Core Keeper Wiki

Ghorm the Devourer is an early-game boss found roaming around the Clay Caves and Forgotten Ruins.

Defeating Ghorm drops Ghorm's Horn, an item required for progression.


Ghorm can be found traveling in a circle at a distance of 190–210 tiles from The Core, in the Clay Caves and Forgotten Ruins.

Once defeated, Ghorm can be re-summoned by placing a Ghorm Summoning Idol on its rune, located below its original spawn point (a random point approximately 230 tiles from The Core; the main path will connect to it).


Ghorm will instantly destroy all objects and walls in its path (including the normally indestructible Obsidian Blocks). It also instantly kills most creatures upon contact, dealing 10000 damage.

Ghorm will not engage the player until it reaches 80% health, after which it will enter its second phase. In this phase it will circle around the player, attempting to damage them.

If the player lures Ghorm too far away from where it entered combat, it will return to the main path and begin regenerating health (2% of its maximum every 5 seconds).

Ghorm leaves behind a trail of Ground Slime, which reduces the player's movement speed. Any pits or liquids in its path will be filled in with Dirt Block ground.


ItemAmountChance per rollChance for one
Ghorm Chest Ghorm Chest1100%
Ghorm's Horn Ghorm's Horn1100%
Larva Meat Larva Meat20; +10100%
Ghorm's Stomach Bag Ghorm's Stomach Bag1; +1100%
Mysterious Idol Mysterious Idol1100%
1 roll of the following 9 items
Larva Ring Larva Ring112.5%
Larva Chest Larva Chest112.5%
Flintlock Musket Flintlock Musket16.25%
Cooking Pot Lid Cooking Pot Lid112.5%
Cooking Pot Tub Cooking Pot Tub112.5%
Arcane Staff Arcane Staff16.25%
Chieftain Headdress Chieftain Headdress112.5%
Chieftain Tunic Chieftain Tunic112.5%
Chieftain Shorts Chieftain Shorts112.5%
6 rolls of the following 20 items
Ancient Gemstone Ancient Gemstone1–27.04%35.45%
Mechanical Part Mechanical Part1–211.06%50.49%
Fiber Fiber3–518.89%71.54%
Iron Ore Iron Ore2–520.1%73.98%
Gold Ore Gold Ore1–310.05%47.03%
Shiny Larva Meat Shiny Larva Meat15.03%26.61%
Larva Ring Larva Ring12.01%11.47%
Larva Chest Larva Chest12.01%11.47%
Flintlock Musket Flintlock Musket11.01%5.88%
Cooking Pot Lid Cooking Pot Lid12.01%11.47%
Cooking Pot Tub Cooking Pot Tub12.01%11.47%
Ghorm Figurine Ghorm Figurine14.52%24.25%
Amber Larva Amber Larva10.2%1.2%
Rare Candy Rare Candy15.03%26.61%
Deceased Explorer Deceased Explorer11.01%5.88%
Hand Drill Hand Drill11.01%5.88%
Arcane Staff Arcane Staff11.01%5.88%
Chieftain Headdress Chieftain Headdress12.01%11.47%
Chieftain Tunic Chieftain Tunic12.01%11.47%
Chieftain Shorts Chieftain Shorts12.01%11.47%


  • Walls and objects destroyed by Ghorm will not drop as items.
  • Ghorm can destroy ore boulders, however they will not drop any ore.
  • In multiplayer, Ghorm gains additional health depending on the amount of players in the world. It will automatically adjust whenever a player joins or leaves the world.
Players Max health
Casual Standard Hard
1 4030 8061 12092
2 5523 11048 16573
3 6868 13737 20606
4 8123 16249 24374
5 9317 18637 27956
6 10464 20930 31397
7 11573 23148 34724
8 12650 25304 37957


Achievement Bugging Out  
Bugging Out"Defeat Ghorm the Devourer"
(Silver • 25 G • 25 XP)
Defeat Ghorm the Devourer for the first time.


  • Bronze armor and Ranger armor are decent options for armor.
    • Ranger armor has the added bonus of causing the player's projectiles to pierce through multiple segments.
  • Bombs are cheap to craft and deal a large amount of damage. They instantly explode when Ghorm runs over them.
  • A hoe (ideally Tin or Iron) can be used to quickly remove the Ground Slime.
  • The Larva Ring plus the Grub Egg Necklace can be used to negate the slowness from the Ground Slime.
    • A full set of Rain armor can be used as an alternative.
  • Ghorm can easily be defeated with around 50–150 Spike Traps. They will trigger when Ghorm runs over them, essentially killing the boss instantly. Note that the traps will be permanently lost afterwards.
    • Wooden Spike Traps can be used as a cheaper alternative, though a lot more of them are needed.
  • The player should not engage Ghorm within close proximity of any structures they want to keep safe, as the boss is incredibly destructive in its second phase.
  • For a detailed guide on how to beat Ghorm, go to here.


  • Should now be targetable by pets and minions.
  • Ghorm's death sound now plays consistently.
  • Dynamite Packs no longer drop several times after being destroyed by Ghorm.
    • Now roams at a distance of 190–210 tiles from The Core instead of 210–230.
    • Initial spawn point now generates approximately 230 tiles from The Core instead of exactly 250.
    • No longer drops the Tin Axe.
  • Fixed a bug where Ghorm would sometimes deal damage to players even if they did not appear to be hit.
  • Ghorm Figurine drop chance increased from 0.52% to 4.81%.