ID | Internal name | Description |
0 | None | N/A |
1 | BlueGlow | # blue glow |
2 | SlowedBySlime | #% movement speed from slime |
3 | HealthAddition | # health |
4 | MovementSpeedIncrease | #% movement speed |
5 | HealOverTime | # health every sec |
6 | IncreasedMaxHealth | # max health |
7 | StarvingMovementSpeedDecrease | #% movement speed from starving |
8 | HungerAddition | # food |
9 | MiningIncrease | # mining damage |
10 | PhysicalMeleeDamageIncrease | #% physical melee damage |
11 | ArmorIncrease | # armor |
12 | CritChance | #% critical hit chance |
13 | ChanceToApplyPoisoned | #% chance to apply poison on hit, reduces enemy healing received by 75% |
14 | Poisoned | 75% reduced healing received |
15 | DodgeChance | #% dodge chance |
16 | IncreasedMaxHealthPermanent | # max health |
17 | AcidDamage | # acid damage every sec, ignores armor |
18 | ApplySlowedBySlime | Reduces the target's movement speed by #% for 4 sec |
19 | LifeOnHit | # life on melee hit |
20 | ImmuneToSlimeSlow | Immune to being slowed by slime |
21 | ThornsDamage | # thorns damage |
22 | PhysicalRangeDamageIncrease | #% physical range damage |
23 | ExtraHarvestChance | #% larger harvests |
24 | Suffocating | Suffocating |
25 | ChanceOnHitToKnockback | #% knockback chance |
26 | ApplySnare | Ensnare |
27 | Snared | Snared |
28 | LarvaDisguise | Disguised as a larva |
29 | Burning | # burn damage every other sec |
30 | ApplyBurning | # burn damage applied on hit |
31 | ChanceOnCritToSpawnThunderBeam | #% chance to spawn a thunder beam on melee critical hits |
32 | WellFedMovementSpeedIncrease | #% movement speed from being well fed |
33 | ReducedDamageFromBosses | #% reduced damage taken from bosses |
34 | ImmuneToPoison | Immune to poison |
35 | InfectedWithMold | #% movement speed, increasingly slows down movement from mold infection |
36 | ImmuneToMold | Immune to mold infection |
37 | ImmuneToAcid | Immune to acid damage |
38 | HealthReduction | # health |
39 | MovementSpeedDecrease | #% movement speed |
40 | StarvingHealthDecrease | #% reduced max health from starving |
41 | WellFedHealthIncrease | #% increased max health from being well fed |
42 | StarvingDamageDecrease | #% reduced damage and max health from starving |
43 | WellFedDamageIncrease | #% increased damage and max health from being well fed |
44 | HealthAdditionPercentage | #% health |
45 | OrangeGlow | # glow |
46 | IncreasedFishing | # fishing |
47 | Love | Gives you a heart-warming feeling |
48 | ArmorPercentageIncrease | #% armor |
49 | MiningPercentageIncrease | #% mining damage |
50 | MiningSpeedIncrease | #% mining speed |
51 | MeleeAttackSpeedIncrease | #% melee attack speed |
52 | RangeAttackSpeedIncrease | #% range attack speed |
53 | VisibleOreDistanceIncrease | # tiles visible ore distance |
54 | PercentageOfMiningAsMelee | #% of mining damage added as melee damage |
55 | PercentageOfFishingAsRange | #% of fishing added as range damage |
56 | ChanceForAdditionalOre | #% chance to gain an additional ore from walls containing ores |
57 | IncreasedExplosivesDamage | #% explosives damage |
58 | MovementSpeedBoostAfterMining | #% movement speed boost for a short duration after mining a wall |
59 | ShortMovementSpeedBoost | #% movement speed |
60 | ChanceForRandomLootFromWall | #% chance to drop a valuable item from any mined wall |
61 | SlipperyMovement | Your movement is slippery |
62 | ImmuneToSlipperyMovement | Immune to slippery movement |
63 | ChanceOnHitToApplySlipperyMovement | #% chance on hit to apply slippery movement |
