Core Keeper Wiki
Skill Page

The skills menu in the player's inventory.

Skills are attributes the character can level through related actions such as harvesting plants, killing enemies, or removing cooked food from a Cooking Pot.

When a skill is leveled 5 times the player will gain a talent point which can be spent on the talent's respective talent tree. When a skill leveled to 100, the player will gain 5 extra talent points. The talent tree is made up of nodes which grant effects. The nodes are also organized into tiers, the player can advance to the next tier by investing 5 points in a skill that is of a lower tier, for example investing five points in a tier 1 node will grant the player access to the tier 2 nodes for that talent.

There are a total of 11 skills in the game: Mining, Running, Melee combat, Vitality, Crafting, Range combat, Gardening, Fishing, Cooking, Magic and Summoning; each with their own unique talent tree and method of leveling.



This content is transcluded from Mining (skill). Mining is a skill that increases the player's mining damage by +1 per level, up to a maximum of +100 at level 100.

Mining experience is gained by damaging wall blocks and walls, at a rate of 1 experience per hit.

Efficient excavation Efficient excavation+2–10% mining damage1
Meticulous miner Meticulous miner+3–15% chance to gain an additional ore from walls containing ores2
Self-mending alloy Self-mending alloyGain +2–10 durability on your tool, when breaking walls containing ores2
Miner's strength Miner's strength+2–10% of mining damage added as melee damage3
Mine, mine, mine! Mine, mine, mine!+3–15% mining speed3
Explosives engineer Explosives engineer+4–20% explosives damage3
Pick and run! Pick and run!+4–20% movement speed boost for a short duration after mining a wall4
Archaeologist Archaeologist+0.2–1% chance to drop a valuable item from any mined wall4


This content is transcluded from Running. Running is a skill that increases the player's movement speed by +0.1% per level, up to a maximum of +10% at level 100.

Running experience is gained by walking around, at a rate of approximately 1 experience per tile traveled.

Endurance runner Endurance runner+5–25% less food drained when running1
Balanced stance Balanced stance+5–25% dodge chance after standing still for a short duration2
Gotta go fast! Gotta go fast!+2–10% movement speed after running consistently for a short duration2
On your toes On your toes+4–20% movement speed boost for a short duration after dodging an attack3
Escape artist Escape artistSnare and stun durations reduced by +10–50%3
Keeping tempo Keeping tempo+3–15% damage after consistently running for a short duration3
Encumbering presence Encumbering presenceAny nearby enemies movement speed is reduced by 4–20%4
Breaking barriers Breaking barriers+6–30% armor of current movement speed increase4

Melee combat[]

This content is transcluded from Melee combat. Melee combat is a skill that increases physical melee damage by +0.5% per level, up to a maximum of +50% at level 100.

Melee combat experience is gained by attacking enemies using melee damage, at a rate of 1 experience per successful swing (i.e. hitting multiple enemies will only give 1 experience).

Quick strikes Quick strikes+2–10% melee attack speed1
Building anger Building angerGain 2% melee damage every time an enemy is hit, stacks up to 2–10 times2
Fast and furious Fast and furious+2–10% chance on melee hit to increase melee attack speed by 50% for a short duration2
Heavy swings Heavy swings+3–15% chance to knockback on melee hit3
Stubborn fighter Stubborn fighterGain +3–15% melee damage when hitting the same target successively3
Taking a step back Taking a step back+4–20% chance on melee hit to increase range damage by 30%3
Seething blade Seething blade10% chance on melee hit to restore +1–5% health4
Strength of the Ancients Strength of the Ancients+4–20% damage against bosses4


This content is transcluded from Vitality. Vitality is a skill that increases the player's maximum health by +1 per level, up to a maximum of +100 at level 100.

Vitality experience is gained by defeating creatures. The amount of experience a creature will give is equal to its maximum health, capped at 1000.

Maxed out! Maxed out!+6–30% of all skill points added to max health1
Strong and healthy Strong and healthy+2–10% damage while at max health2
Desperate fighter Desperate fighter+4–20% damage while at low health2
Stayin' alive Stayin' aliveGain +0.2–1 health every sec while below half max health3
Healing potency Healing potency+6–30% more healing from health over time regeneration3
Lingering potions Lingering potionsHealing potions also heal for +6–30% of health gained from the potion over time3
Protection of the Ancients Protection of the Ancients+3–15% reduced damage taken from bosses4
Cheat death Cheat death+2–10% chance to restore a bit of health instead of dying when taking lethal damage4


This content is transcluded from Crafting (skill). Crafting is a skill that increases the player's armor by +0.5% per level, up to a maximum of +50% at level 100.

