Core Keeper Wiki
Greenery Pod
This article describes content that exists in the game's data, but is not obtainable by normal means.

Grounds were items that could be dug up with a shovel from floor tiles in the world. The effectiveness is based on the player's digging damage stat.

As of 0.7.3-3c7e, ground items are no longer obtainable with the merging of wall and ground items - digging up their respective tile drops the proper block instead.


Ground Tooltip Health
Sand Ground Sand GroundA yellow, fragile piece of ground.10
Snow Ground Snow GroundA white, cold piece of ground.10
Alien Tech Floor Alien Tech FloorA mysterious, intricate piece of ground.60
Dirt Ground Dirt GroundA brown piece of ground.60
Meadow Ground Meadow GroundA mellow piece of ground that grows little summer flowers.60
Obsidian Ground Obsidian GroundAn indestructible piece of ground. We know you're cheating.60
Turf Ground Turf GroundA soft, mossy piece of ground.60
Clay Ground Clay GroundA red, crumbly piece of ground.120
Larva Hive Ground Larva Hive GroundA lumpy piece of...ground?120
Grass Ground Grass GroundA lush piece of groundplants.180
Mold Ground Mold GroundAn moldy piece of ground that releases infestious spores.180
Stone Ground Stone GroundA sturdy piece of ground.180
Beach Sand Ground Beach Sand GroundA sandy piece of ground.240
City Floor City FloorA sturdy piece of floor tiled with glass panes and gold.240
Desert Sand Ground Desert Sand GroundA beige sandy piece of ground.400
Lava Rock Ground Lava Rock GroundA molten piece of ground.400
Maze Floor Maze FloorAn extremely durable ground block used in ancient mazes.400
Temple Floor Temple FloorA sturdy piece of floor tiled with sandstone and gold.400
Crystal Ground Crystal GroundA blue, glistening piece of ground.560


  • 0.7.3-3c7e: Made unobtainable with the merge of wall and floor placement. Any existing ground items in chests and inventories still remain after this update.
  • 0.3.12-8ddf: Added a digging damage stat to shovels that impacts how many uses it takes to dig up ground. Health of ground has been rebalanced around the digging damage of shovels so that higher tier shovels are more effective against lower tier ground and lower tier shovels are less effective against higher tier ground.