane Monk BlindfoldArcaneMonkHelm
    85670Pandorium HelmPandoriumHelm
    85680Sulfossil HelmetSulfurHelm
    85690Chieftain HeaddressChieftainHelm
    85700Soaring HeadgearSoaringHelm
    86000Copper BreastplateCopperBreastArmor
    86010Wood ChestWoodBreastArmor
    86020Peasant ChestPeasantBreastArmor
    86030Caveling ChestCavelingBreastArmor
    86040Iron BreastplateIronBreastArmor
    86050Bronze BreastplateBronzeBreastArmor
    86090Carapace BreastplateCarapaceBreastArmor
    86100Larva ChestLarvaBreastArmor
    86110Scarlet BreastplateScarletBreastArmor
    86120Hunter CloakHunterBreastArmor
    86130Ivy's Thorn HarnessIvyBreastArmor
    86140Octarine BreastplateOctarineBreastArmor
    86150Scholar's CloakScholarArmor
    86160Kelp MantleDiverArmor
    86170Slime ArmorSlimeBreastArmor
    86190Green Bikini TopBikiniBreastArmorGreen
    86200Blue Bikini TopBikiniBreastArmorBlue
    86210Red Bikini TopBikiniBreastArmorRed
    86220Omoroth's ChestplateOctopusBreastArmor
    86230Galaxite TorsoGalaxiteBreastArmor
    86240Assassin CloakAssassinBreastArmor
    86250Magma Torso ArmorLavaBreastArmor
    86260Scarab HarnessScarabBreastArmor
    86270Miner's Labour SuitMinerBreastArmor
    86280Paladin HarnessDesertBreastArmor
    86290Spooky Blanket CapeGhostBlanketBreastArmor
    86300Dracularva CapeVampireCapeBreastArmor
    86310Godsent King Breast ArmorGodsentBreastArmor
    86320Gingerbread TopGingerbreadBreastArmor
    86330Cupid TunicCupidBreastArmor
    86340Wedding DressWeddingDressArmor
    86350Suit JacketSuitBreastArmor
    86360Explorer's JacketArcheologyShirt
    86370Chef's JacketCookShirt
    86380Wildwarden PauldronsTamerBreastArmor
    86390Ranger TunicRangerBreastArmor
    86400Rain CoatRainBreastArmor
    86410Pot TubPotBreastArmor
    86430Hivebone BreastplateHiveBoneBreastArmor
    86450Stone ChestplateGolemBreastArmor
    86460Moldweb BreastplateMoldwebBreastArmor
    86470Solarite CuirassCrystalBreastArmor
    86480Cooking Pot TubCookingPotBreastArmor
    86490Mercenary Tank TopRamboBreastArmor
    86500Ninja GarmentsNinjaBreastArmor
    86510Gemstone GarmentAncientGemstoneBreastArmor
    86520Cosmos TorsoAlienTechBreastArmor
    86530Hazmat Suit JacketRadiationBreastArmor
    86540Hydra Bone BreastplateHydraBoneBreastArmor
    86550Core Commander BrigandineCoreCommanderBreastArmor
    86560Corrupt Warden TunicCorruptWardenBreastArmor
    86570Witch Doctor VestWitchDoctorBreastArmor
    86580Grim BreastplateGrimBreastArmor
    86590Apprentice RobeApprenticeBreastArmor
    86600Sorcerer RobeSorcererBreastArmor
    86610Arcane Monk CloakArcaneMonkBreastArmor
    86620Pandorium Chestplate and BracersPandoriumBreastArmor
    86630Sulfossil CuirassSulfurBreastArmor
    86640Chieftain TunicChieftainBreastArmor
    86650Soaring PonchoSoaringBreastArmor
    87000Copper PantsCopperPantsArmor
    87010Wood PantsWoodPantsArmor
    87030Caveling PantsCavelingPantsArmor
    87040Iron PantsIronPantsArmor
    87050Bronze PantsBronzePantsArmor
    87060Scarlet PantsScarletPantsArmor
    87070Ivy's PantsIvyPantsArmor
    87080Octarine PantsOctarinePantsArmor
    87090Scuba FinsDiverPantsArmor
    87100Green Board ShortsSwimingPantsArmorGreen
    87110Blue Board ShortsSwimingPantsArmorBlue
    87120Red Board ShortsSwimingPantsArmorRed
    87130Green Bikini BottomBikiniPantsArmorGreen
    87140Blue Bikini BottomBikiniPantsArmorBlue
    87150Red Bikini BottomBikiniPantsArmorRed
    87160Omoroth's Leg ArmorOctopusPantsArmor
    87170Galaxite PantsGalaxitePantsArmor
    87180Magma Shin ArmorLavaPantsArmor
    87190Scarab LegsScarabPantsArmor
    87200Miner's Worker PantsMinerPantsArmor
    87210Paladin PantsDesertPantsArmor
    87220Godsent King Pants ArmorGodsentPantsArmor
    87230Gingerbread PantsGingerbreadPantsArmor
    87240Suit PantsSuitPantsArmor
    87250Explorer's PantsArcheologyPants
    87260Chef's PantsCookPants
    87270Wildwarden PantsTamerPantsArmor
    87280Ranger PantsRangerPantsArmor
    87290Rubber BootsRainPantsArmor
    87310Hivebone PantsHiveBonePantsArmor
    87320Stone PantsGolemPantsArmor
    87330Mercenary PantsRamboPantsArmor
    87340Moldweb PantsMoldwebPantsArmor
    87350Solarite TassetsCrystalPantsArmor
    87360Ninja LeggingsNinjaPantsArmor
    87370Gemstone Harem PantsAncientGemstonePantsArmor
    87380Cosmos LegwearAlienTechPantsArmor
    87390Hazmat Suit PantsRadiationPantsArmor
    87400Hydra Bone ShinsHydraBonePantsArmor
    87410Core Commander GreavesCoreCommanderPantsArmor
    87420Corrupt Warden ShortsCorruptWardenPantsArmor
    87430Witch Doctor JeansWitchDoctorPantsArmor
    87440Grim LegwearGrimPantsArmor
    87450Apprentice PantsApprenticePantsArmor
    87460Sorcerer PantsSorcererPantsArmor
    87470Arcane Monk LeggingsArcaneMonkPantsArmor
    87480Pandorium PantsPandoriumPantsArmor
    87490Sulfossil BootsSulfurPantsArmor
    87500Chieftain ShortsChieftainPantsArmor
    87510Soaring PantsSoaringPantsArmor
    88000Copper Cross NecklaceCopperCrossNecklace
    88010Grub Egg NecklaceGrubEggNecklace
    88020Iron Chunk NecklaceIronChunkNecklace
    88030Heart Berry NecklaceHeartBerryNecklace
    88040Ammonite NecklaceAmmoniteNecklace
    88050Gold Crystal NecklaceGoldCrystalNecklace
    88060Blob Rosary NecklaceBlobRosaryNecklace
    88070Azeos Beak NecklaceAzeosBeakNecklace
    88080Remedaisy NecklaceRemedaisyNecklace
    88090Ancient Guardian NecklaceAncientGuardianNecklace
    88100Mold Vein NecklaceMoldVeinNecklace
    88110Cave Guppy NecklaceCaveGuppyNecklace
    88120Bubble Pearl NecklaceBubblePearlNecklace
    88130Polished Copper Cross NecklacePolishedCopperCrossNecklace
    88140Polished Iron Chunk NecklacePolishedIronChunkNecklace
    88150Polished Gold Crystal NecklacePolishedGoldCrystalNecklace
    88160Ancient Gem NecklaceAncientGemNecklace
    88170Skull NecklaceSkullNecklace
    88180Eostre NecklaceEostreNecklace
    88190Neptune NecklaceDiverNecklace
    88200Omoroth's NecklaceOmorothNecklace
    88210Octarine NecklaceOctarineNecklace
    88220Scarlet Chunk NecklaceScarletChunkNecklace
    88230Coral AmuletCoralAmulet
    88240Polished Octarine NecklacePolishedOctarineNecklace
    88250Polished Scarlet Chunk NecklacePolishedScarletChunkNecklace
    88260Polished Coral AmuletPolishedCoralAmulet
    88270Conch Shell NecklaceConchShellNecklace
    88280Oceanheart NecklaceOceanHeartNecklace
    88290Rusted NecklaceRustedNecklace
    88300Torc NecklaceTorcNecklace
    88310Ra-Akar's NecklaceRaAkarNecklace
    88320Nomad NecklaceNomadNecklace
    88330Bone NecklaceBoneNecklace
    88340Black NecklaceBlackNecklace
    88350Flame NecklaceFlameNecklace
    88360Fusioned Chunk NecklaceFusionedChunkNecklace
    88370Samhain Offering NecklaceSamhainOfferingNecklace
    88380Valentine NecklaceValentineNecklace
    88390Fang NecklaceFangNecklace
    88400Wildwarden NecklaceTamerNecklace
    88410Atlantean Worm NecklaceAtlantianWormNecklace
    88420Tower Shell NecklaceTowerShellNecklace
    88430Glass Bead NecklaceCrystalNecklace
    88440Pyrdra's NecklaceHydraJewelryDesertNecklace
    88450Crescent NecklaceCrescentNecklace
    88460Soul MedallionSoulNecklace
    88500Clot RingClotRing
    88510Larva RingLarvaRing
    88520Wooden Thorn RingWoodenThornRing
    88530Glow Tulip RingGlowTulipRing
    88540Swift RingSwiftRing
    88550Ring of RockRingOfRock
    88560Ring of StoneRingOfStone
    88570Gold Crystal RingGoldCrystalRing
    88580Melting Crystal RingMeltingCrystalRing
    88590Sky RingSkyRing
    88600Caveling Mother's RingCavelingMothersRing
    88610Petal RingPetalRing
    88620Mold RingMoldRing
    88630Rusted RingRustedRing
    88640Sea Foam RingSeaFoamRing
    88650Polished Gold Crystal RingPolishedGoldCrystalRing
    88660Polished Glow Tulip RingPolishedGlowTulipRing
    88670Polished Swift RingPolishedSwiftRing
    88680Ancient Gem RingAncientGemRing