Crafting experience is gained by crafting items.

Base builder Base builder+6–30% chance to gain an extra item when crafting any wall, floor, bridge or fence1
The right tools in the right hands The right tools in the right hands+4–20% chance to not lose durability when using tools and weapons2
High quality equipment High quality equipment+4–20% chance to not lose durability on equipment when taking damage2
Alchemist Alchemist+4–20% chance to gain an extra item when crafting any item at the alchemy table or distillery3
Industry specialist Industry specialist+1–5 extra items gained when crafting rails, wires or conveyor belts.3
Blacksmith BlacksmithCrafting items at the anvil and repairing items costs 5–25% less materials3
Jewelry crafter Jewelry crafter+10–50% chance to gain a polished version of any item crafted at the jewelry workbench4
Unbreakable Unbreakable+6–30% armor while at low health4

Range combat[]

This content is transcluded from Range combat. Range combat is a skill that increases physical range damage by +0.5% per level, up to a maximum of +50% at level 100.

Range combat experience is gained by attacking enemies using range damage, at a rate of 1 experience per hit.

Rapid shots Rapid shots+2–10% range attack speed1
Keeping momentum Keeping momentumGain 2% range damage every time an enemy is shot, stacks up to 2–10 times2
Weakness detection Weakness detection+2–10% chance on ranged hit to increase critical hit chance by 100% for a short duration2
Slimy bullets Slimy bullets20% chance to slow down target by 8–40% on ranged hit3
Charging in Charging in+4–20% chance on ranged hit to increase melee damage by 30%3
Stun shot Stun shot+4–20% chance to stun targets on ranged hit3
Focused accuracy Focused accuracy+5–25% range damage after standing still for a short duration4
Amplified precision Amplified precision+8–40% critical hit damage4


This content is transcluded from Gardening. Gardening is a skill that increases the chance for a player to get an extra item when harvesting a plant by +0.4% per level, up to a maximum of +40% at level 100.

Gardening experience is gained by harvesting plants, at a rate of 1 experience per plant.

Grateful gardener Grateful gardener+5–25% chance to gain a seed when harvesting plants1
Eat your vegetables! Eat your vegetables!+5–25% food when eating plants or cooked food made out of plants2
Feast for the eyes Feast for the eyes+1–5 food gained when harvesting plants2
Thorny weapons Thorny weapons+5–25% critical hit damage3
Thorny skin Thorny skin+10–50 thorns damage3
Poison coated weapons Poison coated weapons+3–15% chance to apply poison on hit, reduces enemy healing received by 75%3
Expert gardener Expert gardener+3–15% chance that plants planted by you become golden4
Potent poison Potent poison+5–25% damage against poisoned targets4


This content is transcluded from Fishing (skill). Fishing is a skill that increases the player's fishing power by +1 per level, up to a maximum of +100 at level 100.

Fishing experience is gained by catching an item while fishing, at a rate of 1 experience per catch.

Improved bait Improved baitFish (and other things) bite +5–25% faster1
Fisherman's luck Fisherman's luck+4–20% chance to get a fish on the hook2
Angler's advantage Angler's advantage+2–10% chance for higher rarity fish to bite2
Studied patterns Studied patterns+2–10% dodge chance3
Steady feet Steady feet+10–50% reduced impact of slippery movement3
Chewy bait Chewy bait+5–25% chance bait will not be consumed when catching a fish3
Well-trained aim Well-trained aim+6–30% of fishing added as range damage4
Power of Omega-3! Power of Omega-3!+3–15% damage against bosses after eating fish or cooked food made out of fish4


This content is transcluded from Cooking (skill). Cooking is a skill that increases the chance of the player gaining an extra cooked food item when removing one from the Cooking Pot by +0.2% per level, up to a maximum of +20% at level 100.

Cooking experience is gained by removing cooked food from a Cooking Pot, at a rate of 1 experience per item.

