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Biome The Forgotten Ruins

The Forgotten Ruins is the other orbiting biome around the Undergrounds. This is the first region the player will likely encounter that they cannot mine out the walls, requiring at least a Tin Pickaxe to damage the iconic Stone Blocks. The Caveling inhabitants of the region are especially dangerous and caution be advised when entering their lost cities. Somewhere hidden in the biome is Malugaz the Corrupted's throne room.

The Forgotten Ruins spawns on the opposite side of the map from the Clay Caves.


Unique creatures[]

Unique items[]

Fishing catches[]

Fishing from normal water in the Forgotten Ruins will yield the following items.

At least 100 fishing is also required, which can be provided by a Iron Fishing Rod.

  • Fish[]

    Dagger Fin Dagger Fin37%Common1s escape • 1s rest
    Pink Palace Fish Pink Palace Fish29%Uncommon1s escape • 1s rest • 2s escape • 2s rest
    Teal Palace Fish Teal Palace Fish21%Uncommon1s escape • 1s rest • 2s escape • 2s rest
    Crown Squid Crown Squid13%Epic1.5s escape • 1.5s rest • 1s escape • 1s rest • 0.5s escape • 0.5s rest


    1 roll of the following 16 items
    Grey Kelp Grey Kelp115.84%
    Scrap Parts Scrap Parts116.85%
    Iron Ore Iron Ore121.9%
    Fiber Fiber111.79%
    Gold Ore Gold Ore18.42%
    Soft Sponge Soft Sponge18.42%
    Adder Stone Adder Stone11.68%
    Caveling Perfume Caveling Perfume10.84%
    Bubble Pearl Necklace Bubble Pearl Necklace12.02%
    Goldfish Ring Goldfish Ring12.02%
    Enhydro Crystal Enhydro Crystal10.42%
    Iron Key Iron Key12.36%
    Locked Iron Chest Locked Iron Chest12.36%
    Trenchcoat Trenchcoat12.36%
    Deceased Explorer Deceased Explorer12.36%
    Large Bomb Large Bomb10.34%
  • Generation[]


  • Circular Race Track
    Undergrounds, Clay Caves, Forgotten Ruins, Azeos' Wilderness, Desert of Beginnings • Maximum of 1 per world
    A small race track with some Primitive Go-kart Primitive Go-karts.
    Small Islands
    Clay Caves, Forgotten Ruins • Maximum of 2 per world
    Lots of small islands connected to a large island covered in Ground Slime Ground Slime. There is a Chest Chest in one of the corners that contains generic loot.
    Giant Ammonite
    Clay Caves, Forgotten Ruins • Maximum of 1 per world
    The Giant Ammonite Giant Ammonite drops a Ammonite Necklace Ammonite Necklace when struck.
    Ancient Square
    Clay Caves, Forgotten Ruins • Maximum of 2 per world
    There are twelve Stone Block Stone Blocks in the middle containing Ancient Gemstone Ancient Gemstones.
    Winding Race Track
    Clay Caves, Forgotten Ruins, Azeos' Wilderness, Desert of Beginnings • Maximum of 1 per world
    A large winding race track with some Primitive Go-kart Primitive Go-karts.
    Square Race Track
    Clay Caves, Forgotten Ruins, Azeos' Wilderness, Desert of Beginnings • Maximum of 1 per world
    A large square-shaped race track with some Primitive Go-kart Primitive Go-karts.
    Railway Section (style 1)
    Railway Section (style 2)
    Railway Section (style 3)
    Railway Section (style 4)
    Railway Section (style 5)
    Railway Section (style 6)
    Railway Section (style 7)
    Railway Section (style 8)
    Railway Section (style 9)
    Railway Section (style 10)
    Railway Section (style 11)
    Cloaked Merchant Room
    Forgotten Ruins • Always generates • Approximately 270 tiles from The Core
    Caveling Campfire
    Forgotten Ruins • Maximum of 2 per world
    Ancient Crate River
    Forgotten Ruins • Maximum of 1 per world
    A narrow river surrounded by Ancient Crate Ancient Crates.
    Giant Stone Bridge
    Forgotten Ruins • Maximum of 1 per world
    A ruined stone bridge with a few Ancient Crate Ancient Crates scattered around.
    Golden Carrock Altar
    Forgotten Ruins • Maximum of 1 per world
    The Stone Pedestal Stone Pedestal always contains a Golden Carrock Golden Carrock.
    Amber Boulder
    Forgotten Ruins • Maximum of 1 per world
    The Amber Boulder Amber Boulder drops an Amber Larva Amber Larva, which permanently increases the player's maximum health.
    Small Maze
    Forgotten Ruins • Maximum of 2 per world

    A maze made out of indestructible Obsidian Block Obsidian Blocks.

