Core Keeper Wiki

The Tin Workbench is a workbench used to craft Tin tools and various furniture/crafting stations.



MaterialsCrafting station
Wood Wood (10)
Copper Bar Copper Bar (6)
Tin Bar Tin Bar (10)
Copper Workbench Copper Workbench


Crafting station

Alchemist's Table Alchemist's TableWood Wood (8)
Slime Slime (8)
Tin Bar Tin Bar (5)
Automation Table Automation TableCopper Bar Copper Bar (5)
Tin Bar Tin Bar (8)
Bait Workbench Bait WorkbenchWood Wood (8)
Tin Bar Tin Bar (5)
Bug Net Bug NetWood Wood (8)
Fiber Fiber (8)
Explorer Backpack Explorer BackpackTin Bar Tin Bar (5)
Fiber Fiber (10)
Iron Workbench Iron WorkbenchWood Wood (10)
Tin Bar Tin Bar (10)
Iron Bar Iron Bar (15)
Loom LoomWood Wood (10)
Fiber Fiber (4)
Wool Wool (4)
Loose Flooring Loose FlooringClay Block Clay Block
Music Workbench Music WorkbenchWood Wood (8)
Fiber Fiber (5)
Spike Trap Spike TrapTin Bar Tin Bar
Straw-bale Wall Straw-bale Wall (2)Wood Wood
Meadow Block Meadow Block
Tin Anvil Tin AnvilTin Bar Tin Bar (8)
Tin Fishing Rod Tin Fishing RodWood Wood (5)
Tin Bar Tin Bar (4)
Tin Hoe Tin HoeWood Wood (4)
Tin Bar Tin Bar (3)
Tin Pickaxe Tin PickaxeWood Wood (4)
Tin Bar Tin Bar (3)
Tin Shovel Tin ShovelWood Wood (4)
Tin Bar Tin Bar (3)
Woven Straw Floor Woven Straw Floor (2)Wood Wood
Meadow Block Meadow Block


Placed sprites[]


  • Can now be salvaged.
  • Various recipe changes:
    • New crafting: Woven Straw Floor and Straw-Bale Walls can now be crafted.
    • Added crafting: Loose Flooring and Loom have been moved from the Carpenter's Table to the Tin Workbench. Automation Table has been moved from the Scarlet Workbench to the Tin Workbench.
    • Removed crafting: Tin Sword has been removed from the Tin Workbench and added to the Tin Anvil. Carpenter's Table, Paintable Walls and Paintable Floors have been moved from the Tin Workbench to the Copper Workbench. Wood Fence and Wood Fence Gate have been moved to the Basic Workbench.
    • Renewed crafting: The crafting recipe for the Tin Hoe has been returned to the Tin Workbench.
    • Workbenches now have the option to select earlier tier Workbenches in their UI to allow crafting items from those Workbenches.
    • The new Music Workbench can now be crafted at the Tin Workbench.
  • The Bug Net can be crafted in the Tin Workbench, replacing the Tin Hoe and taking its spot in the crafting interface.