    88690Ivy's RingIvyRing
    88700Skull RingSkullRing
    88710Ostara RingOstaraRing
    88720Morpha's RingMorphaRing
    88730Coral RingCoralRing
    88740Goldfish RingDiverRing
    88750Lucky RingLuckyRing
    88760Ancient Guardian RingAncientGuardianRing
    88770Omoroth's RingOmorothRing
    88780Octarine RingOctarineRing
    88790Magnetic RingMagneticRing
    88800Golden Spike RingGoldenSpikeRing
    88810Polished Octarine RingPolishedOctarineRing
    88820Polished Magnetic RingPolishedMagneticRing
    88830Polished Golden Spike RingPolishedGoldenSpikeRing
    88840Spine RingSpineRing
    88850Wooden RingWoodenRing
    88860Topaz RingTopazRing
    88870White Glass RingWhiteGlassRing
    88880Septum RingSeptumRing
    88890Ring of SandRingOfSand
    88900Bone RingBoneRing
    88910Nomad RingNomadRing
    88920Black RingBlackRing
    88930Flame RingFlameRing
    88940Bomb RingBombRing
    88950Noble RingNobleRing
    88960Double RingDoubleRing
    88970Samhain Curse RingSamhainCurseRing
    88980Valentine RingValentineRing
    88990Wildwarden RingTamerRing
    89000Copper SwordCopperSword
    89010Iron SwordIronSword
    89020Scarlet SwordScarletSword
    89030Tin SwordTinSword
    89050Slime SwordSlimeSword
    89060Octarine SwordOctarineSword
    89070Slippery Slime SwordSlipperySlimeSword
    89080Galaxite SwordGalaxiteSword
    89090Wooden SwordWoodSword
    89100Solarite SwordSolariteSword
    89110Atlantean Worm SwordAtlantianWormSword
    89300Larva Spike ClubLarvaSpikeClub
    89310Crystal Shard ClubShardClub
    89400Poisonous SicklePoisonousSickle
    89500Broken HandleBrokenLegendarySword
    89510Rune SongLegendarySword
    89520Tin DaggerTinDagger
    89530Tin AxeTinAxe
    89540Battle AxeBattleAxe
    89550Scarlet DaggerScarletDagger
    89560Ritual DaggerRitualDagger
    89570Octarine AxeOctarineAxe
    89580Anchor AxeAnchorAxe
    89590Lava Battle AxeLavaAxe
    89600Galaxite DaggerGalaxiteDagger
    89610Rusty DaggerRustyDagger
    89700Tentacle WhipTentacleWhip
    89710Hunting SpearHuntingSpear
    89720Prehistoric Crystal SpearAncientSpear
    89730Iron HalberdIronHalberdSpear
    89740Hydra Bone SwordHydraBoneSword
    89760Pandorium AxePandoriumAxe
    90020Crude BombSmallBomb
    90030Large BombLargeBomb
    90040Red Firework RocketFireworkRed
    1Red Firework Rocket (exploding)
    90050Green Firework RocketFireworkGreen
    1Green Firework Rocket (exploding)
    90060Blue Firework RocketFireworkBlue
    1Blue Firework Rocket (exploding)
    90070Yellow Firework RocketFireworkYellow
    1Yellow Firework Rocket (exploding)
    90080Purple Firework RocketFireworkPurple
    1Purple Firework Rocket (exploding)
    90090The BIGFireworkBig
    1The BIG (exploding)
    90100Sulfur BombSulfurBomb
    91000Flintlock MusketFlintlockMusket
    91110Hand MortarHandMortar
    91130Fireball StaffFireballStaff
    91140Octarine BowOctarineBow
    91150Phantom SparkLegendaryBow
    91160Iron BowIronBow
    91170Wood BowWoodBow
    91180Scholar's StaffScholarStaff
    91190Bubble GunBubbleGun
    91200Throwing DaggersThrowingDaggers
    91210Galaxite ChakramGalaxiteChakram
    91230Bomb Scarab MortarScarabMortar
    91250Cupid BowCupidBow
    91260Sticky StickSlimeStaff
    91300Wood CrossbowWoodCrossbow
    91310Scarlet CrossbowScarletCrossbow
    91320Solarite CrossbowSolariteCrossbow
    91330Ricochet ShurikenRazorFlake
    91340Void GunVoidOrbGun
    91360Chaos StaffChaosStaff
    91510Arcane StaffArcaneStaff
    91520Zealot's ScimitarZealotSword
    91530Simple StaffBasicStaff
    91540Sun CallerSunStaff
    91760Tome of the DarkTomeOfRange
    91770Tome of the DeepTomeOfOrbit
    91780Tome of the DeadTomeOfMelee
    91790Tome of AshesTomeOfFire
    91800Tome of PestilenceTomeOfPoison
    91810Tome of DecayTomeOfRadiation
    92000Flintlock Musket (projectile)FlintlockMusketProjectile
    92020Slingshot (projectile)SlingshotProjectile
    92030Thrown JellyfishJellyfishProjectile
    92040Small FireballSmallFireballProjectile
    92050Poison DartBunnyPoisonDartProjectile
    92100Grubzooka (projectile)GrubzookaProjectile
    92110Burnzooka (projectile)BurnzookaProjectile
    92210Hand Mortar (projectile)HandMortarProjectile
    92220Thrown MoldMoldProjectile
    92230Blow DartBlowDartProjectile
    92240Bubble (hostile)BubbleProjectile
    1Bubble (hostile)
    92260Galaxite Chakram (projectile)ChakramProjectile
    92290Cupid ArrowCupidArrowProjectile
    92300Iron ArrowIronArrowProjectile
    92310Octarine ArrowOctarineArrowProjectile
    92320Wood ArrowWoodArrowProjectile
    92330Legendary EnergyLegendaryEnergyProjectile
    92360Soul TornadoOctopusBossPlayerProjectile
    92370Energy OrbEnergyProjectile
    92380Thrown DaggerAssassinDaggerProjectile
    92390Ancient ProjectileScarabBossProjectile
    92400Magma BlobLavaSlimeBossProjectile
    92410Ancient ProjectileScarabBossPlayerProjectile
    92420Thrown SpearSpearProjectile
    92430Bomb Scarab Mortar (projectile)ScarabMortarProjectile
    92440Galaxite EnergyGalaxiteEnergyProjectile
    92450Thrown SnowballSnowballProjectile
    92460Thrown SlimeSlimeProjectile
    92470Wood BoltWoodBoltProjectile
    92480Scarlet BoltScarletBoltProjectile
    92490Solarite BoltSolariteBoltProjectile
    92500Orbital Turret LaserOrbitalTurretProjectile
    92520Crystal SpikeCrystalSpikeTrail
    92530Ricochet Shuriken (projectile)RazorFlakeProjectile
    92550Electricity OrbElectricProjectile
    92560Ice ShardIceShardProjectile
    92570Core TornadoCoreBossWhirlwindProjectile
    92580Void OrbVoidOrbGunProjectile
    92590Core Ancient ProjectileCoreBossScarabProjectile
    92600Core Electricity OrbCoreBossElectricProjectile
    92620Arcane Staff (projectile)ArcaneStaffProjectile
    92630Simple Staff (projectile)BasicStaffProjectile
    92640Sun Staff (projectile)SunStaffProjectile
    92670Trailing MelodyRuneSongTrail
    93000Falling AcidLarvaHiveBossMortarProjectile
    93010Falling PoisonPoisonSlimeBossMortarProjectile
    93020Falling FlamesShamanBossMortarProjectile
    93110Falling RockFallingRockMortarProjectile
    93140Falling StalactiteHydraBossStalactiteMortarProjectile
    93160Falling Ice CrystalHydraBossIceShardMortarProjectile
    93170Falling FireballHydraBossLavaMortarProjectile
    93190Explosive FireballFireballExplosiveProjectile
    94000Healing PotionHealingPotion
    94010Enrage PotionEnragePotion
    94020Stoneskin PotionStoneskinPotion
    94030Poison Aid PotionPoisonAidPotion
    94040Greater Healing PotionGreaterHealingPotion
    94050Keen PotionKeenPotion
    94060Guardian's PotionGuardiansPotion
    94070Cave CoffeeCavelingCoffee
    94080Heart Berry SodaHeartberrySoda
    94090Crystal WaterCrystalWater
    94100Unusual PotionUnusualPotion
    94110Splendid AmalgamLiquidMetal
    94120Arcane PotionMagicPotion
    94130Pact of Power PotionMinionPotion
    94140Giant MitochondrionGiantMitochondrion
    95060Dip SnackCookedDipSnack
    95080Fish BallsCookedFishBalls
    96000Caveling BreadCavelingBread
    96010Jingle Jam CookieJingleJamCookie
    96020Food RationFoodRation
    96030Cave CrunchCavelingCrunch
    96040Glazed Heart BerryGlazedHeartberry
    96050Tentacle JerkyTentacleJerky
    96060Chewy Cone CandyChewyConeCandy
    96070Spooky Pop CandySpookyPopCandy
    96080Evil Eye CandyEvilEyeCandy
    96090Fruit BreadFruitBread
    96100Winter DinnerWinterDinner
    96110Hot PunchHotPunch
    96120Hot ChocolateHotChocolate
    96130Winter CookiesWinterCookies
    96140Golden ChocolateGoldenChocolate
    96150Box of ChocolatesBoxOfChocolates
    96160Distilled LoveDistilledSlime
    96170Kelp DumplingKelpDumpling
    96180Atlantean Worm HeartAtlantianWormHeart
    96190Crystal KelpCrystalKelp
    96200Lunar CheeseCosmicCheese
    96210Paradise Fruit BasketFruitBasket
    97000Orange Cave GuppyOrangeCaveGuppy