    The Chest Chest in the middle always contains Healing Potion Healing Potion (3), Enrage Potion Enrage Potion (3), Stoneskin Potion Stoneskin Potion (3) and a Tin Sword Tin Sword.

    Medium Maze
    Forgotten Ruins, Azeos' Wilderness • Always generates at least once • Maximum of 3 per world

    A maze made out of indestructible Obsidian Block Obsidian Blocks.

    The Chest Chest in the middle always contains Ancient Gemstone Ancient Gemstone (10), Ancient Coin Ancient Coin (30), Iron Bar Iron Bar (10), Gold Bar Gold Bar (5), Ocarina Ocarina, Recall Idol Recall Idol and the Clear Gemstone Clear Gemstone.

    Large Maze
    Forgotten Ruins • Maximum of 1 per world

    A large maze made out of indestructible Obsidian Block Obsidian Blocks, filled with cavelings and Ancient Crate Ancient Crates.

    The Ancient Chest Ancient Chest in the middle always contains Recall Idol Recall Idol (2), Precious Urn Precious Urn (5), Chipped Plate Chipped Plate (2), Crystal Skull Shard Crystal Skull Shard (3), Ancient Gemstone Ancient Gemstone (10), Ancient Coin Ancient Coin (250), Oracle Card "Aura" Oracle Card "Aura", Caveling Figurine Caveling Figurine, Broken Handle Broken Handle and a Gold Crystal Necklace Gold Crystal Necklace.

    Stone Melody Room (style 1)
    Forgotten Ruins • Maximum of 1 per world

    The door can be opened by playing the notes BBNV BXVB or NVBV NVBV on any instrument while next to it.

    The Iron Chest Iron Chest always contains an Iron Key Iron Key and Magnetic Ring Magnetic Ring, alongside loot that would normally be found inside the Locked Scarlet Chest Locked Scarlet Chest. The Stone Pedestal Stone Pedestal always contains Caveling Perfume Caveling Perfume.

    Stone Melody Room (style 2)
    Forgotten Ruins • Maximum of 1 per world

    The door can be opened by playing the notes BBNV BXVB or NVBV NVBV on any instrument while next to it.

    The Iron Chest Iron Chest always contains a Gold Crystal Necklace Gold Crystal Necklace, Ancient Gem Plate Ancient Gem Plate, Recall Idol Recall Idol (3) and an Iron Sword Iron Sword, alongside loot that would normally be found inside the Locked Scarlet Chest Locked Scarlet Chest. The Stone Pedestal Stone Pedestal always contains an Enhydro Crystal Enhydro Crystal.

    Overgrown Grove
    Forgotten Ruins • Maximum of 1 per world
    A small grove with a lot of Carrock Carrocks growing.
    Stone Oasis
    Forgotten Ruins • Maximum of 1 per world
    A small oasis. The Stone Pedestal Stone Pedestal always contains an Enhydro Crystal Enhydro Crystal.
    Gold Boulder Island
    Forgotten Ruins • Maximum of 1 per world
    An island with a Gold Ore Boulder Gold Ore Boulder.
    Waypoint Room (Stone)
    Forgotten Ruins • Maximum of 1 per world
    An Ancient Waypoint Ancient Waypoint. Generates nearby Malugaz the Corrupted Malugaz the Corrupted.
    Caveling Throne Room
    Forgotten Ruins • Always generates • Approximately 300 tiles from The Core
    The dwelling of Malugaz the Corrupted Malugaz the Corrupted. Its summoning rune is located in the middle. Surrounded by a large dungeon.
  • History[]
