Core Keeper Wiki

Hoes are tools used to till various types of ground blocks, allowing seeds to be planted. They also collect spawning tiles, seeded crops, digging spots, and ground-level objects such as Rails and decorative tiles in the area.

Hoes with a maximum area of effect of at least 2×2 can cycle through smaller sizes by pressing Rotate / resize.


Shovel Melee damage Max area of effect Durability Level Sell
Wooden Hoe Wooden Hoe18−201 × 1501Ancient Coin symbol
Copper Hoe Copper Hoe26−302 × 22502Ancient Coin symbol
Tin Hoe Tin Hoe42−503 × 31504Ancient Coin symbol
Iron Hoe Iron Hoe57−694 × 4250638 Ancient Coin symbol
Scarlet Hoe Scarlet Hoe82−1005 × 5250975 Ancient Coin symbol


  • Higher grade hoes are useful to bring anywhere, as they can remove enemy spawnpoints and hazardous traps quickly and from a distance.

