Core Keeper Wiki

The Salvage and Repair Station is a furniture item used to repair, reinforce and salvage items.



Pressing the Repair blue button will toggle the player's cursor into repair mode. In repair mode, clicking on a damaged item in the player's inventory will restore its durability at the cost of some Scrap Parts.

The repair cost is relative to the amount of durability needing to be repaired; a small repair may only cost one Scrap Part, but a nearly broken or fully broken item will require much more.


Similar to repairing, pressing the Reinforce yellow button will toggle the player's cursor into reinforce mode. In reinforce mode, clicking on a non-legendary weapon, tool or armor piece in the player's inventory will reinforce it at the cost of some of its primary material (usually a metal bar or Wood).

Reinforcing an item doubles its durability and increases the value of non-unique effects by 15%. An item cannot be reinforced unless it is at 100% durability; it must be repaired first. Reinforcing an item that is already reinforced works like repairing the item — it restores the durability lost up to 200%.


Most weapons, tools, armor, accessories and crafting stations can be placed inside the six item slots above the Salvage large gray button.

Pressing the button will turn the items placed in the slots into 30–49% of their raw materials (depending on the durability remaining), plus some Scrap Parts.



MaterialsCrafting station
Wood Wood (5)
Copper Bar Copper Bar (5)
Basic Workbench Basic Workbench


Placed sprites[]


  • Can now be salvaged.
  • Most crafting stations can now be salvaged.
  • Salvaging multiple objects now displays an accurate summary.
  • 0.4.0-3f9c: Fixed an issue where negative stats on equipment would not get the correct reinforced value addition such as the movement speed affection from the Slime Sword and Larva armor.
  • 0.3.0-297a: Introduced.