Core Keeper Wiki

The Polished Gold Crystal Ring is an epic ring, and an upgraded version of the Gold Crystal Ring.



Item crafted
Gold Crystal Ring Gold Crystal Ring
(10–50%, when crafted with the Jewelry crafter talent active)

Polished comparison[]

At max level the Gold Crystal Ring offers more physical range damage than the Polished Gold Crystal Ring.

Ring Effects
Gold Crystal Ring Gold Crystal Ring +17.3–41.6% physical range damage
Polished Gold Crystal Ring Polished Gold Crystal Ring +19.9–28.1% physical range damage
+3.9–5.2% range attack speed


    • Tooltip changed from "A precious ring featuring an ancient gemstone." to "A precious ring featuring ancient gemstones."
    • Base range attack speed increased from +3.5% to +3.9%.
    • Sell value decreased from 103 Ancient Coin symbol to 97 Ancient Coin symbol.
  • 0.3.0-297a: Introduced.