    97010Blue Cave GuppyBlueCaveGuppy
    97020Rock JawRockJaw
    97030Gem CrabGemCrab
    97040Dagger FinDaggerFin
    97050Pink Palace FishPinkPalaceFish
    97060Teal Palace FishTealPalaceFish
    97070Crown SquidCrownSquid
    97080Yellow Blister HeadYellowBlisterHead
    97090Green Blister HeadGreenBlisterHead
    97100Devil WormDevilWorm
    97110Vampire EelVampireEel
    97120Mold SharkMoldShark
    97130Rot FishRotFish
    97140Black Steel UrchinBlackSteelUrchin
    97150Azure Feather FishAzureFeatherFish
    97160Emerald Feather FishEmeraldFeatherFish
    97170Spirit VeilSpiritVeil
    97180Astral JellyAstralJelly
    97190Bottom TracerBottomTracer
    97200Silver DartSilverTorrentDart
    97210Golden DartGoldenTorrentDart
    97220Pink CoralotlPinkCoralotl
    97230White CoralotlWhiteCoralotl
    97240Solid SpikebackSolidSpikeback
    97250Sandy SpikebackSandySpikeback
    97260Grey Dune TailGreyDuneTail
    97270Brown Dune TailBrownDuneTail
    97280Tornis KingfishTornisKingfish
    97290Dark Lava EaterDarkLavaEater
    97300Bright Lava EaterBrightLavaEater
    97310Verdant DragonfishVerdantDragonfish
    97320Elder DragonfishElderDragonfish
    97330Starlight NautilusStarlightNautilus
    97340Beryll Angle FishAngleFish
    97350Glistening DeepstalkerDeepstalker
    97360Cosmic FormCosmicForm
    97370Jasper Angle FishGoldenAngleFish
    97380Splendid DeepstalkerGoldenDeepstalker
    97390Terra TrilobiteTerraTrilobite
    97400Litho TrilobiteLithoTrilobite
    97410Pinkhorn PicoPinkhornPico
    97420Greenhorn PicoGreenhornPico
    97430Riftian LampfishRiftianLampfish
    1Blackbug (persistent)
    1Larvlet (persistent)
    98020Moon PincherCritterCrab
    1Moon Pincher (persistent)
    98030Dusk FairyButterflySunset
    1Dusk Fairy (persistent)
    98040Dream MessengerButterflyDreamy
    1Dream Messenger (persistent)
    98050Citrus PinionButterflyCitrus
    1Citrus Pinion (persistent)
    98060Ice WindButterflyIcy
    1Ice Wind (persistent)
    98070Crimson WingButterflyBase
    1Crimson Wing (persistent)
    98080Little DeathCritterScorpion
    1Little Death (persistent)
    1Leafhopper (persistent)
    1Earthworm (persistent)
    1Manyleg (persistent)
    98120Pest BugCritterCockroach
    1Pest Bug (persistent)
    98130Sun PincherCritterCrab2
    1Sun Pincher (persistent)
    98140Gem SnailCritterTinySnail
    1Gem Snail (persistent)
    98150Snoot FlyCritterSnootFly
    1Snoot Fly (persistent)
    98160Shadow NewtCritterNewt
    1Shadow Newt (persistent)
    98170Drape RayCritterPassageFly
    1Drape Ray (persistent)
    99000Chipped BladeLegendarySwordBlade
    99010Clear GemstoneLegendarySwordGemstone
    99020Crystal Skull ShardShamanBossCrystalShard
    99030Shutdown ProtocolCoreProtocol1
    99040Anomaly ReportCoreProtocol2
    99050Overwrite TranscriptCoreProtocol3
    99060Channeling GemstoneLegendaryBowPart1
    99070Fractured LimbsLegendaryBowPart2
    99080Energy StringLegendaryBowPart3
    99090Crystal Meteor ShardCrystalMeteorShard
    99100Giant Bug BrainHydraWorkbenchCraftingItem
    99110Pink Hydra EyeHydraBossNatureCraftingItem
    99120White Hydra EyeHydraBossSeaCraftingItem
    100000Brown Easter EggEasterEggDirt
    100010Rose Easter EggEasterEggClay
    100020Gray Easter EggEasterEggStone
    100030Green Easter EggEasterEggNature
    100040Large Golden EggEasterGoldenEgg
    100050Chicken HatEasterChickenHat
    100060Chicken Breast PieceEasterChickenSuit
    100070Chicken PantsEasterChickenPants
    100080Eggcellent HatEasterEggcellentHat
    100090Eggcellent Breast PieceEasterEggcellentSuit
    100100Eggcellent PantsEasterEggcellentPants
    100110Easter PillarEasterPillar
    100120Easter Egg FlowerpotEasterEggFlowerpot
    100130Daisy FlooringEasterDaisyFloorspread
    100140Easter Garland (down)EasterGarland
    1Easter Garland (up)
    2Easter Garland (left)
    3Easter Garland (right)
    100150Easter Meadow TableEasterMeadowTable
    100160Easter Egg LampEasterEggLamp
    100170Easter Meadow StoolEasterMeadowStool
    100180Easter PedestalEasterPedestal
    100190Easter WorkbenchEasterWorkbench
    101000Samhain Goodie BagHalloweenGoodieBag
    101010Pumpkin CoinPumpkinCoin
    101020Eerie WallWallEerieBlock
    101030Eerie FloorEerieFloor
    101040Eerie TableEerieTable
    101050Eerie StoolEerieStool
    101060Eerie DresserEerieDresser
    101070Eerie ChestEerieChest
    101080Twisted Roots TorchEerieTreeLight
    101090Eerie RugEerieRug
    101100Candle StackCandleStack
    102000Winter PresentChristmasPresent
    102010Winter Wreath Wall Decoration (down)ChristmasWallDecorationA
    1Winter Wreath Wall Decoration (up)
    2Winter Wreath Wall Decoration (left)
    3Winter Wreath Wall Decoration (right)
    102020Holiday Sock Wall Decoration (down)ChristmasWallDecorationB
    1Holiday Sock Wall Decoration (up)
    2Holiday Sock Wall Decoration (left)
    3Holiday Sock Wall Decoration (right)
    102030Candy Cane Wall Decoration (down)ChristmasWallDecorationC
    1Candy Cane Wall Decoration (up)
    2Candy Cane Wall Decoration (left)
    3Candy Cane Wall Decoration (right)
    102040Winter Candle Wall Decoration (down)ChristmasWallDecorationD
    1Winter Candle Wall Decoration (up)
    2Winter Candle Wall Decoration (left)
    3Winter Candle Wall Decoration (right)
    102050Snowflake Wall Decoration (down)ChristmasWallDecorationE
    1Snowflake Wall Decoration (up)
    2Snowflake Wall Decoration (left)
    3Snowflake Wall Decoration (right)
    102060Luxury Winter PresentChristmasLuxuryPresent
    102070Decorated Winter TreeChristmasTree
    102080Festive TableChristmasTable
    102090Festive StoolChristmasStool
    102100Festive FireplaceChristmasFireplace
    102120Snowball PyramidSnowballPyramid
    102140Festive Wall Lights (down)ChristmasLightDecorationMix
    1Festive Wall Lights (up)
    2Festive Wall Lights (left)
    3Festive Wall Lights (right)
    102150Paintable Festive Wall Lights (down)ChristmasLightDecorationPaintable
    1Paintable Festive Wall Lights (up)
    2Paintable Festive Wall Lights (left)
    3Paintable Festive Wall Lights (right)
    103000Valentine's GiftValentinePresent
    103010Love LetterValentineLetter
    103020Heart-shaped RugValentineRug
    103030Valentine's CandlesValentineCandles
    103040Wall Hearts (down)ValentineWallHearts
    1Wall Hearts (up)
    2Wall Hearts (left)
    3Wall Hearts (right)
    103050Heart Painting (down)ValentinePainting
    1Heart Painting (up)
    2Heart Painting (left)
    3Heart Painting (right)
    103060Caveling Brute PlushieValentinePlushie
    104000Green Party HatAnniversaryPartyHatGreen
    104010Red Party HatAnniversaryPartyHatRed
    104020Blue Party HatAnniversaryPartyHatBlue
    104040Purple Party HatAnniversaryPartyHatPurple
    104050Anniversary CakeAnniversaryCake
    105000White Cherry BlossomWhiteCherryFlower
    105010Pink Cherry BlossomPinkCherryFlower
    105020White Cherry TreeWhiteCherryTree
    105030Pink Cherry TreePinkCherryTree
    106000Paper LanternChineseLantern
    106010Red EnvelopeRedEnvelope
    106020Guardian Beast StatueChineseGuardianLion
    106030Mystic Knot Tassel (down)ChineseKnot
    1Mystic Knot Tassel (up)
    2Mystic Knot Tassel (left)
    3Mystic Knot Tassel (right)
    106040Wall Paper Lantern (down)ChineseWallLantern
    1Wall Paper Lantern (up)
    2Wall Paper Lantern (left)
    3Wall Paper Lantern (right)
    106050Dragon MaskDragonMaskHelm
    106060Lucky CoinChineseCoin
    155000Meadow TreeMeadowTree
    155010Meadow BushMeadowBush
    155020Tall Meadow GrassMeadowTallGrass
    188500Atlantean Worm RingAtlantianWormRing
    188510Glass Bead RingCrystalRing
    188520Druidra's RingHydraJewelryNatureRing
    188530Crydra's RingHydraJewelrySeaRing
    188540Crescent RingCrescentRing
    188900Hourglass RingHourglassRing
    188910Vicious RingViciousRing