64 | SlipperyMovementFromGround | The ground is slippery |
65 | KillsIncreaseCritChance | Killing an enemy increases critical hit chance by 3%, stacks up to 5 times |
66 | StackedCritChance | #% critical hit chance |
67 | DrainLessHunger | #% less food drained when running |
68 | ArmorIncreaseFromMovementSpeed | #% armor of current movement speed increase |
69 | SnareAndStunDurationReduction | Snare and stun durations reduced by #% |
70 | GainDodgeIncreaseWhileStandingStill | #% dodge chance after standing still for a short duration |
71 | DodgeIncreaseFromStandingStill | # % dodge chance from standing still |
72 | GainMovementSpeedFromRunningConsistently | #% movement speed after running consistently for a short duration |
73 | MovementSpeedIncreaseFromRunningConsistently | # movement speed from consistent running |
74 | MovementSpeedBoostAfterDodge | #% movement speed boost for a short duration after dodging an attack |
75 | GainDamageIncreaseFromRunning | #% damage after consistently running for a short duration |
76 | DamageIncreaseFromRunning | #% damage |
77 | AuraApplyMovementSpeedDecrease | Any nearby enemies movement speed is reduced by #% |
78 | AuraMovementSpeedDecrease | #% movement speed from a nearby aura |
79 | ChanceToGainExtraCookedFood | #% extra cooked food chance |
80 | ChanceForExtraCookedFoodToBeRare | #% chance for additional food gained from cooking to be rare |
81 | ImmuneToDamageAfterRespawn | Immune to damage |
82 | GainMeleeDamageFromHitting | Gain 2% melee damage every time an enemy is hit, stacks up to # times |
83 | MeleeDamageIncreaseFromHitting | #% physical melee damage |
84 | GainRangeDamageFromShooting | Gain 2% range damage every time an enemy is shot, stacks up to # times |
85 | RangeDamageIncreaseFromShooting | #% physical range damage |
86 | ChanceOnHitToGainMeleeAttackSpeed | #% chance on melee hit to increase melee attack speed by 50% for a short duration |
87 | MeleeAttackSpeedFromChanceOnHit | #% melee attack speed |
88 | ChanceOnShotToGainCriticalHitChance | #% chance on ranged hit to increase critical hit chance by 100% for a short duration |
89 | CriticalHitChanceFromShot | #% critical hit chance |
90 | ChanceOnHitToIncreaseRangeDamage | #% chance on melee hit to increase range damage by 30% |
91 | IncreasedRangeDamageFromMeleeHit | #% physical range damage |
92 | ChanceOnShotToIncreaseMeleeDamage | #% chance on ranged hit to increase melee damage by 30% |
93 | IncreasedMeleeDamageFromShot | #% physical melee damage |
94 | GainMeleeDamageIncreaseFromHittingSameTarget | Gain #% melee damage when hitting the same target successively |
95 | MeleeDamageIncreaseFromHittingSameTarget | #% physical melee damage |
96 | IncreasedDamageAgainstBosses | #% damage against bosses |
97 | ChanceToRestoreHealthOnMeleeHit | 10% chance on melee hit to restore #% health |
98 | ChanceOnRangeShotToApplySlowedBySlime | 20% chance to slow down target by #% on ranged hit |
99 | CriticalDamagePercentageIncrease | #% critical hit damage |
100 | GainRangeDamageIncreaseFromStandingStill | #% range damage after standing still for a short duration |
101 | RangeDamageIncreaseFromStandingStill | #% physical range damage |
102 | ChanceOnRangeShotToStun | #% chance to stun targets on ranged hit |
103 | ImmuneToStun | Immune to stun |
104 | Stunned | Stunned |
105 | IncreasedHealthRegenEffectiveness | #% more healing from health over time regeneration |
106 | GainHealthRegenWhileBelowHalfHealth | Gain # health every sec while below half max health |
