Orange Slimes are one of the first enemies that the player will encounter in a world, as well as one of the easiest to defeat. Unlike most enemies, it remains neutral to the player until it is attacked.
They will tend to get stuck on long conveyor belts that spiral at the end.
Orange Slimes are among the easiest enemies to defeat, making them good for mob farms that utilize Spike Traps.
Since Orange Slimes are neutral enemies, they aren't much of a threat unless directly provoked. As such, it's best to avoid attacking them unless you need to, especially at the beginning of a game when you have little defense.
The Orange Slime has a short hop range and a decent cooldown afterwards, making it easy to sidestep out of the way of. When attacking one, let it hop in your direction, then attack it when it lands.
To prevent further unwanted Orange Slime spawns, make sure to remove any Ground Slime, as Orange Slimes will spawn on floors covered in it over time.