    188920Boundary RingBoundaryRing
    188930Puppet RingPuppetRing
  • Condition IDs[]

  • IDInternal nameDescription
    1BlueGlow# blue glow
    2SlowedBySlime#% movement speed from slime
    3HealthAddition# health
    4MovementSpeedIncrease#% movement speed
    5HealOverTime# health every sec
    6IncreasedMaxHealth# max health
    7StarvingMovementSpeedDecrease#% movement speed from starving
    8HungerAddition# food
    9MiningIncrease# mining damage
    10PhysicalMeleeDamageIncrease#% physical melee damage
    11ArmorIncrease# armor
    12CritChance#% critical hit chance
    13ChanceToApplyPoisoned#% chance to apply poison on hit, reduces enemy healing received by 75%
    14Poisoned75% reduced healing received
    15DodgeChance#% dodge chance
    16IncreasedMaxHealthPermanent# max health
    17AcidDamage# acid damage every sec, ignores armor
    18ApplySlowedBySlimeReduces the target's movement speed by #% for 4 sec
    19LifeOnHit# life on melee hit
    20ImmuneToSlimeSlowImmune to being slowed by slime
    21ThornsDamage# thorns damage
    22PhysicalRangeDamageIncrease#% physical range damage
    23ExtraHarvestChance#% larger harvests
    25ChanceOnHitToKnockback#% knockback chance
    28LarvaDisguiseDisguised as a larva
    29Burning# burn damage every other sec
    30ApplyBurning# burn damage applied on hit
    31ChanceOnCritToSpawnThunderBeam#% chance to spawn a thunder beam on melee critical hits
    32WellFedMovementSpeedIncrease#% movement speed from being well fed
    33ReducedDamageFromBosses#% reduced damage taken from bosses
    34ImmuneToPoisonImmune to poison
    35InfectedWithMold#% movement speed, increasingly slows down movement from mold infection
    36ImmuneToMoldImmune to mold infection
    37ImmuneToAcidImmune to acid damage
    38HealthReduction# health
    39MovementSpeedDecrease#% movement speed
    40StarvingHealthDecrease#% reduced max health from starving
    41WellFedHealthIncrease#% increased max health from being well fed
    42StarvingDamageDecrease#% reduced damage and max health from starving
    43WellFedDamageIncrease#% increased damage and max health from being well fed
    44HealthAdditionPercentage#% health
    45OrangeGlow# glow
    46IncreasedFishing# fishing
    47LoveGives you a heart-warming feeling
    48ArmorPercentageIncrease#% armor
    49MiningPercentageIncrease#% mining damage
    50MiningSpeedIncrease#% mining speed
    51MeleeAttackSpeedIncrease#% melee attack speed
    52RangeAttackSpeedIncrease#% range attack speed
    53VisibleOreDistanceIncrease# tiles visible ore distance
    54PercentageOfMiningAsMelee#% of mining damage added as melee damage
    55PercentageOfFishingAsRange#% of fishing added as range damage
    56ChanceForAdditionalOre#% chance to gain an additional ore from walls containing ores
    57IncreasedExplosivesDamage#% explosives damage
    58MovementSpeedBoostAfterMining#% movement speed boost for a short duration after mining a wall
    59ShortMovementSpeedBoost#% movement speed
    60ChanceForRandomLootFromWall#% chance to drop a valuable item from any mined wall
    61SlipperyMovementYour movement is slippery
    62ImmuneToSlipperyMovementImmune to slippery movement
    63ChanceOnHitToApplySlipperyMovement#% chance on hit to apply slippery movement
    64SlipperyMovementFromGroundThe ground is slippery
    65KillsIncreaseCritChanceKilling an enemy increases critical hit chance by 3%, stacks up to 5 times
    66StackedCritChance#% critical hit chance
    67DrainLessHunger#% less food drained when running
    68ArmorIncreaseFromMovementSpeed#% armor of current movement speed increase
    69SnareAndStunDurationReductionSnare and stun durations reduced by #%
    70GainDodgeIncreaseWhileStandingStill#% dodge chance after standing still for a short duration
    71DodgeIncreaseFromStandingStill# % dodge chance from standing still
    72GainMovementSpeedFromRunningConsistently#% movement speed after running consistently for a short duration
    73MovementSpeedIncreaseFromRunningConsistently# movement speed from consistent running
    74MovementSpeedBoostAfterDodge#% movement speed boost for a short duration after dodging an attack
    75GainDamageIncreaseFromRunning#% damage after consistently running for a short duration
    76DamageIncreaseFromRunning#% damage
    77AuraApplyMovementSpeedDecreaseAny nearby enemies movement speed is reduced by #%
    78AuraMovementSpeedDecrease#% movement speed from a nearby aura
    79ChanceToGainExtraCookedFood#% extra cooked food chance
    80ChanceForExtraCookedFoodToBeRare#% chance for additional food gained from cooking to be rare
    81ImmuneToDamageAfterRespawnImmune to damage
    82GainMeleeDamageFromHittingGain 2% melee damage every time an enemy is hit, stacks up to # times
    83MeleeDamageIncreaseFromHitting#% physical melee damage
    84GainRangeDamageFromShootingGain 2% range damage every time an enemy is shot, stacks up to # times
    85RangeDamageIncreaseFromShooting#% physical range damage
    86ChanceOnHitToGainMeleeAttackSpeed#% chance on melee hit to increase melee attack speed by 50% for a short duration
    87MeleeAttackSpeedFromChanceOnHit#% melee attack speed
    88ChanceOnShotToGainCriticalHitChance#% chance on ranged hit to increase critical hit chance by 100% for a short duration
    89CriticalHitChanceFromShot#% critical hit chance
    90ChanceOnHitToIncreaseRangeDamage#% chance on melee hit to increase range damage by 30%
    91IncreasedRangeDamageFromMeleeHit#% physical range damage
    92ChanceOnShotToIncreaseMeleeDamage#% chance on ranged hit to increase melee damage by 30%
    93IncreasedMeleeDamageFromShot#% physical melee damage
    94GainMeleeDamageIncreaseFromHittingSameTargetGain #% melee damage when hitting the same target successively
    95MeleeDamageIncreaseFromHittingSameTarget#% physical melee damage
    96IncreasedDamageAgainstBosses#% damage against bosses
    97ChanceToRestoreHealthOnMeleeHit10% chance on melee hit to restore #% health
    98ChanceOnRangeShotToApplySlowedBySlime20% chance to slow down target by #% on ranged hit
    99CriticalDamagePercentageIncrease#% critical hit damage
    100GainRangeDamageIncreaseFromStandingStill#% range damage after standing still for a short duration
    101RangeDamageIncreaseFromStandingStill#% physical range damage
    102ChanceOnRangeShotToStun#% chance to stun targets on ranged hit
    103ImmuneToStunImmune to stun
    105IncreasedHealthRegenEffectiveness#% more healing from health over time regeneration
    106GainHealthRegenWhileBelowHalfHealthGain # health every sec while below half max health
    107HealthRegenFromBeingBelowHalfHealth# health every sec
    108CheatDeath#% chance to restore a bit of health instead of dying when taking lethal damage
    109GainDamageIncreaseAtMaxHealth#% damage while at max health
    110DamageIncreaseAtMaxHealth#% damage
    111GainDamageIncreaseAtLowHealth#% damage while at low health
    112DamageIncreaseAtLowHealth#% damage
    113HealingPotionAddHealOverTimeHealing potions also heal for #% of health gained from the potion over time
    114HealOverTimeFromPotion# health every sec
    115GainIncreasedMaxHealthFromAllSkillPoints#% of all skill points added to max health
    116IncreasedMaxHealthFromAllSkillPoints# max health
    117ToolDurabilityLastsLonger#% chance to not lose durability when using tools and weapons
    118EquipmentDurabilityLastsLonger#% chance to not lose durability on equipment when taking damage
    119ChanceToGainExtraItemFromBaseBuilding#% chance to gain an extra item when crafting any wall, floor, bridge or fence
    120ChanceToGainExtraItemFromAlchemy#% chance to gain an extra item when crafting any item at the alchemy table or distillery
    121GainExtraIndustryItems# extra items gained when crafting rails, wires or conveyor belts.