107 | HealthRegenFromBeingBelowHalfHealth | # health every sec |
108 | CheatDeath | #% chance to restore a bit of health instead of dying when taking lethal damage |
109 | GainDamageIncreaseAtMaxHealth | #% damage while at max health |
110 | DamageIncreaseAtMaxHealth | #% damage |
111 | GainDamageIncreaseAtLowHealth | #% damage while at low health |
112 | DamageIncreaseAtLowHealth | #% damage |
113 | HealingPotionAddHealOverTime | Healing potions also heal for #% of health gained from the potion over time |
114 | HealOverTimeFromPotion | # health every sec |
115 | GainIncreasedMaxHealthFromAllSkillPoints | #% of all skill points added to max health |
116 | IncreasedMaxHealthFromAllSkillPoints | # max health |
117 | ToolDurabilityLastsLonger | #% chance to not lose durability when using tools and weapons |
118 | EquipmentDurabilityLastsLonger | #% chance to not lose durability on equipment when taking damage |
119 | ChanceToGainExtraItemFromBaseBuilding | #% chance to gain an extra item when crafting any wall, floor, bridge or fence |
120 | ChanceToGainExtraItemFromAlchemy | #% chance to gain an extra item when crafting any item at the alchemy table or distillery |
121 | GainExtraIndustryItems | # extra items gained when crafting rails, wires or conveyor belts. |
122 | ChanceForPolishedJewelry | #% chance to gain a polished version of any item crafted at the jewelry workbench |
123 | ReducedAnvilEquipmentCosts | Crafting items at the anvil and repairing items costs #% less materials |
124 | GainArmorAtLowHealth | #% armor while at low health |
125 | IncreasedArmorFromLowHealth | #% armor |
126 | ChanceToGainRarePlant | #% chance that plants planted by you become golden |
127 | SeedDropChance | #% chance to gain a seed when harvesting plants |
128 | ChanceToNotConsumeWaterCan | #% chance to not consume water when using water can |
129 | GainMoreFoodFromPlants | #% food when eating plants or cooked food made out of plants |
130 | DamageIncreaseAgainstPoisoned | #% damage against poisoned targets |
131 | IncreasedChanceToGetFish | #% chance to get a fish on the hook |
132 | IncreasedRodRange | #% fishing rod throw range |
133 | FishBitesFaster | Fish (and other things) bite #% faster |
134 | GainIncreasedBossDamageFromEatingFish | #% damage against bosses after eating fish or cooked food made out of fish |
135 | IncreasedBossDamageFromEatingFish | #% damage against bosses |
136 | FishStartsCloserToBeReeledIn | Fish starts #% closer to be reeled in |
137 | ReducedImpactOfSlipperyMovement | #% reduced impact of slippery movement |
138 | LongerCookedFoodBuffs | #% longer cooked food buff durations |
139 | WellFedBuffsThresholdReduction | Well fed buffs are gained at #% lower food |
140 | StrongerWellFedBuffs | Well fed buffs are #% stronger |
141 | GainMeleeAttackSpeedFromCookedFood | #% melee attack speed when eating cooked food |
142 | MeleeAttackSpeedFromCookedFood | #% melee attack speed |
143 | GainMoreFoodFromCookedFood | #% food from cooked food |
144 | AuraApplyDamageIncrease | #% damage dealt by you and all nearby allies |
145 | AuraDamageIncrease | #% damage |
146 | AuraApplyHealingOverTime | # health every sec to you and all nearby allies |
147 | AuraHealingOverTime | # health every sec |
148 | CriticalDamagePercentageIncreaseFromGardening | #% critical hit damage |
149 | CriticalDamagePercentageIncreaseFromRange | #% critical hit damage |
150 | AllDamageIncrease | #% damage |
151 | GainDamageIncreaseAfterMining | #% damage for a short duration after mining a wall |
