Core Keeper Wiki

Shrubs, flowers and grasses are decorative furniture items with the appearance of natural foliage.


Plant Tooltip
Meadow Bush Meadow BushA golden-colored patch of meadow grass to use as a decorative.
Tall Meadow Grass Tall Meadow GrassA large golden-colored patch of tall meadow grass to use as a decorative.
Bush BushA stubby patch of grass to use as a decorative.
Tall Grass Tall GrassA large patch of tall grass to use as a decorative.
Land Algae Land AlgaeA type of algae that can grow outside of water.
Tall Land Algae Tall Land AlgaeA large type of algae that can grow outside of water.
Desert Shrub Desert ShrubA dry bush that can live hundreds of years without water.
Crystal Grass Crystal GrassA strange growth that consists of broad, transparent leaves.
Tall Crystal Grass Tall Crystal GrassA tall, strange growth that consists of broad, transparent leaves.
Barnacle Grass Barnacle GrassA small group of long-necked barnacles stretching out from the ground.
Tall Barnacle Grass Tall Barnacle GrassA large group of long-necked barnacles stretching out from the ground.

See also[]