Utilizing every nutrient Utilizing every nutrient+5–25% food from cooked food1
Not so picky Not so pickyWell fed buffs are gained at +5–25% lower food2
Healthy diet Healthy dietWell fed buffs are +20–100% stronger2
Fast food Fast food+1–5% melee attack speed when eating cooked food3
Long-lasting food Long-lasting food+6–30% longer cooked food buff durations3
The smell of food The smell of food+4–20% damage dealt by you and all nearby allies3
Master chef Master chef+5–25% chance for additional food gained from cooking to be rare4
Sharing is caring Sharing is caring+0.1–0.5 health every sec to you and all nearby allies4


This content is transcluded from Magic. Magic is a skill that increases magic damage by +0.5% per level, up to a maximum of +50% at level 100.

Magic experience is gained by attacking enemies using magic damage, at a rate of 1 experience per hit.

True sight True sight+1–5% critical hit chance1
Mana channeling Mana channeling+2–10% mana recovered on critical hit2
Firmly grounded Firmly groundedMagic barrier regeneration delay reduced by 5–25%2
The best offense The best offense+10–50% of magic barrier is added as magic damage3
Arcane frenzy Arcane frenzy+10–50% magic damage for a short duration on critical hit3
Arcane transfusion Arcane transfusionRecover +1–5% of your magic barrier as mana every sec3
Fully charged Fully chargedUp to +6–30% magic damage based on your remaining mana4
Deep pool Deep poolMana regeneration delay reduced by 6–30%4


This content is transcluded from Summoning. Summoning is a skill that increases minion damage by +0.5% per level, up to a maximum of +50% at level 100.

Summoning experience is gained by the player's minions attacking enemies, at a rate of 1 experience per hit.

Ferocious creatures Ferocious creatures+4–20% minion attack speed1
Critical command Critical command+4–20% minion critical hit chance2
Power in numbers Power in numbers+2–10% range attack speed per active minion2
Trickle down arcana Trickle down arcanaMinion damage is increased by +10–50% of your magic damage increase3
Tough gang Tough gang+15–75 magic barrier per active minion3
Group effort Group effort+2–10% magic damage for every active minion3
Longing for this world Longing for this world+10–50% minion lifespan4
Proxy parasites Proxy parasitesMinions heal you for +1–5% health when they despawn4


Achievement Diggy Diggy Hole  
Diggy Diggy Hole"Gain 100 skill points in mining"
(Bronze • 25 G • 20 XP)
Reach level 100 in the Mining skill.
Achievement Cheese it!  
Cheese it!"Gain 100 skill points in cooking"
(Bronze • 25 G • 20 XP)
Reach level 100 in the Cooking skill.
Achievement Completely Hooked  
Completely Hooked"Gain 100 skill points in fishing"
(Bronze • 25 G • 20 XP)
Reach level 100 in the Fishing skill.
Achievement Nature Nurturer  
Nature Nurturer"Gain 100 skill points in gardening"
(Bronze • 25 G • 20 XP)
Reach level 100 in the Gardening skill.
Achievement ...Sting like a bee  
...Sting like a bee"Gain 100 skill points in melee"
(Bronze • 25 G • 20 XP)
Reach level 100 in the Melee combat skill.
Achievement Robin Hood  
Robin Hood"Gain 100 skill points in range"
(Bronze • 25 G • 20 XP)
Reach level 100 in the Range combat skill.
Achievement Health Conscious  
Health Conscious"Gain 100 skill points in vitality"
(Bronze • 25 G • 20 XP)
Reach level 100 in the Vitality skill.
Achievement Float like a butterfly...  
Float like a butterfly..."Gain 100 skill points in running"
(Bronze • 25 G • 20 XP)
Reach level 100 in the Running skill.
Achievement Crafty Explorer  
Crafty Explorer"Gain 100 skill points in crafting"
(Bronze • 25 G • 20 XP)
Reach level 100 in the Crafting skill.
Achievement A Wizard Is Never Late  
A Wizard Is Never Late"Gain 100 skill points in magic"
(Bronze • 25 G • 20 XP)
Reach level 100 in the Magic skill.
Achievement Stay Away From The Summoner!  
Stay Away From The Summoner!"Gain 100 skill points in summoning"
(Bronze • 25 G • 20 XP)
Reach level 100 in the Summoning skill.