152 | DamageIncreaseAfterMining | #% damage |
153 | GainCriticalHitChanceFromStandingStill | #% critical hit chance after standing still for a short duration |
154 | CriticalHitChanceFromStandingStill | #% critical hit chance |
155 | ChanceOnHitToKillTargetWithLowerHealth | #% chance on hit to kill any target that has lower health than you |
156 | ChanceToApplyPoisonOnBlock | #% chance to apply poison when blocking melee hits, reduces enemy healing received by 75% |
157 | IncreaseCritChanceAfterPoisonApply | #% critical hit chance for a short duration after successfully applying poison |
158 | CritChanceIncreaseFromPoisonApply | #% critical hit chance |
159 | ImmuneToBurning | Immune to burning |
160 | AuraApplyDamageDecrease | #% damage dealt by all nearby enemies |
161 | AuraDamageDecrease | #% damage |
162 | AllDamageDecrease | #% damage |
163 | AuraApplyBurning | All nearby enemies burn for # damage every other sec |
164 | AuraBurning | # burn damage every other sec |
165 | RemovePoison | Removes any poison from the imbiber |
166 | MeleeDamageIncreaseFromPotion | #% physical melee damage |
167 | RangeDamageIncreaseFromPotion | #% physical range damage |
168 | ReducedDamageFromBossesFromPotion | #% reduced damage taken from bosses |
169 | ArmorIncreaseFromPotion | # armor |
170 | ApplyMovementSpeedReduction | Reduces the target's movement speed by #% for 4 sec |
171 | GainAttackSpeedFromMissingHealth | Attack speed is increased by 0.2% for every percentage of missing health |
172 | AttackSpeedFromMissingHealth | #% melee and range attack speed |
173 | AttackSpeed | #% melee and range attack speed |
174 | DiggingIncrease | # digging damage |
175 | ChanceOnKillToSummonGhost | #% chance to summon a ghost caveling when killing any enemy |
176 | IncreasedChanceToGetFishLoot | #% chance to get a valuable or other non-fish item on the hook when fishing |
177 | ChanceOnRangeHitToSpawnOctopusBossProjectile | #% chance on range hit to spawn a tornado |
178 | ChanceToGetDoubleFish | #% chance to get double fish when catching a fish |
179 | MovementSpeedIncreaseFromPotion | #% movement speed |
180 | IncreasedChanceForHigherRarityFish | #% chance for higher rarity fish to bite |
181 | IncreasedPickUpRadius | #% pickup radius |
182 | IncreasedBoatSpeed | #% boat speed |
183 | ApplySlipperyMovementWhenHit | Melee attackers become slippery when attacking you |
184 | ChanceToShootShockWaveOnBlock | #% chance on block to release energy shockwaves dealing damage equal to what was blocked |
185 | IncreasedArmorPercentageWhileAdjacentToWater | #% armor while adjacent to water |
186 | IncreasedArmorPercentageFromAdjacentWater | #% armor |
187 | ImmuneToDamageAfterLogin | N/A |
188 | KingOfSlimes | You are the king of slimes |
189 | RedGlowingEyes | Your eyes glow red |
190 | LookLikeGhost | You look like a ghost |
191 | AttackSpeedBoostAfterDodge | #% melee and range attack speed |
192 | DealAoeFireDamageOnBlock | Deals # damage to all nearby enemies when blocking with the shield |
193 | ChanceForOreOnMiningWall | #% chance to gain an ore that is common in the currently mined wall when destroying the wall |
194 | DamageIncreaseAgainstBurning | #% damage against burning targets |
195 | CritDamageIncreaseAgainstBurning | #% critical hit damage against burning targets |
196 | ThornsDamageAddedToMeleeAndRange | Your thorns damage is added to your melee and range damage |
197 | ChanceOnHitToSpawnScarabBossProjectile | #% chance on melee or range hit to spawn an ancient projectile that follows the hit target and deals damage on impact |