    122ChanceForPolishedJewelry#% chance to gain a polished version of any item crafted at the jewelry workbench
    123ReducedAnvilEquipmentCostsCrafting items at the anvil and repairing items costs #% less materials
    124GainArmorAtLowHealth#% armor while at low health
    125IncreasedArmorFromLowHealth#% armor
    126ChanceToGainRarePlant#% chance that plants planted by you become golden
    127SeedDropChance#% chance to gain a seed when harvesting plants
    128ChanceToNotConsumeWaterCan#% chance to not consume water when using water can
    129GainMoreFoodFromPlants#% food when eating plants or cooked food made out of plants
    130DamageIncreaseAgainstPoisoned#% damage against poisoned targets
    131IncreasedChanceToGetFish#% chance to get a fish on the hook
    132IncreasedRodRange#% fishing rod throw range
    133FishBitesFasterFish (and other things) bite #% faster
    134GainIncreasedBossDamageFromEatingFish#% damage against bosses after eating fish or cooked food made out of fish
    135IncreasedBossDamageFromEatingFish#% damage against bosses
    136FishStartsCloserToBeReeledInFish starts #% closer to be reeled in
    137ReducedImpactOfSlipperyMovement#% reduced impact of slippery movement
    138LongerCookedFoodBuffs#% longer cooked food buff durations
    139WellFedBuffsThresholdReductionWell fed buffs are gained at #% lower food
    140StrongerWellFedBuffsWell fed buffs are #% stronger
    141GainMeleeAttackSpeedFromCookedFood#% melee attack speed when eating cooked food
    142MeleeAttackSpeedFromCookedFood#% melee attack speed
    143GainMoreFoodFromCookedFood#% food from cooked food
    144AuraApplyDamageIncrease#% damage dealt by you and all nearby allies
    145AuraDamageIncrease#% damage
    146AuraApplyHealingOverTime# health every sec to you and all nearby allies
    147AuraHealingOverTime# health every sec
    148CriticalDamagePercentageIncreaseFromGardening#% critical hit damage
    149CriticalDamagePercentageIncreaseFromRange#% critical hit damage
    150AllDamageIncrease#% damage
    151GainDamageIncreaseAfterMining#% damage for a short duration after mining a wall
    152DamageIncreaseAfterMining#% damage
    153GainCriticalHitChanceFromStandingStill#% critical hit chance after standing still for a short duration
    154CriticalHitChanceFromStandingStill#% critical hit chance
    155ChanceOnHitToKillTargetWithLowerHealth#% chance on hit to kill any target that has lower health than you
    156ChanceToApplyPoisonOnBlock#% chance to apply poison when blocking melee hits, reduces enemy healing received by 75%
    157IncreaseCritChanceAfterPoisonApply#% critical hit chance for a short duration after successfully applying poison
    158CritChanceIncreaseFromPoisonApply#% critical hit chance
    159ImmuneToBurningImmune to burning
    160AuraApplyDamageDecrease#% damage dealt by all nearby enemies
    161AuraDamageDecrease#% damage
    162AllDamageDecrease#% damage
    163AuraApplyBurningAll nearby enemies burn for # damage every other sec
    164AuraBurning# burn damage every other sec
    165RemovePoisonRemoves any poison from the imbiber
    166MeleeDamageIncreaseFromPotion#% physical melee damage
    167RangeDamageIncreaseFromPotion#% physical range damage
    168ReducedDamageFromBossesFromPotion#% reduced damage taken from bosses
    169ArmorIncreaseFromPotion# armor
    170ApplyMovementSpeedReductionReduces the target's movement speed by #% for 4 sec
    171GainAttackSpeedFromMissingHealthAttack speed is increased by 0.2% for every percentage of missing health
    172AttackSpeedFromMissingHealth#% melee and range attack speed
    173AttackSpeed#% melee and range attack speed
    174DiggingIncrease# digging damage
    175ChanceOnKillToSummonGhost#% chance to summon a ghost caveling when killing any enemy
    176IncreasedChanceToGetFishLoot#% chance to get a valuable or other non-fish item on the hook when fishing
    177ChanceOnRangeHitToSpawnOctopusBossProjectile#% chance on range hit to spawn a tornado
    178ChanceToGetDoubleFish#% chance to get double fish when catching a fish
    179MovementSpeedIncreaseFromPotion#% movement speed
    180IncreasedChanceForHigherRarityFish#% chance for higher rarity fish to bite
    181IncreasedPickUpRadius#% pickup radius
    182IncreasedBoatSpeed#% boat speed
    183ApplySlipperyMovementWhenHitMelee attackers become slippery when attacking you
    184ChanceToShootShockWaveOnBlock#% chance on block to release energy shockwaves dealing damage equal to what was blocked
    185IncreasedArmorPercentageWhileAdjacentToWater#% armor while adjacent to water
    186IncreasedArmorPercentageFromAdjacentWater#% armor
    188KingOfSlimesYou are the king of slimes
    189RedGlowingEyesYour eyes glow red
    190LookLikeGhostYou look like a ghost
    191AttackSpeedBoostAfterDodge#% melee and range attack speed
    192DealAoeFireDamageOnBlockDeals # damage to all nearby enemies when blocking with the shield
    193ChanceForOreOnMiningWall#% chance to gain an ore that is common in the currently mined wall when destroying the wall
    194DamageIncreaseAgainstBurning#% damage against burning targets
    195CritDamageIncreaseAgainstBurning#% critical hit damage against burning targets
    196ThornsDamageAddedToMeleeAndRangeYour thorns damage is added to your melee and range damage
    197ChanceOnHitToSpawnScarabBossProjectile#% chance on melee or range hit to spawn an ancient projectile that follows the hit target and deals damage on impact
    198GainAttackSpeedBoostAfterDodge#% melee and range attack speed for a short duration after dodging
    199GiantMushroomBuff# max health
    200AmberLarvaBuff# max health
    201StarlightNautilusBuff# max health
    202AdditionalChanceOnCritToSpawnThunderBeam#% additional chance to trigger Azeos' soul power
    203AdditionalChanceOnHitToSpawnScarabBossProjectile#% additional chance to trigger Ra-Akar's soul power
    204AdditionalChanceOnRangeHitToSpawnOctopusBossProjectile#% additional chance to trigger Omoroth's soul power
    205IncreasedDashDuration#% longer dash duration
    206AuraApplyRadioactiveDamageOverTimeAll nearby enemies take # radioactive damage every other sec
    207AuraRadioactiveDamageOverTime# radioactive damage every other sec
    208SnowingYou can feel the winter embracing you
    209AttackSpeedIncreaseFromPotion#% melee and range attack speed
    210SleepingFall asleep
    211HealOverTimePercentage#% health every sec
    212GoldenChocolateBuff# max health
    214ChanceToApplyCharmedCharm the target for 20 sec
    216IncreasedCharmDuration#% longer duration of applied charm effects
    217PinkGlow# pink glow
    218AnniversaryCakeBuff# max health
    219ChanceOnMeleeHitToStun#% chance to stun targets on melee hit
    220IncreasedAppliedStunDuration#% longer stun durations
    221DamageIncreaseAgainstStunned#% damage against stunned targets
    222ChanceToDealTripleDamage#% chance on hit to deal triple amount of damage
    223IncreasedDamageBasedOnTargetRemainingHealthDeal up to #% more damage based on targets remaining health
