Core Keeper Wiki

The Glow Tulip is an uncommon plant grown from Glow Tulip Seeds. It can also be found growing naturally throughout the world, primarily in the Undergrounds, Clay Caves and Azeos' Wilderness.

Glow Tulips have a variety of uses, ranging from being a quick food source to opening the scene containing the Chipped Blade, a component of the Rune Song. When placed in the world or held by a player, they emit a blue glow.

When used in cooking, Glow Tulips are the base ingredient of Salads.



SeedGrowth time
Glow Tulip Seed Glow Tulip Seed10 minutes

Natural spawn

Initial generation
Spawnable tilesAdjacent toBiomeChance
Dirt Block Dirt Block ground
Turf Block Turf Block ground
N/AUndergrounds Undergrounds0.5%
Dirt Block Dirt Block ground
Turf Block Turf Block ground
Any liquidUndergrounds Undergrounds5%
Clay Block Clay Block groundN/AClay Caves Clay Caves0.5%
Clay Block Clay Block groundAny liquidClay Caves Clay Caves5%
Grass Block Grass Block groundN/AAzeos' Wilderness Azeos' Wilderness0.4%
Grass Block Grass Block groundAny liquidAzeos' Wilderness Azeos' Wilderness3%

Structure-exclusive loot

Ancient Pillar RuinsAncient Chest Ancient Chest5100%
Abandoned Hive Hut
City Quarters (style 1)
Meadow Bridge
Nature Egg Hut
Nature Oasis
Stone Oasis
Turf Oasis
Decorative Pot Decorative Pot1100%
City Quarters (style 3)Planter Box Planter Box1100%
City Archive
City Bath
City Library
City Plaza
City Quarters (style 2)
City Remembrance Hall
Planter Box Planter Box3100%
Caveling Farmhouse (style 5)Stone Pedestal Stone Pedestal1100%


Glow Tulip Ring Glow Tulip Ring3–5
Polished Glow Tulip Ring Polished Glow Tulip Ring3–5


Wilderness settlementVaries
City Park44
White Whistle Shrine30
Caveling Grave10
Caveling Field (style 2)8
Caveling Field (style 4)5
Clay Lake5
Ancient Square Ruins4
Giant Ammonite4
Flower Lake3
Nature Moon Lake3
Ruined Railway3
Caveling Field (style 3)2
Pathway Hut2
Caveling Pond (style 2)1
Temple Ruins1


Cooking ingredient

Base effects when cookedKeywords
+2 food
+5 blue glow for 10 min
+1.4 mana every sec for 10 min
Glowing • Tulip

Crafting material

Result/ItemMaterialsCrafting station/Vendor
Arcane Potion Arcane PotionSlime Slime (3)
Glow Tulip Glow Tulip (3)
Alchemist's Table Alchemist's Table
Glowing Bait Glowing Bait (5)Glow Tulip Glow TulipBait Workbench Bait Workbench
Glow Tulip Ring Glow Tulip RingGlow Tulip Glow Tulip (10)
Iron Bar Iron Bar (10)
Jewelry Workbench Jewelry Workbench
Anniversary Cake Anniversary CakeGlow Tulip Glow Tulip (20)
Slime Slime (20)
Seasonal Merchant Seasonal Merchant

Cattle feed

Wool WoolAny farmable plant Any farmable plant (2)Bambuck Bambuck
Meadow Milk Meadow MilkAny farmable plant Any farmable plant (2)Moolin Moolin



  • The Glow Tulip appears in Terraria as an item that summons a pet Caveling Gardener upon use.


Placed sprites[]

See also[]


    • Now provides +1.4 mana regen for 10 min when cooked.
    • Cooked blue glow increased from +4 to +5.
    • Cooked blue glow duration increased from 2 to 10 min.
    • Now used to craft the Arcane Potion.
    • Sell value increased from Ancient Coin symbol to Ancient Coin symbol.
  • 0.1.91e2cab: Introduced.

