Core Keeper Wiki

Smelters are a group of crafting stations used to refine crafting materials.


Smelter Tooltip Materials Sell
Raw Refined
Furnace Furnace This standard furnace melts basic metal ores. Copper Ore Copper Ore
Tin Ore Tin Ore
Iron Ore Iron Ore
Copper Bar Copper Bar
Tin Bar Tin Bar
Iron Bar Iron Bar
Ancient Coin symbol
Glass Smelter Glass Smelter This handy furnace can turn any sand block into useful glass. Any sand block Any sand block Glass Piece Glass Piece Ancient Coin symbol
Smelter Kiln Smelter Kiln A kiln that can melt valuable ores. Gold Ore Gold Ore
Scarlet Ore Scarlet Ore
Octarine Ore Octarine Ore
Gold Bar Gold Bar
Scarlet Bar Scarlet Bar
Octarine Bar Octarine Bar
39 Ancient Coin symbol
Fury Forge Fury Forge An unstable forge producing incredible heat able to smelt the hardest of metals. Galaxite Ore Galaxite Ore
Solarite Ore Solarite Ore
Galaxite Bar Galaxite Bar
Solarite Bar Solarite Bar
503 Ancient Coin symbol


  • 0.7.5-580c: Increased spawn distance of several graphical objects, most notably smelters, to avoid them suddenly appearing too close to the player.
  • Added the Glass Smelter.
  • Added the Fury Forge.
  • 0.1.91e2cab: Introduced.