    224ChanceToConsumeBurning#% chance on hit to consume target's burning effect and deal the total burning damage immediately
    225PiercingProjectiles# target(s) pierced by projectiles
    226GodModeYou are in god mode
    227ReducedImpactOfSlowedBySlime#% reduced impact of slowed movement from slime
    228PetMeleeDamageIncrease#% physical melee damage
    229PetMeleeAttackSpeedIncrease#% melee attack speed
    230PetRangeDamageIncrease#% physical range damage
    231PetRangeAttackSpeedIncrease#% range attack speed
    232PetCritDamageIncrease#% critical hit damage
    233PetCritChanceIncrease#% critical hit chance
    235ApplyPetDamageIncrease#% damage dealt by your pet
    236ApplyPetCritDamageIncrease#% critical hit damage for your pet
    237ApplyPetCritChanceIncrease#% critical hit chance for your pet
    238ApplyPetAttackSpeedIncrease#% attack speed for your pet
    239ApplyPetBuffsIncrease#% effectiveness of your pets talent effects
    240GainIncreasedMaxHealthFromPet#% health when a pet is equipped
    242AtlantianWormHeartBuff# max health
    243ImmuneToRadioactiveDamageImmune to radioactive damage
    244IncreasedDamageTakenPercentage#% damage taken
    245ReducedDamageTakenPercentage#% damage taken
    249AuraVoidDamagePercentageOverTime#% of health as void damage every sec
    252DurabilityIncreaseAfterMiningOreGain # durability on your tool, when breaking walls containing ores
    253HungerAdditionOnHarvest# food gained when harvesting plants
    254ChanceToPreserveBait#% chance bait will not be consumed when catching a fish
    255IncreasedManaRegenEffectiveness#% faster mana regeneration
    256IncreasedMaxMana# max mana
    257IncreasedMinionLifespanPercentage#% minion lifespan
    258IncreasedChanceToSpawnMinionOnHit#% chance to spawn a mininon when an enemy is hit
    259IncreasedMaxMinions# max minion count
    260IncreasedMinionDamagePercentage#% minion damage
    261IncreasedMagicDamagePercentage#% magic damage
    262ManaBarrier#% of damage taken is absorbed by your mana pool
    263MagicBarrier# magic barrier
    264GainManaPercentageOnCrit#% mana recovered on critical hit
    266WellFedManaRegenerationPercentage#% mana regeneration from being well fed
    267GainManaPercentageOnDamageTaken#% mana recovered on damage taken
    268GainMagicDamagePercentageBoostAfterCrit#% magic damage for a short duration on critical hit
    269ReducedManaRegenDelayPercentageMana regeneration delay reduced by #%
    270ReducedMagicBarrierRegenDelayPercentageMagic barrier regeneration delay reduced by #%
    271PercentageOfMagicBarrierAsMagicDamage#% of magic barrier is added as magic damage
    272MagicBarrierAsManaRegenRecover #% of your magic barrier as mana every sec
    273GainRemainingManaAsMagicDamagePercentageUp to #% magic damage based on your remaining mana
    274MagicDamagePercentageBoostAfterCrit#% magic damage
    275GainRangeAttackSpeedPerMinion#% range attack speed per active minion
    277IncreasedMinionAttackSpeed#% minion attack speed
    278IncreasedMinionCountAsMagicDamagePercentage#% magic damage for every active minion
    279IncreasedMagicDamageToMinionDamageMinion damage is increased by #% of your magic damage increase
    280IncreasedMinionCountAsMagicBarrier# magic barrier per active minion
    282IncreasedHealOnMinionDamageHeal #% on minions attack damage
    284LiquidMetalBuff# max health
    285HealOnMinionDespawnMinions heal you for #% health when they despawn
    286IncreasedManaRegen# mana every sec
    287IncreasedMinionCritChance#% minion critical hit chance
    289MeleeDamageIncrease#% melee damage
    290RangeDamageIncrease#% range damage
    291MagicDamageIncreaseFromPotion#% magic damage
    292MinionDamageIncreaseFromPotion#% minion damage
    293GainMeleeDamageAsLongAsNotTakenDamage#% melee damage
    294MeleeDamageAsLongAsNotTakenDamage#% melee damage
    297PetChanceToGainManaOnAttack#% chance to gain mana on hit
    298SpawnExplosionOnDamageTakenDeals # damage to all nearby enemies when taking damage
    299ChanceToAddRandomConditionOnHitHigh chance to apply a random condition on hit
    300MitochondrionBuff# max health
    301FruitBasketBuff# max health
    302SlowedByGroundSlime#% movement speed from slime
    303LightningGunChainLightningWhen targeting an enemy the lightning will chain to 3 other nearby enemies
    304IncreasedMaxHealthPercentage#% health
    306BilibiliDogeChance#% dodge chance
  • Tile IDs[]

  • Tile types[]

    ID Internal name
    0 none
    33 pit
    35 wall
    36 roof
    37 roofHole
    40 thinWall
    46 ground
    49 dugUpGround
    50 wateredGround
    62 circuitPlate
    63 ancientCircuitPlate
    64 floor
    65 bridge
    66 fence
    67 rug
    68 smallStones
    69 smallGrass
    70 wallGrass
    71 debris
    72 floorCrack
    73 rail
    74 greatWall
    75 litFloor
    76 debris2
    77 looseFlooring
    78 immune
    126 water
    128 wallCrack
    129 ore
    131 bigRoot
    132 groundSlime
    133 ancientCrystal
    134 chrysalis
    135 __max__
    -1 __illegal__


    ID Internal name
    0 Dirt
    1 Stone
    2 Obsidian
    3 Lava
    4 Extras
    5 BaseBuildingWood
    6 LarvaHive
    7 BaseBuildingStone
    8 Nature
    9 Mold
    10 Sea
    11 Clay
    12 Sand
    13 Turf
    14 BaseBuildingUnpainted
    15 BaseBuildingYellow
    16 BaseBuildingGreen
    17 BaseBuildingRed
    18 BaseBuildingPurple
    19 BaseBuildingBlue
    20 BaseBuildingBrown
    21 BaseBuildingWhite
    22 BaseBuildingBlack
    23 BaseBuildingScarlet
    24 City
    25 BaseBuildingCoral
    26 Desert
    27 DesertTemple
    28 BaseBuildingGalaxite
    29 DesertTemple2
    30 BaseBuildingMetal
    31 Snow
    32 BaseBuildingValentine
    33 BaseBuildingEaster
    34 Glass
    35 Meadow
    36 Explosive
    37 BaseBuildingOrange
    38 BaseBuildingPink
    39 BaseBuildingCyan
    40 BaseBuildingGrey
    41 GlassYellow
    42 GlassGreen
    43 GlassRed
    44 GlassPurple
    45 GlassBlue
    46 GlassBrown
    47 GlassWhite
    48 GlassBlack
    49 GlassOrange
    50 GlassPink
    51 GlassCyan
    52 GlassGrey
    53 BaseBuildingMeadow
    54 DarkStone
    55 Crystal
    56 Alien
    57 BasebuildingGleamWood
    58 Eerie
    59 NaturalExplosive
    60 Passage
    61 BaseBuildingPeach
    62 BaseBuildingTeal
    63 GlassPeach
    64 GlassTeal
    65 GrimyStone
    66 MAX_VALUE

    Usage and map colors[]

    Tileset Tile type Map color Usage
    Dirt pit   #1f1f1f Pit Pit
    wall   #614927 Dirt Block Dirt Block (wall)
    roofHole N/A Roof light
    ground   #7f5f30 Dirt Block Dirt Block (ground)
    water   #1e3d81 Water Water
    ore   #ed6057 Copper Ore Copper Ore
    bigRoot   #e1a368 Wood Wood
    groundSlime   #d96217 Ground Slime Ground Slime
    ancientCrystal   #0093ff Ancient Gemstone Ancient Gemstone
    chrysalis   #fca694 Chrysalis Chrysalis
    Stone wall   #49677d Stone Block Stone Block (wall)
    ground   #678397 Stone Block Stone Block (ground)
    ore   #829bcb Iron Ore Iron Ore
    chrysalis   #cff1ff Stone Moss Stone Moss
