Core Keeper Wiki

The Dirt Block is a type of block primarily found in the Undergrounds and rarely in other biomes. It is often the first block a new player will encounter, with the The Core being enclosed in it.

They are useful in a variety of ways, from being a crafting material to a surface for cultivating many early-game crops.

Wall mining damage thresholds
Hits to break Mining damage
1 136
2 69
5 28
10 15
Sharp sound 14
Exp. gain 13


1 roll of the following 2 items
Ring of Stone Ring of Stone10.07%


Crafting material

ResultMaterialsCrafting station
Furnace FurnaceDirt Block Dirt Block (20)Basic Workbench Basic Workbench
Wood Wall Wood Wall (2)Wood Wood
Dirt Block Dirt Block
Paintable Floor Paintable Floor (2)Dirt Block Dirt BlockCopper Workbench Copper Workbench
Paintable Wall Paintable Wall (2)Wood Wood
Dirt Block Dirt Block
Easter Egg Flowerpot Easter Egg FlowerpotGray Easter Egg Gray Easter Egg
Dirt Block Dirt Block (2)
Easter Workbench Easter Workbench
Easter Egg Lamp Easter Egg LampBrown Easter Egg Brown Easter Egg
Dirt Block Dirt Block (2)
Wood Wood (2)


The following seeds can grow on tilled Dirt Blocks:


  • When a player mines a Dirt Block wall inside the Undergrounds, there is a 0.27% chance of a Locked Copper Chest spawning next to it.
  • A character created with the name "Greggy" (case-sensitive) will spawn with 10 Dirt Blocks in their inventory.


  • Due to their abundance, Dirt Blocks are a good source for traversing gaps quickly early on, if obtaining bridges proves to be difficult.


Placed sprites[]


  • Locked chest spawn rate decreased from 0.3% to 0.27%.
  • 0.7.3-3c7e:
    • Now places a ground tile if used on a pit or liquid.
    • Renamed from Dirt Wall to Dirt Block.
    • Item sprite updated. Previous sprite was: Dirt Wall
  • 0.1.91e2cab: Introduced as Dirt Wall.