198 | GainAttackSpeedBoostAfterDodge | #% melee and range attack speed for a short duration after dodging |
199 | GiantMushroomBuff | # max health |
200 | AmberLarvaBuff | # max health |
201 | StarlightNautilusBuff | # max health |
202 | AdditionalChanceOnCritToSpawnThunderBeam | #% additional chance to trigger Azeos' soul power |
203 | AdditionalChanceOnHitToSpawnScarabBossProjectile | #% additional chance to trigger Ra-Akar's soul power |
204 | AdditionalChanceOnRangeHitToSpawnOctopusBossProjectile | #% additional chance to trigger Omoroth's soul power |
205 | IncreasedDashDuration | #% longer dash duration |
206 | AuraApplyRadioactiveDamageOverTime | All nearby enemies take # radioactive damage every other sec |
207 | AuraRadioactiveDamageOverTime | # radioactive damage every other sec |
208 | Snowing | You can feel the winter embracing you |
209 | AttackSpeedIncreaseFromPotion | #% melee and range attack speed |
210 | Sleeping | Fall asleep |
211 | HealOverTimePercentage | #% health every sec |
212 | GoldenChocolateBuff | # max health |
213 | ImmuneToCharm | N/A |
214 | ChanceToApplyCharmed | Charm the target for 20 sec |
215 | Charmed | N/A |
216 | IncreasedCharmDuration | #% longer duration of applied charm effects |
217 | PinkGlow | # pink glow |
218 | AnniversaryCakeBuff | # max health |
219 | ChanceOnMeleeHitToStun | #% chance to stun targets on melee hit |
220 | IncreasedAppliedStunDuration | #% longer stun durations |
221 | DamageIncreaseAgainstStunned | #% damage against stunned targets |
222 | ChanceToDealTripleDamage | #% chance on hit to deal triple amount of damage |
223 | IncreasedDamageBasedOnTargetRemainingHealth | Deal up to #% more damage based on targets remaining health |
224 | ChanceToConsumeBurning | #% chance on hit to consume target's burning effect and deal the total burning damage immediately |
225 | PiercingProjectiles | # target(s) pierced by projectiles |
226 | GodMode | You are in god mode |
227 | ReducedImpactOfSlowedBySlime | #% reduced impact of slowed movement from slime |
228 | PetMeleeDamageIncrease | #% physical melee damage |
229 | PetMeleeAttackSpeedIncrease | #% melee attack speed |
230 | PetRangeDamageIncrease | #% physical range damage |
231 | PetRangeAttackSpeedIncrease | #% range attack speed |
232 | PetCritDamageIncrease | #% critical hit damage |
233 | PetCritChanceIncrease | #% critical hit chance |
234 | PetBuffsIncrease | N/A |
235 | ApplyPetDamageIncrease | #% damage dealt by your pet |
236 | ApplyPetCritDamageIncrease | #% critical hit damage for your pet |
237 | ApplyPetCritChanceIncrease | #% critical hit chance for your pet |
238 | ApplyPetAttackSpeedIncrease | #% attack speed for your pet |
239 | ApplyPetBuffsIncrease | #% effectiveness of your pets talent effects |
240 | GainIncreasedMaxHealthFromPet | #% health when a pet is equipped |
241 | IncreasedMaxHealthFromPet | N/A |
242 | AtlantianWormHeartBuff | # max health |
243 | ImmuneToRadioactiveDamage | Immune to radioactive damage |
244 | IncreasedDamageTakenPercentage | #% damage taken |
245 | ReducedDamageTakenPercentage | #% damage taken |
246 | ProtectiveArmor | N/A |
247 | Vulnerable | N/A |
248 | AuraApplyVoidDamagePercentageOverTime | N/A |
249 | AuraVoidDamagePercentageOverTime | #% of health as void damage every sec |
250 | AuraApplyImmuneToVoidDamageOverTime | N/A |
251 | ImmuneToVoidDamageOverTime | N/A |
252 | DurabilityIncreaseAfterMiningOre | Gain # durability on your tool, when breaking walls containing ores |