    Obsidian wall   #162a27 Obsidian Block Obsidian Block (wall)
    ground   #1f433e Obsidian Block Obsidian Block (ground)
    ore   #f2cc3d Gold Ore Gold Ore
    Lava wall   #383447 Lava Rock Block Lava Rock Block (wall)
    ground   #554e6a Lava Rock Block Lava Rock Block (ground)
    water   #de3501 Lava Lava
    groundSlime   #ff5400 Ground Magma Slime Ground Magma Slime
    Extras circuitPlate   #595049 N/A
    ancientCircuitPlate   #425d5e N/A
    rail   #7a7a7a Rail Rail
    greatWall   #135e52 Great Wall Great Wall
    BaseBuildingWood wall   #946933 Wood Wall Wood Wall
    floor   #c7944f Wood Floor Wood Floor
    bridge   #8c5826 Wood Bridge Wood Bridge
    fence   #704821 Wood Fence Wood Fence
    rug   #7c477b Rug Rug
    LarvaHive wall   #a36153 Larva Hive Block Larva Hive Block (wall)
    ground   #c77463 Larva Hive Block Larva Hive Block (ground)
    water   #756730 Acid water Acid water
    ore   #8e7a76 Tin Ore Tin Ore
    groundSlime   #c1aa21 Ground Acid Slime Ground Acid Slime
    BaseBuildingStone wall   #6a6c72 Stone Bricks Wall Stone Bricks Wall
    floor   #81848c Stone Floor Stone Floor
    bridge   #7b746c Stone Bridge Stone Bridge
    fence   #615b55 Stone Fence Stone Fence
    rug   #3a8b41 Woven Mat Woven Mat
    Nature pit   #010101 N/A
    wall   #16831b Grass Block Grass Block (wall)
    ground   #3d9b41 Grass Block Grass Block (ground)
    water   #1e3d81 N/A
    ore   #ce3b3b Scarlet Ore Scarlet Ore
    bigRoot   #e1a368 Thorn Wood Thorn Wood
    groundSlime   #b856a5 Ground Poison Slime Ground Poison Slime
    ancientCrystal   #0093ff N/A
    chrysalis   #a3ce4a Lush Moss Lush Moss
    Mold wall   #599cba Mold Block Mold Block (wall)
    ground   #6cbce0 Mold Block Mold Block (ground)
    water   #3d5587 Mold water Mold water
    Sea wall   #b4939a Beach Block Beach Block (wall)
    ground   #ebc0be Beach Block Beach Block (ground)
    water   #34d0ff Sea water Sea water
    ore   #8b52ee Octarine Ore Octarine Ore
    bigRoot   #fd6aad Coral Wood Coral Wood
    groundSlime   #3333ee Ground Slippery Slime Ground Slippery Slime
    Clay wall   #c16436 Clay Block Clay Block (wall)
    ground   #e88b69 Clay Block Clay Block (ground)
    chrysalis   #7e574e Clay Moss Clay Moss
    Sand wall   #ac8f3a Sand Block Sand Block (wall)
    ground   #d4b959 Sand Block Sand Block (ground)
    Turf wall   #466751 Turf Block Turf Block (wall)
    ground   #568064 Turf Block Turf Block (ground)
    chrysalis   #b7533c Fungal Soil Fungal Soil
    BaseBuildingUnpainted wall   #9aa5d4 Paintable Wall Paintable Wall (unpainted)
    floor   #aebdf1 Paintable Floor Paintable Floor (unpainted)
    litFloor   #9f9f9f Lit Floor Lit Floor (unpainted)
    BaseBuildingYellow wall   #d4c22a Paintable Wall Paintable Wall (painted yellow)
    floor   #ffe82e Paintable Floor Paintable Floor (painted yellow)
    rug   #fcff00 Rug Rug (painted yellow)
    litFloor   #fff883 Lit Floor Lit Floor (painted yellow)
    looseFlooring N/A Loose Flooring Loose Flooring (painted yellow)
    BaseBuildingGreen wall   #40a910 Paintable Wall Paintable Wall (painted green)
    floor   #55b627 Paintable Floor Paintable Floor (painted green)
    rug   #84f63f Rug Rug (painted green)
    litFloor   #9be678 Lit Floor Lit Floor (painted green)
    looseFlooring N/A Loose Flooring Loose Flooring (painted green)
    BaseBuildingRed wall   #bb0a0a Paintable Wall Paintable Wall (painted red)
    floor   #df0000 Paintable Floor Paintable Floor (painted red)
    rug   #ff3e25 Rug Rug (painted red)
    litFloor   #f67373 Lit Floor Lit Floor (painted red)
    looseFlooring N/A Loose Flooring Loose Flooring (painted red)
    BaseBuildingPurple wall   #6d3189 Paintable Wall Paintable Wall (painted purple)
    floor   #8b4fa7 Paintable Floor Paintable Floor (painted purple)
    rug   #cd1fff Rug Rug (painted purple)
    litFloor   #bf7cde Lit Floor Lit Floor (painted purple)
    looseFlooring N/A Loose Flooring Loose Flooring (painted purple)
    BaseBuildingBlue wall   #1c5dd8 Paintable Wall Paintable Wall (painted blue)
    floor   #2b6ce4 Paintable Floor Paintable Floor (painted blue)
    rug   #4e36ff Rug Rug (painted blue)
    litFloor   #6d85ff Lit Floor Lit Floor (painted blue)
    looseFlooring N/A Loose Flooring Loose Flooring (painted blue)
    BaseBuildingBrown wall   #7c3a1c Paintable Wall Paintable Wall (painted brown)
    floor   #974b28 Paintable Floor Paintable Floor (painted brown)
    rug   #d07100 Rug Rug (painted brown)
    litFloor   #f6ba6c Lit Floor Lit Floor (painted brown)
    looseFlooring N/A Loose Flooring Loose Flooring (painted brown)
    BaseBuildingWhite wall   #9db4cb Paintable Wall Paintable Wall (painted white)
    floor   #b2cee9 Paintable Floor Paintable Floor (painted white)
    rug   #fff3f3 Rug Rug (painted white)
    litFloor   #ffffff Lit Floor Lit Floor (painted white)
    looseFlooring N/A Loose Flooring Loose Flooring (painted white)
    BaseBuildingBlack wall   #3e3e3e Paintable Wall Paintable Wall (painted black)
    floor   #4c5455 Paintable Floor Paintable Floor (painted black)
    rug   #0d202b Rug Rug (painted black)
    litFloor   #2c2c2c Lit Floor Lit Floor (painted black)
    looseFlooring N/A Loose Flooring Loose Flooring (painted black)
    BaseBuildingScarlet wall   #902613 Scarlet Wall Scarlet Wall
    floor   #b23526 Scarlet Floor Scarlet Floor
    bridge   #a81e2e Scarlet Bridge Scarlet Bridge
    fence   #80242e Scarlet Fence Scarlet Fence
    City wall   #314d57 Metropolis Block Metropolis Block (wall)
    ground   #578084 Metropolis Block Metropolis Block (ground)
    chrysalis   #2aa947 Urban Moss Urban Moss
    BaseBuildingCoral wall   #de8eb2 Coral Wall Coral Wall
    floor   #d56db7 Coral Floor Coral Floor
    bridge   #c85ccc Coral Bridge Coral Bridge
    fence   #9f3da4 Coral Fence Coral Fence
    Desert wall   #a69298 Desert Block Desert Block (wall)
    ground   #d29a7c Desert Block Desert Block (ground)
    ore   #f7f0dc Galaxite Ore Galaxite Ore
    chrysalis   #f97443 Valley Moss Valley Moss
    DesertTemple wall   #0057a3 Desert Temple Block Desert Temple Block (wall)
    ground   #86716e Desert Temple Block Desert Temple Block (ground)
    BaseBuildingGalaxite wall   #dddddd Galaxite Wall Galaxite Wall
    floor   #c5c5c5 Galaxite Floor Galaxite Floor
    bridge   #acb3a9 Galaxite Bridge Galaxite Bridge
    fence   #98a195 Galaxite Fence Galaxite Fence
    DesertTemple2 wall   #3c4f39 Maze Block Maze Block (wall)
    ground   #536460 Maze Block Maze Block (ground)
    BaseBuildingMetal bridge   #c58736 Metal Grate Metal Grate
    Snow wall   #6db1b4 Snow Block Snow Block (wall)
    ground   #9be7eb Snow Block Snow Block (ground)
    BaseBuildingValentine looseFlooring N/A Rose Petal Flooring Rose Petal Flooring
    BaseBuildingEaster looseFlooring N/A Daisy Flooring Daisy Flooring
    Glass wall N/A Glass Wall Glass Wall (unpainted)
    thinWall N/A Thin Glass Wall Thin Glass Wall (unpainted)
    floor N/A Glass Floor Glass Floor (unpainted)
    bridge N/A Glass Bridge Glass Bridge (unpainted)
