Core Keeper Wiki

Workbenches are a group of crafting stations used to craft tools, furniture, crafting stations and other miscellaneous items.

Starting with the Copper Workbench, all recipes from previous tiers are included and can be cycled through on the left side of the crafting menu.


Workbench Tooltip Sell
Basic Workbench Basic WorkbenchThe most basic of all workbenches.Ancient Coin symbol
Copper Workbench Copper WorkbenchA versatile workbench to prepare you for the underground world.Ancient Coin symbol
Tin Workbench Tin WorkbenchA better workbench to prepare you for the underground world.16 Ancient Coin symbol
Iron Workbench Iron WorkbenchEssential workbench for survival in the underground.109 Ancient Coin symbol
Scarlet Workbench Scarlet WorkbenchGreater workbench to be prepared for the outer cave systems.338 Ancient Coin symbol
Octarine Workbench Octarine WorkbenchMystical workbench for creating extraordinary gear.656 Ancient Coin symbol
Galaxite Workbench Galaxite WorkbenchOtherworldly workbench that helps tremendously to survive in the deepest caves.843 Ancient Coin symbol
Solarite Workbench Solarite WorkbenchA superior workbench to be prepared for dire trials.812 Ancient Coin symbol