253 | HungerAdditionOnHarvest | # food gained when harvesting plants |
254 | ChanceToPreserveBait | #% chance bait will not be consumed when catching a fish |
255 | IncreasedManaRegenEffectiveness | #% faster mana regeneration |
256 | IncreasedMaxMana | # max mana |
257 | IncreasedMinionLifespanPercentage | #% minion lifespan |
258 | IncreasedChanceToSpawnMinionOnHit | #% chance to spawn a mininon when an enemy is hit |
259 | IncreasedMaxMinions | # max minion count |
260 | IncreasedMinionDamagePercentage | #% minion damage |
261 | IncreasedMagicDamagePercentage | #% magic damage |
262 | ManaBarrier | #% of damage taken is absorbed by your mana pool |
263 | MagicBarrier | # magic barrier |
264 | GainManaPercentageOnCrit | #% mana recovered on critical hit |
265 | GainManaOnHeal | N/A |
266 | WellFedManaRegenerationPercentage | #% mana regeneration from being well fed |
267 | GainManaPercentageOnDamageTaken | #% mana recovered on damage taken |
268 | GainMagicDamagePercentageBoostAfterCrit | #% magic damage for a short duration on critical hit |
269 | ReducedManaRegenDelayPercentage | Mana regeneration delay reduced by #% |
270 | ReducedMagicBarrierRegenDelayPercentage | Magic barrier regeneration delay reduced by #% |
271 | PercentageOfMagicBarrierAsMagicDamage | #% of magic barrier is added as magic damage |
272 | MagicBarrierAsManaRegen | Recover #% of your magic barrier as mana every sec |
273 | GainRemainingManaAsMagicDamagePercentage | Up to #% magic damage based on your remaining mana |
274 | MagicDamagePercentageBoostAfterCrit | #% magic damage |
275 | GainRangeAttackSpeedPerMinion | #% range attack speed per active minion |
276 | RangeAttackSpeedPerMinion | N/A |
277 | IncreasedMinionAttackSpeed | #% minion attack speed |
278 | IncreasedMinionCountAsMagicDamagePercentage | #% magic damage for every active minion |
279 | IncreasedMagicDamageToMinionDamage | Minion damage is increased by #% of your magic damage increase |
280 | IncreasedMinionCountAsMagicBarrier | # magic barrier per active minion |
281 | MinionCountAsMagicBarrier | N/A |
282 | IncreasedHealOnMinionDamage | Heal #% on minions attack damage |
283 | MinionCountAsMagicDamagePercentage | N/A |
284 | LiquidMetalBuff | # max health |
285 | HealOnMinionDespawn | Minions heal you for #% health when they despawn |
286 | IncreasedManaRegen | # mana every sec |
287 | IncreasedMinionCritChance | #% minion critical hit chance |
288 | IncreaseDamageAsLongAsNotBeingHit | N/A |
289 | MeleeDamageIncrease | #% melee damage |
290 | RangeDamageIncrease | #% range damage |
291 | MagicDamageIncreaseFromPotion | #% magic damage |
292 | MinionDamageIncreaseFromPotion | #% minion damage |
293 | GainMeleeDamageAsLongAsNotTakenDamage | #% melee damage |
294 | MeleeDamageAsLongAsNotTakenDamage | #% melee damage |
295 | IncreasedMinionCountAsArmor | N/A |
296 | MinionCountAsArmor | N/A |
297 | PetChanceToGainManaOnAttack | #% chance to gain mana on hit |
298 | SpawnExplosionOnDamageTaken | Deals # damage to all nearby enemies when taking damage |
299 | ChanceToAddRandomConditionOnHit | High chance to apply a random condition on hit |
300 | MitochondrionBuff | # max health |
301 | FruitBasketBuff | # max health |
302 | SlowedByGroundSlime | #% movement speed from slime |
303 | LightningGunChainLightning | When targeting an enemy the lightning will chain to 3 other nearby enemies |
304 | IncreasedMaxHealthPercentage | #% health |
305 | Superman | N/A |
306 | BilibiliDogeChance | #% dodge chance |