Core Keeper Wiki

Digging spots are rare destructibles found throughout the world. They can be dug up with a shovel or hoe, dropping one random item.


Digging Spot

1 roll of the following 19 items
Heart Berry Seed Heart Berry Seed111.82%
Bomb Pepper Seed Bomb Pepper Seed111.82%
Glow Tulip Seed Glow Tulip Seed111.82%
Root Seed Root Seed111.82%
Geode Geode14.73%
Old Amulet Old Amulet14.73%
Bone Creole Bone Creole14.73%
Twisted Agate Twisted Agate14.73%
Triangle Trinket Triangle Trinket14.73%
Ammonite Ammonite12.36%
Broken Core Idol Broken Core Idol12.36%
Peasant Hat Peasant Hat12.36%
Peasant Chest Peasant Chest12.36%
Heart Berry Necklace Heart Berry Necklace11.42%
Oracle Card "Aura" Oracle Card "Aura"14.02%
Loyal Egg Loyal Egg17.09%
Adventurer's Hat Adventurer's Hat12.36%
Rusty Dagger Rusty Dagger12.36%
Crescent Ring Crescent Ring12.36%

Grass Digging Spot

1 roll of the following 14 items
Old Spore Mask Old Spore Mask13.7%
Hard Thorn Hard Thorn15.56%
Balloon Spore Balloon Spore13.7%
Amber Chunk Amber Chunk15.56%
Petrified Coral Petrified Coral15.56%
Stone Cap Stone Cap15.56%
Root Seed Root Seed118.52%
Glow Tulip Seed Glow Tulip Seed118.52%
Ocarina Ocarina114.81%
Loyal Egg Loyal Egg15.56%
Mercenary Headband Mercenary Headband13.7%
Mercenary Pants Mercenary Pants13.7%
Mercenary Tank Top Mercenary Tank Top13.7%
Bomb Bomb2–41.85%

Beach Digging Spot

1 roll of the following 13 items
Coral Wood Coral Wood121.62%
Octarine Ore Octarine Ore113.51%
Fish Fossil Fish Fossil16.76%
Petrified Trilobite Petrified Trilobite16.76%
Forked Coral Forked Coral16.76%
Gold Bar Gold Bar15.41%
Fizzy Crystal Fizzy Crystal14.05%
Bubble Pearl Bubble Pearl12.7%
Black Bubble Pearl Black Bubble Pearl11.35%
Loyal Egg Loyal Egg14.05%
Wildwarden Pants Wildwarden Pants110.81%
Large Bomb Large Bomb113.51%
Tome of the Deep Tome of the Deep12.7%

Desert Digging Spot

1 roll of the following 11 items
Galaxite Ore Galaxite Ore127.78%
Blue Glass Shard Blue Glass Shard18.33%
Caveling Sandal Caveling Sandal111.11%
Crystal Spearhead Crystal Spearhead18.33%
Desert Diamond Desert Diamond15.56%
Black Desert Diamond Black Desert Diamond12.78%
Bone Necklace Bone Necklace111.11%
Bone Ring Bone Ring111.11%
Oracle Card "Radiance" Oracle Card "Radiance"12.78%
Prehistoric Crystal Spear Prehistoric Crystal Spear18.33%
Loyal Egg Loyal Egg12.78%

Lava Rock Digging Spot

1 roll of the following 13 items
Mechanical Part Mechanical Part2–318.87%
Galaxite Ore Galaxite Ore2–318.87%
Charred Caveling Skull Charred Caveling Skull19.43%
Worker Handcuff Worker Handcuff19.43%
Pickaxe Head Pickaxe Head19.43%
Black Necklace Black Necklace14.72%
Flame Ring Flame Ring14.72%
Black Ring Black Ring14.72%
Miner's Labour Suit Miner's Labour Suit14.72%
Miner's Worker Pants Miner's Worker Pants14.72%
Recall Idol Recall Idol14.72%
Galaxite Key Galaxite Key10.94%
Large Bomb Large Bomb1–34.72%


Digging spots rarely appear on uncovered Dirt, Clay, Grass, Beach, Desert and Lava Rock Block ground during the initial generation of an area; they do not respawn.

Digging spots can also be found in some scenes, often with unique drops.

Digging Spot

Natural spawn

Initial generation
Spawnable tilesBiomeChance
Dirt Block Dirt Block groundUndergrounds Undergrounds1%
Clay Block Clay Block groundClay Caves Clay Caves1%

Structure contents

Colossal Cicada Husk7
Flower Lake4
Ancient Square2
Ruined Railway2
Ancient Square Ruins1
Caveling Grave1
Dirt Mushroom Farm1
Thread of Fate Shrine1

Grass Digging Spot

Natural spawn

Initial generation
Spawnable tilesBiomeChance
Grass Block Grass Block groundAzeos' Wilderness Azeos' Wilderness1%

Structure contents

Paradise Tree8
Scarlet Camp3
Fishing Merchant House2
Nature Moon Lake2
Meadow Spiral1
Nature Pond1
Solitary Tree1
White Whistle Shrine1

Beach Digging Spot

Natural spawn

Initial generation
Spawnable tilesBiomeChance
Beach Block Beach Block groundSunken Sea Sunken Sea1%

Structure contents

Sea walls with chestVaries
Turtle Statue Island9
Coral Island4
Beached Caveling Ship Island3
Cove Stash2
Octarine Island2
Sea Camp Island (style 1)1
Sea Star Isle1
Small Pier1


Placed sprites[]