    Meadow wall   #e0c961 Meadow Block Meadow Block (wall)
    ground   #efe1b3 Meadow Block Meadow Block (ground)
    Explosive wall   #c0171a Explosives Deposit Explosives Deposit
    BaseBuildingOrange wall   #e27929 Paintable Wall Paintable Wall (painted orange)
    floor   #ed9049 Paintable Floor Paintable Floor (painted orange)
    rug   #ff812d Rug Rug (painted orange)
    litFloor   #ffa35f Lit Floor Lit Floor (painted orange)
    looseFlooring N/A Loose Flooring Loose Flooring (painted orange)
    BaseBuildingPink wall   #f61e78 Paintable Wall Paintable Wall (painted pink)
    floor   #fa4590 Paintable Floor Paintable Floor (painted pink)
    rug   #ff53ca Rug Rug (painted pink)
    litFloor   #ffb1e1 Lit Floor Lit Floor (painted pink)
    looseFlooring N/A Loose Flooring Loose Flooring (painted pink)
    BaseBuildingCyan wall   #1fc1b3 Paintable Wall Paintable Wall (painted cyan)
    floor   #29e2b4 Paintable Floor Paintable Floor (painted cyan)
    rug   #22ece1 Rug Rug (painted cyan)
    litFloor   #96ffe8 Lit Floor Lit Floor (painted cyan)
    looseFlooring N/A Loose Flooring Loose Flooring (painted cyan)
    BaseBuildingGrey wall   #83979f Paintable Wall Paintable Wall (painted gray)
    floor   #9dafb7 Paintable Floor Paintable Floor (painted gray)
    rug   #7e8789 Rug Rug (painted gray)
    litFloor   #bae4f6 Lit Floor Lit Floor (painted gray)
    looseFlooring N/A Loose Flooring Loose Flooring (painted gray)
    GlassYellow wall N/A Glass Wall Glass Wall (painted yellow)
    thinWall N/A Thin Glass Wall Thin Glass Wall (painted yellow)
    floor N/A Glass Floor Glass Floor (painted yellow)
    bridge N/A Glass Bridge Glass Bridge (painted yellow)
    GlassGreen wall N/A Glass Wall Glass Wall (painted green)
    thinWall N/A Thin Glass Wall Thin Glass Wall (painted green)
    floor N/A Glass Floor Glass Floor (painted green)
    bridge N/A Glass Bridge Glass Bridge (painted green)
    GlassRed wall N/A Glass Wall Glass Wall (painted red)
    thinWall N/A Thin Glass Wall Thin Glass Wall (painted red)
    floor N/A Glass Floor Glass Floor (painted red)
    bridge N/A Glass Bridge Glass Bridge (painted red)
    GlassPurple wall N/A Glass Wall Glass Wall (painted purple)
    thinWall N/A Thin Glass Wall Thin Glass Wall (painted purple)
    floor N/A Glass Floor Glass Floor (painted purple)
    bridge N/A Glass Bridge Glass Bridge (painted purple)
    GlassBlue wall N/A Glass Wall Glass Wall (painted blue)
    thinWall N/A Thin Glass Wall Thin Glass Wall (painted blue)
    floor N/A Glass Floor Glass Floor (painted blue)
    bridge N/A Glass Bridge Glass Bridge (painted blue)
    GlassBrown wall N/A Glass Wall Glass Wall (painted brown)
    thinWall N/A Thin Glass Wall Thin Glass Wall (painted brown)
    floor N/A Glass Floor Glass Floor (painted brown)
    bridge N/A Glass Bridge Glass Bridge (painted brown)
    GlassWhite wall N/A Glass Wall Glass Wall (painted white)
    thinWall N/A Thin Glass Wall Thin Glass Wall (painted white)
    floor N/A Glass Floor Glass Floor (painted white)
    bridge N/A Glass Bridge Glass Bridge (painted white)
    GlassBlack wall N/A Glass Wall Glass Wall (painted black)
    thinWall N/A Thin Glass Wall Thin Glass Wall (painted black)
    floor N/A Glass Floor Glass Floor (painted black)
    bridge N/A Glass Bridge Glass Bridge (painted black)
    GlassOrange wall N/A Glass Wall Glass Wall (painted orange)
    thinWall N/A Thin Glass Wall Thin Glass Wall (painted orange)
    floor N/A Glass Floor Glass Floor (painted orange)
    bridge N/A Glass Bridge Glass Bridge (painted orange)
    GlassPink wall N/A Glass Wall Glass Wall (painted pink)
    thinWall N/A Thin Glass Wall Thin Glass Wall (painted pink)
    floor N/A Glass Floor Glass Floor (painted pink)
    bridge N/A Glass Bridge Glass Bridge (painted pink)
    GlassCyan wall N/A Glass Wall Glass Wall (painted cyan)
    thinWall N/A Thin Glass Wall Thin Glass Wall (painted cyan)
    floor N/A Glass Floor Glass Floor (painted cyan)
    bridge N/A Glass Bridge Glass Bridge (painted cyan)
    GlassGrey wall N/A Glass Wall Glass Wall (painted gray)
    thinWall N/A Thin Glass Wall Thin Glass Wall (painted gray)
    floor N/A Glass Floor Glass Floor (painted gray)
    bridge N/A Glass Bridge Glass Bridge (painted gray)
    BaseBuildingMeadow wall   #dbd489 Straw-bale Wall Straw-bale Wall
    floor   #fff371 Woven Straw Floor Woven Straw Floor
    DarkStone wall N/A Dark Stone Block Dark Stone Block (wall)
    ground   #7b8cac Dark Stone Block Dark Stone Block (ground)
    Crystal wall   #2a59ee Crystal Block Crystal Block (wall)
    ground   #3988db Crystal Block Crystal Block (ground)
    water   #9ac6f3 Shimmering water Shimmering water
    ore   #ffbe4e Solarite Ore Solarite Ore
    bigRoot   #adebfd Gleam Wood Gleam Wood
    chrysalis   #0fa2b8 Crystal Crust Crystal Crust
    Alien wall   #463e66 Alien Tech Block Alien Tech Block (wall)
    ground   #456a73 Alien Tech Block Alien Tech Block (ground)
    BasebuildingGleamWood wall   #0fa1ae Gleam Wood Wall Gleam Wood Wall
    floor   #80f2ff Gleam Wood Floor Gleam Wood Floor
    bridge   #0fd2be Gleam Wood Bridge Gleam Wood Bridge
    fence   #109aa6 Gleam Wood Fence Gleam Wood Fence
    Eerie wall   #674f7a Eerie Wall Eerie Wall
    floor   #85669c Eerie Floor Eerie Floor
    NaturalExplosive wall   #d8273e Thermite Wall Thermite Wall
    Passage wall   #595664 Fossil Block Fossil Block (wall)
    ground   #c0bacf Fossil Block Fossil Block (ground)
    water   #3d3959 Grimy water Grimy water
    BaseBuildingPeach wall   #e07064 Paintable Wall Paintable Wall (painted peach)
    floor   #ff977c Paintable Floor Paintable Floor (painted peach)
    rug   #ff8169 Rug Rug (painted peach)
    litFloor   #ffb09b Lit Floor Lit Floor (painted peach)
    looseFlooring N/A Loose Flooring Loose Flooring (painted peach)
    BaseBuildingTeal wall   #1a8675 Paintable Wall Paintable Wall (painted teal)
    floor   #0f9e88 Paintable Floor Paintable Floor (painted teal)
    rug   #49a682 Rug Rug (painted teal)
    litFloor   #4bb7ad Lit Floor Lit Floor (painted teal)
    looseFlooring N/A Loose Flooring Loose Flooring (painted teal)
    GlassPeach wall N/A Glass Wall Glass Wall (painted peach)
    thinWall N/A Thin Glass Wall Thin Glass Wall (painted peach)
    floor N/A Glass Floor Glass Floor (painted peach)
    bridge N/A Glass Bridge Glass Bridge (painted peach)
    GlassTeal wall N/A Glass Wall Glass Wall (painted teal)
    thinWall N/A Thin Glass Wall Thin Glass Wall (painted teal)
    floor N/A Glass Floor Glass Floor (painted teal)
    bridge N/A Glass Bridge Glass Bridge (painted teal)
    GrimyStone floor   #365956 Grimy Stone Floor Grimy Stone Floor
  • Season IDs[]

  • ID Internal name Display name
    0 None N/A
    1 Easter Easter
    2 Halloween Halloween
    3 Christmas Christmas
    4 Valentine Valentine
    5 Anniversary Anniversary
    6 CherryBlossom Cherry blossom
    7 LunarNewYear Lunar New Year
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